D002097CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • anNmvisr�� oxn� No: �OZ�d097 Date: ! — �'T `� � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements with the Landmazk Center and other venders as needed to provide services to the Division of Pazks and Recreation in connection with the Honored Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Tuesday, April 23, 2002, honoring division volunteers at a cost not to exceed $8,000. This banquet provides an opportunity to recoa i�e volunteers who have been selected as outstanding contributors who shaze their time and talents by volunteering for the Division of Pazks and Recreation. Funding code: 325-23144 • APPROVED AS TO FORM 'r �. � Assistant City At[ome � Date ,�—�, � Head Adminis[radve Assistant to Mayor DfPAIiTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCII Parks and Recreation ewo arioxe DATEINITIATfD � GREEN SHEET 1-04-02 Linda Ulrich 266-6478 sacN rnxaeEn flWTING MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGfliDA SY �DATE� pppEp TOiAI.l OF SIGNATIRtE PAGFS uunauowre �i 1 DEPARTMQITOIHECTO � Z anwrrorwer 3 flNANC1ALSEFiVICE501R. � MAYOfl (OR ASSI5fANT1 CLIP ALL IACAilONS PoR SICaNATUREI ��� L� poo aoq7 NO. t'10053 ixmamwT¢ ❑ an couNa� 4 cincieaic � flNANCIALSERV/ACCTG �Other ACT10N REQIiESTm: Approval of 58,000 funding for Honored Volunteer Dinner, on April 23, 2002 at the Landmark Center. RECAMMENOATIONS: Aqpvove W or IYejett lR{ �_ PUWNING COMMISSION �_ d9 COMMIT7EE GVII SERVICE COMMISSION A Staff INITIATING PftOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV M!ho, Whap When, Where, Whyl: VBIS�MAlSHtNCECONTRACTSfdU5TqN5WEFt 1. Ha d4a penaNfirm ever wo�ked urMer s ronvatt (or thia departmen[7 YES NO 2. Hn Nti� penoNfirm avar been � ciry emoleY�] YES NO 3. Doee N'n peraeNfirm paaaesa e skill no[ namdly possaased by eny current ciry employce> YES NO 6. Is this penoMnm a txpetad veMor7 YES NO Esplein dl yd amwm on aepente sheet end etrech to qresn aheet . ortunity to recog�ize specific volunteers who have been selected as outstanding contributors who share their time talents in Saint Paul by volunteering tor the Division of Parks and Recreation. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Volunteers wi41 have a stronger sense af value of donating their time to the City of Saint Paul and our neighborha`ods. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED: None. ,JAN r� 9 2[i�1 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED " u ' � • ° o ���J�»j� T Volunteers may feel less inclined to volunteer their time and talents if they are not recognized and appreciated for their efiForts. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION S SH2OOO COST/flEVENUE BUDGETED (CIPCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOWiCE 325-23144 ACTIViTYNUM6FFt �EC,r_�dL� FNANqALINFORMATION: (EXPWN� ��eA � � �IZr� �y UU �I� s � �����. ° H:IpiojectslVOLBANQ12002VBIGSV82002.wpd