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ORIGINAL TOiCITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN,01L jRESPtUTjI,Ob[--,-G�NERAL FORM VICTOR J. TEDESCO ` �,';JU9i4 Whe ,reas, The City Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of the two and one -half story frame duplex at 217 -219 McBoal Street, more particu- larly described as follows: 217 McBoal Except the West 50 feet, the South 80 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, Leach *s Addition to Saint Paul, and 219 McBoal - The South 80 feat of the West 50 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, Leaches Addition to Saint Paul, the Council held a public hearing on November 29, 1966 to consider the matter; now,• therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council, having heard the matter here- in, does hereby approve and adopt as its own the findings and con- clusions of the City Architect that the said structure constitutes a hazardous building, as defined by Chapter 393, Minnesota,Laws of 1965, by reason of its inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition, and abandonment, and that it constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, as more fully set out in the attached letter to the City Council, dated November 16, 1966, which letter is incorporated herein by reference; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Order to the last known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, to corm Y -...the hazardous condition or wreck and remove the hazardo Ting located on said property, and to inform the owner . n' ss such corrective action is taken to comply with the t �` n Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul, a Mobs ummary Enforcement of this Order will be made to the Dist. Court, and all necessary expenses incur- red by the City of SI nt Paul in taking any corrective action herein will be assessed against the real estate and collected as other taxes. f NOV 2 91966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays NOV 2 91966 Ste - Dalglish .,. Approved 19- Holland Meredith In Favor 4 Peterson 0 I Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne .?UBLISH -ED -DEC 3 1966 r' 22 illik. C-1 ulliG MY OF SAINT ICapital of Minnesota P A U 5 Cif BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect :Novembojr 16, 1966 Honproble Thotn,66 P.. Byrnef Mayor a0d NiQ llaots of tho MtViO ou.nall $Ubjedtj 211"219''mcgool. Street 445 City Hall, 55102 I 223 -4212 I The- folloWl-00 it • tePort of the 'Building • Department on. conditions of thia the owndt, of . prdport� khI as 21742110 M00al Str.d-et* T retort 0&?. 4. . " , ' 1 Street U Agnes 'Knapp Wlior')V, 4#661i and Mdtt Allor may have an interest - The owndt, of xo-eotd of 219 ft_3001_ $treot'is,961110 Alpert; and the followtnq appear tai have an, int"Orostl Libby 616q6l, Guardian for. Mol- lie Alpert, and. John Schmtd� -Proptift y Aaa age r or Ap Ott Ftb _ ertles, The loqtil d66 A tion of tho, pr6piarty at_2117W'Soal $trOOt 'icet, 8XIdent tho V""t iredt# this south go feet of Lot :8•} Bloe-k S Leach$z Addition to $Siot Paul* The -legal' ddsotltion. of tht? prop- erty at 2.19 MaBoal Street is* 'fhe. South 80 Poet of the West, 50 foot of Lot 8' B166k, 5, Leach's AddItion to 4aint, Paulo I-Atpettiolo was made oct,6ber 250 1966 and the tollowi%r 1,6 thO togpectorlt, teport=-bn the; property as detctibed Owe* This ptop- orty is olasaif ied - , I - as a dup ;ex -6f froo construction, two end OJI14- half ttojc4ea 10 botguto. app, roximatoly, 46 f eat"44as. 50 f Get long and 30 f oet -in, height,. The exterior It In very poor coaditiop. The mortar Joints- In the brAtk veneer are vrodIdd and dxWb1ifi9j, the outside porch6,, �, stair- 'waya and rall tnqa or -all dilapidate'd and rotted to - the ox ent that they, Ar�e d� 4096rop6f There, it: evidoodo that tho, 'roof is leakin%. the cozitice trim boards tre, rotted and in some 0ei- OiI Off# t 9 . a the wind n ows and doots -are broken gn• hanging Xolote,# 4+004 movdt Thome'O. RO #,YVA0 '- and Aoibbers -of thia oi, V Council) Thota, 16 6 fUll b4sement With � stone foUnd4-tion. Tho basoment Lo' Uttered, With 4A. a�ctenstvo amou j ;L. At of 00-ri-s. The mortar joints a'te badly etQdi.,�X* 0'' 0.6mon .. t1oot is badj " t "' k ' - 0',$ Y rac'. od $0 th tpip -All *00*i ate Oobtkig 10 OtOft OrOgbdu thd Wiudlkwf P1 .0 wall't, the doors abovih An6tt haVO 4 b"klo . been dft4l " __ the fined ids kro! k4 td! a 'd**Odp tho amro'' bpOk"mo. 6 t. b! 1, 6 t 6 4 ir e, thp, ;trim I m- hks-'bdoh haul lloid Off, tho 40,*1 S, '46a wpd6wf`,rimO'O., 4id-tho"Al-to on UOONP FLOOR. 