23097234 Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY 0- /D, I 1$A N C E MAW"i .- 2430972 « OUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO % 3 %! finance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is ne�p lie i.. - d— THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 19140 as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 31 the words'. "or pending investigation of the actions or conduct of any employee which may result in a cause for discharge or 'reduction, ". Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 32, subsection A; and, by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 32. DISCHARGE AND REDUCTION- - A 1 There is hereby created a Civil Service Board of Review for the purpose of conducting, upon request, hearings in cases of reduction or discharge of employees in the Classified Service. The members of such Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, i subject to the approval of the Council. The first Board shall be appointed not later than thirty days after this amendment takes effect. One member shall be appointed for a term of two years, one member for a term of four years, and one member for a term of six years. All of said members shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed. Thereafter and within ten days before the expiration of the term of any member, the Mayor shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Council, a member of said Board whose term of office shall be for six years. Each member of said Board shall be President thereof during the last two years of the term for which he was appointed. The terms of the members of said Board shall end on June 30 of the last year of their terms. Any vacancy in the membership of said Board for any cause shall be filled within ten days after such vacancy occurs, in the manner specified for the appointment of ' members of said Board, such vacancy to be filled for the unexpired .term of the member. If any member of the Board, after having been notified of a hearing date, is unable to attend said hearing, Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr President (B rne) Attest: -OW® Passed by the Council y Approved: City Clerk A Form approved Corporation Counsel By VJ -V; In Favor A gainst 0 230972 Page 2.- he shall forthwith notify the Mayor, who shall within 5 days, nominate an alternate member, subject to the approval of the Council, to sit on such hearing board with the same powers ' as the regular.members. No person shall serve as a member of the Board at any time while holding any public office; or while standing as a candidate''fnr any public office, Notary f Public excepted; or while holding public employment; or while serving as a paid officer or employee of any political party or any employee organization. The Chief Civil Service Examiner- shall act as Secretary of the Board. The Board shall receive such compensation for personal expense incurred in connection with such service as'the Council shall approve. 2 The Bbard shall conduct its hearings informally and impartially,. in such manner as it deems best calculated to arrive at the ,:•�:� correctness of the charges-preferred,, and without regard to any t, technical rules of procedure or evidence. Meetings of the Board shall be held only when necessary to hear cases,.as provided in y ;,. this section. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary when a request has been made for a hearing under this , Section, or when required by the Veterans' Preference Act of the State of Minnesota.. 3 When an appointing officer has,good reason to believe that any regular employee in the Classified Service, under his jurisdiction, has given cause "for his reduction, either in rank and /or compensation, provided such reduction could be made in accordance with the Civil-Service Rules, or for his discharge from service, he shall notify said employee, in writing, served . personally or through the mails, at his last known address, setting forth the charges against him. A'.dopy of this communication shall, at the.same time, be filed with the Civil Service Commissioner. Within five days from the date of the mailing to him, at his last known 'address.. or the serving upon him of such notice, the employee may request, in writing, that he be given a hearing before the Board-. 4 In the event the.emplo.yee desires a•hearing before the Board, the Secretary of the Board shall,, within'ten days of the demand for hearing, set a date for such hearing. The decision of the Board shall be by a majority vote.. The appointing officer having jurisdiction over such erimployee shall. be served with a copy of the order of the Board, and shall-take such action as the Board directs. The Board shall have the power, after having heard whatever evidence it deems sufficient, to act r as follows: „ l _ E F Original to City Clerk `' 'R Odift DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 2309°2 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- 13 t • � ti Page 3. (a) Discharge the employee from service in the city in the Classified Service. (b) Reduce the employee in rank and /or compensation, provided such reduction could bemade in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. - (c) Suspend the employee, provided such suspension could be made in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. (d) Reduce and suspend said employee. (e) If the evidence does not support the action of the appointing officer, the employee may be reinstated, and the Board may order that the employee be paid his salary for any part of or for all of the time that he was relieved of his duties. 5 Service of the order upon the employee shall constitute his discharge, reduction, reduction of punishment, or exoneration, as the case may be. If the employee charged fails to appear • before said Board, or if he has not requested a hearing as prescribed in this section, the appointing officer shall remove or reduce, as the case may be, said employee. -The decision in;any case, under this section, shall be in writing and shall be.served and filed in the same manner as the charges-are served and filed. The charges and order of the appointing officer or of the Board of Review, as the case may be, shall be preserved ;.as public record by the Civil Service Commissioner. 6 Upon notice from the President or Secretary of the Board, it shall be the duty of any officer or employee of the City of Saint Paul to appear as a witness at any hearing before the Board, and to produce such books or_ papers as the Board may require. The Board shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths. 7 After the serving upon him of charges, any employee in the Classified Service may resign his position, and unless he is guilty of crime or misdemeanor, no further proceedings shall be -taken in the case." ..,�..�......... _.,.....,_ .... ­--j — .,..., r.. �. . w. �.,.. — r...,_­ r., »...,, 3. 30 days Section 4r. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force /from and after its passage, approval and publication. : DEC 161966' Yeas �r_\uncku%LoNays Passed by the Council Ca�aen- Dalglish S Tn Favor Holland U Meredith C) A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. Presiden "Byrne) A___.0-0-N, DEC 161966 A I No 191-0 PAO — NOR, . -we, . 114- 31, .41 Z' . nd I M_ Form approved Corporation Counsel By DEC 24 1966 • f - _ - S - n, air- `�` _ • - - - . - - -�I- 3 December 301966 Hon 'Thomas R. Byrne. _ Mayor -- Building-,, ' Attached-ia an ordinance passed by Counc ending Ord. No.,3250, pertaining to,,the Civil Service•Bur an ending Sections -31 and. -- 32.,:portaining to Discharge and Reduc T - We call your attention to men t t the Mayor appoint -a " -Board of Review not later an 30 d aft e he amendment takes _effect. The ordinance, _b ones effec a January -23, 1967. Very truly yours., - City Clerk AO /ng - " I st ! - 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app ted y+, Yeas Nays Yeas Nevis g F ,\ D- alglish \ Dalglish �kiolland 23097 J d �°j Holland Meredith eredith eterson Petefeeft* \ Tedesco \ Tedesco wlr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne ®