230986i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT ON— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 230986 WHEREAS, Helen Hefty of the County of RamsEy and State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated First Party, St. Paul Union Depot Company Employees' Credit Union, a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter designated Second Party, and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter designated Third Party, did enter into a Deed of Negative Easement on November 2, 1964 in connection with a rezoning of the premises des(�r±bed as: Lot 5, Block 1, Brenner Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, being located on the northeast corner of Clarence Street and Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, which premises had been zoned as "A Residence District ", which included the establishment of a nursing home, and granting a negative easement - pursuant thereto;, and WHEREAS, Third party has subsequently rezoned the premises above described to "Commercial" without any Negative Easement connected therewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute a Release of Deed of Negative Easement, with respect to said property. •• r P;OR lA. t, � a r>�tton Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson ` Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne In Favor Q Against NOV 2 91966 F� Adopted by the Council 19— Y2 9 I96� Approved 19— ' Mayor PUBLISHED DEC 31 19�, X22 I DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230986 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Helen Hefty of the County of Ramay and State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated First Party, St. Paul Union Depot Company Employees' Credit Unions a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter designated Second Party, and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter designated Third Party, did enter into a Deed of Negative Easement on November 2, 1964 in connection with a rezoning of the premises described as: Lot-5, Block 1, Brenner Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, being located on the northeast corner of Clarence Street and Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, which premises had been zoned as "A Residence District ", which included the establishment of a nursing home, and granting a negative easement pursuant thereto; and WHEREAS, °Third party has subsequently rezoned the premises above described to "Commereigl" without any Negative Easement connected therewith, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That -the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute a Release of Deed of Negative Easement, with respect to said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s n� Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne In Favor Against y . fROV 2 9 1966 Adopted by the Council X19- f NOV 2 9 1966 Approved 19— Mayor` 0 9 x �3���� _ a lo. � � wfflo THIS 1NUNTURE Made this day of NtiVVA=,, 1966,. by. and between IMUN NUTY of the County .fly ,Ramsey and State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated I%=' PARTYt ST. PAUL UN1014 # bT COMPANY WWWW CREDIT ©N, a Minnesota eorporation, hearoinafter designated $400ND PARTY, and CITY OP SAINT .PAUL, hereinafter designated. THIRD PARU.. �Tt�ESSETk�.s 10MUS, the parties did, oa t he 2nd day- of November # 1964, enter into a Daad of Negative Easement and Acdeptanae of ©tdinanca in con- nection. wit} ,a rezoning of the primes describer ass UST 5, MOO 19 BURNER ADAIT11011, according to the plat thereat ' on 931e and of record in the office',of the Reglater of Deeds.in and for Ramsey Gountya Hiphesota, i�eing► located on the northeast 0oxner of Olarenaer Street `and Iary�z�d 470nue, St. Paul, Minnesota, which premises had been zoned and cl.assifiod an ' ",A" Residence District under W by virtue of Ohapiters -60 and 64 inclusive, Zoning Mode, Vint Paul Legislative Codei as amended., to "G" Residence Dietriet which included the establiebment, maintenance ana conduct of a, nursing home subject to all applicable statutes, ordinances,' ruled 'and aegaletiohs p'reecribod and prom - ulgated by gover=ental ag'enoi es- having eogni janee thereof $ and ` T HMWS, PIP= and SECOND PARTIES accepted Ordinance No. 127(* and Ordinance N'a. 12795 and thereby granted a ftative: Easement pursuant thereto, and WWW S, UIRD FATTY -has eubseg'uently rezoned the premixes afore'descifted to 06mmeteJal without epy Negative, Usememt cannedted . �'* __#� =f ��' 'tai.'• therevith. NOWs TRMORE) it is agreed between the partied that the Deed of Negative Easement and then Aaee ptanee of Ordinance UO' cutod between the n partial on Move mbar 2, 19641, shall be rexleased and becomes a nullity and have no further effect and the premises sWl, in aecordanae with such subsequent rezoning, be treated as 4ommerdial District autbjec3t only to the limitations of the Zoning Code of the City of St. Paul and subject to all applicable statutes, ordinanoe3s i miles and regulations prescribed and promulgated by the Sity of St., Pax9 . IN WITNEW WHEREOF`, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this ,,,,,_,day of In the presence oft HELEN HEFTY — First Party ST. PAUL UNION MOT UWANY kOTLOYEESI CREDIT UNION By: rr.�w.nr.:r.0 ■ �.. .rir.rW r� r.:+.I.r.rwr President Secretary Second Party ` CITY OP SAINT PAUL Third Party STATE OF HIN,NESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RMSEY On this _day �6f , 1966, before cue, a Notary. Public within and for said County, personally appeared HET- ' HEFTY to me known to be the person described in and who executed the forogoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. N4TARY MLIC a• {fin this '-day, Or, x,1966,. ts4ore me, a, Notary Public within aid fav esid"Cqunty, persan y. ap axed and to mepr,800411y- kr4ownm who, dieing each by`Dio du2y-,:swotcn° did;-sap &6'.ospec3tively •tire President and ar.� y : �` ,;S'P..P�i :i# 14N. � k tiY F ''�° + �A 010N, the ovrp.6r ation%rsamo .r�� �� Eopagbing instrument,.and ' that tha seal. dfUzed to 8aic fai* uraaa+h: `ia ,the , i p rats �segl .off' sa_ id: corporation a?ld that said lnstrUmdht'� -has sigmed',:e 3 joealed 3a b� calf of as ;d a'' orpcargtlon bi ,authority oV its -'0401. d; Xiocto:V#� and said and I•. � gcknowl dged ,SM lastrument to be the free act and deed of said 'CcOorotion: NOTARY PI BUC - ` STATN OF 141MODTA Com 6P ARMY • eo. - • fan_ -thli '' " Of. p 1966, , i O.fore jno, a Notary 'i' t .ic vith'in and for ,mod CountIy .per , onglly appeared and , to +me pargonelly kfi w o who, being. each by �,e duly 9vorA, did- sad that they ' r and of the CITY OF i t aATM. UL rimed' In tha foregoing luatr�iQnt, �d that the oer�l af�'i. to ' b.aid instrUment le tho•sal of tho� CITY Oj,'WXZ PAUL `and that said and. 6eknowledged said instrument to bre' the• Free act -and deed bf th* said CM OF, SAINT PAM. NOTARY W =O I - 3 - k 0 e - 3 - k 0 A• „ i e A• „ i