6 The'' - Otadrwdvs gnd rallit 4t'thd from brid r0kp ttaw4y# shO rotted• and U vooms hove boon �bubj;odtod to d"OffiA 10111 The floo to tot and re qu Ado 0+, Tho pla-6u* is wrackod Orld fA111 400� 00.1,449's nq Off, the, :w .011, V-00me', ,.The 'd Oft's extdvindows ato 41 bkokor4,iarko tho 00.1, 449s , hoatet# b0d hoer discon I I n , nectodo ATTIC.- tho ettit 16 Suemn with ddbri�ai khO dud te'bnO W4440 WO A t and U, T-ho pUft bing bystem! is distdoopdte,d a4d ha booq tubjociO4 "to PXtehii., 00a 0' p'-Whot OUI: totliAss here to.udotsoty.ou djo po 0 .Pr jj -gs th , Petty;, t�td1difig'Nit beOn OtdOtOd :b64ktdpd UV by Osts-40. -of th6. -6evib, Us, AVO AM Matti 1 btzavd* end hho- rapdfts *q, Uvot aeosl^veJd ftam i (tot, 00 th.o. .44. hl.lce bapattmeAt'. Th's ooats of .66 1 1 , " "' re 710teodo O bedtime Pt of the conoomno�lwx costa.. ,p OVO: to b6 60606004 OO&iA$t thO ptopetty* It to tho retommondotton bt thit dqgO:ptm4At th4i b coug6 Oi the OoOditi tk bujl0tnq that ThOWOV64- it- 14'tho c6fidlvolwh tit. thO 8"UVOU Ot Oubild ghat d Off U00,01t6py, Oorwdft�oh Old albandoWont 1�hat:tfil' b' emittitutea, #.,hdza*d U, pu`13 b `hO4.1.th. fe'iy 6�d 'Wolf -it t ' rther hN"O � - .. h0#00un- - he fu - 1-000mmendst4oh Of Od city Ar� - , Ot that t , 41 r (Hoq* Mayor T�om�s�. �� „ $YVAG and 1�6mbeve Of Oio, city C6400a) t tarn r 16, 1966).. ,hold .6- pvi� lid... h- earirig at Up o'clock A.M. ©n,'iU*6d4y., NOVftber 2; .1,906 .�,o c'onsiddk. -the advUab lity 'bod 0� 06 $dity Of 60eta 1.19. do " Opti0b, Or wreak and sa o1►a taf rho a 1�ot itr o to a . aula ao tv aro�er y , ri b y f ; ; .vn bah a of' the i try hots fi mo, �cocor. •Ownbr o p op r y ue 8 it laat.A - odd' s r vii , M r . r o r Qr± , L f tho .date Oodtimo of ibi 7C t 3. ` y�: Robert L* AMOIAe 01 XT AACH TL QT DUPLICATE TO rRINTER f O �� i . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,oENCIL N0. ...� {A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED VICTOR J4 TEDESCO COMMISSIONER DATE - Whereas, The City,Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of the two and one -half story frame duplex at 217 -219 McBoal Street,- more particu- larly described as follows: 217 McBoal * Except the West 50 feet, the South 80 feet of Lot 8, Block 5,_ Leach's Addition to Saint Paul, and 219 McBoal - The South 80 feet of the West 50 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, Leach's Addition to Saint Paul,. the Council held a public hearing on November 299_1966 to consider the matter; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council, having heard the matter here- in, does hereby approve and adopt as its own the findings and con- clusions of the City Architect that the said structure constitutes a hazardous building, as defined by Chapter 393,.Minnesota Laws of 1965, -by reason of its inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition,, and abandonment, and that it constitutes - a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, as more fully set out in the attached letter to the City Council, dated November 16, 1966, which letter is .incorporated herein by reference; and be-it Further Resolved, That the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, is hereby authorized and directed to execute an . Order to the last known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws-of 1965, to correct the hazardous condition or wreck and remove the hazardous building located on said property,. and to inform the owner that unless such corrective action is taken to comply with the Order, or an Answer served upon the City of Saint ,Paul,•-a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order will be made to the 'District Court, and all necessary expenses incur- red by.the City of Saint Paul in taking any corrective action herein will be assessed against the real estate and collected as other taxes. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _earinm--__ Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne NOV 2 91966 ., Adopted by the Council 19- NOV 2 91966 Approved 19— Tn Favor -r --Against Mayor