05-620F Council File # � - �� Resolution # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To IZ Committee: Date RESOLUTION DECERTIFYING NINE NEIGHSORHOOD PLANS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, in order to make sure that the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan is current and internally consistent, the Planning Commission has set a goal in 2005 to hy to update and clean up the array of neighborhood plans that have been incrementally adopted as parts of the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, Policy 83 explains how the City intends to update and maintain district and neighborhood plans; WFIEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Sec. 473.864 (Subd. 2) requires decennial review and updating of comprehensive plans by municipalifies in the metropolitan area; WHEREAS, on May 6, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a proposal to decertify 13 old neighborhood plans, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger and mailed to district councils and other affected �oups; and WfIEREAS, on June 3, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed all of the testimony and the staffl s recommendations and concluded that nine of the thirteen plans considered at the pubiic hearing should be decertified; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby decertifies the following nine neighborhood plans and remove them from the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan: 27 1. 28 2. 29 3. 30 4. 31 5. 32 6. 33 7. 34 8. 35 9. 36 37 38 39 Downtown Development Plan (1982) - replaced in 2003 Downtown Framework for Development (1986) - replaced in 2003 Downtown Parknig Plan (1986) - partially implemented, out of date Etna-Birmingham Plan (1981) - largely implemented, out of date Selby Avenue Land Use Plan (1989) - replaced in 1997 W. Seventl�/Chestnut Small Area Plan (1991) - largely implemented, replaced in 2000 White Bear-Ruth Small Area Plan (1991) - major recommendafions were implemented Concord-Robert Small Area Plan (1992) - replaced in 2001 Shepazd-Davern Sma11 Area Plan (1993) - replaced in 1999 �1��� Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune Adopted b Adoptiox Approved t/ � DS- �� This Page Left Blank Tntentionally Plannin � Economic Develo ment Approved by Financial Services oS- � aD � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � --�-. _..--�--...--•---�--°- � pE - Planning&EconomicDevelopment 2�..,�N-05 , Green Sheet NO: 302703 ; Contact Person & Phone: � Shavmteca Hartly , 266b562 Must Be on Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt the attached resolution to decertify nine old neighborhood plans, as recommended by the Panning Commission. A public hearing was held at the Planning Commission on May 6, 2005. . Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB Committee Civif Service Commission 3. Does this person/fittn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current c�ty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The decertificarion of neighborhood plans is part of the Planning Commission's 2005 goal of cleaning up the neighboxhood section of the Comprehensive Plan. The nine plans that have been recommended for decertification are old and/or obsolete. The plan dates range from 1981 to 1993. Furthermore, the nine plans have been replaced by a more up-to-date plan and/or the ma�or recommendarions have been implemented. Advantaqes If Approved: The decerpficarion of these nine plans is necessary for updating the neighborhood section of the Comprehensive Plan. ����� Y I DisadvantapeslfApproved: �I�� O Z �� None. � � • � � ueoarUnen[ senc � o rerson 0 Planainf & Economic Devebo Assign 1 lannine & Economic Develon �� DeoarMent Director � Number � 2 iN Attornev � itv Attomev For Routing i 3 1Mavo 's Office MavoriAssistaut Order 4 �nnnril ! Cih' COUncil ! 5 ICiri Clerk � Cih Clerk Contracts Must Answer the Following Gtuestions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry emptoyee? Yes No Disadvantapes If Not Approved: � The neighborhood plans section of the Comprehensive Plan will rexnain confusing because it will include old plans that aze old but still have legal standing. -1 iotal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: �@S$2fT�1 �en1P(' Fi nancial Information: (Explain) Activitv Number: JUL 0 6 2Q�6 D�- �a.o city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 0��-65 date ,Tune 3. 2005 DECERTIFTCATION OF CERTAIN OLD NEIGHBORHOOD PLANS WHEREAS, in order to make sure that the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan is current and intemally consistent, the Planning Commission has set a goal in 2005 to try to update and clean up the array of neighborhood plans that have been incrementally adopted as parts of the Comprehensive Plan; WI�REAS, Minnesota Statutes Sec. 473.864 (Subd. 2) requires decennial review and updating of comprehensive plans by municipalities in the metropolitan area; WHEREAS, the Land Use Chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, Policy 83 explains how the City intends to update and inaiiitain district and neighborhood plans; WHEREAS, on May 6, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a proposal to decertify 13 old neighborhood plans, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger and mailed to district councils and other affected groups; and WHEREAS, on May 25, 2005, the Commission's Neighborhood and Cunent Planning Committee reviewed all of the testimony and the staffls recommendations and concluded that nine of the plans considered at the public heazing should be decertified, but that four of the plans should be retained unril they can be updated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the Mayor and the City Council that the following nine neighborhood plans be decertified and removed from the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan: 1. Downtown Development Plan (1982) - replaced in 2003 2. Downtown Framework for Development (1986) - replaced in 2003 3. Downtown Parking Plan (1986) - partially implemented, out of date 4. Etna-Birmingham Plan (1981) - largely implemented, out of date 5. Selby Avenue Land Use Plan (1989) - replaced in 1997 6. W. Seventh/Chestnut Small Area Plan (1991) - largely implemented, replaced in 2000 7. White Bear-Ruth Small Area Plan (1991) - major recommendarions were implemented moved by M�rai i seconded by in favor Unanlmo„S against o�- ��� Resolution on Old Nelghborhood Plans June 3, 2005 Page Two 8. Concord-Robert Small Area Plan (1992) - replaced in 2001 9. Shepazd-Davern Small Area Plan (1993) -replaced in 1999 BE IT F'[IRTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the following four plans be retained as parts of the Comprehensive Plan unril they are updated or policies in them that are srill useful are incorporated into other chapters of the Comprehensive Plan: 1. Skyway Policy Plan (1986) 2. Lower Cathedral Hill Plan (1988) 3. YOUniversity Avenue P1an (1982) 4. Wheelock-Rice Small Area Plan (1991) OS- 6�p AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey Patrick Boulay, being duly swom on oath says she/he is and during all the tunes herein stated has been the publisher or the publisher's designated agent in charge of the newspaper I -- — l�own as the St. Paul Legal Ledger and has full l�owledge of ' xoT1cE oF rusrac �;axurG �e facts which are stated below: � The Saint Pa�lanning Commission ,i w;ll hola a pub&c hearing to consider the (A) The newspaper has complied with alI of the requirements , decertification of certain neighborhood ' plans. The City is in the process of clean- consfituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided ingupthesecondhalfoftheComprehea- by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable sive Plan, which is comprised of all the - law5, as amended. neighborhood plans that have beea adopted by the City Council over the years.Nianyoftt�eplansareolflanflohso- (g) The printed Notice, 22096120,which is attached was cut lete. The eitywide Comprehensive Plan from the columns of said newspaper and was printed and sets a rule that neighborhood pIans shouidbereviewedeverytenyearsand,if published on April 21, 2005, and was thereafter printed and necessary, updated or decertified. publish°d: The Plaiming Coinmission has fised the � 6th day of May, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 49 in the basement of the City Hail = Court House, 15 West Kellogg Boule- vazd, Saint Paul, Minnesota for the public hearing. All comments fiom members of the public concernuig these plans will be heard at that time. If you have any ques- tions, please contact Shawntera Hardy at 651-266-6562. . and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to GEORGE JOI3NSON, Chair � Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the Saint Paul Planning Commission size and kind of e used in the com osition and ublication (epritzl) tS'P P P ______= ST. PAUG LEGAi, LEDGER ==�=z= O{ Sald ri0Y1CC: 22096120 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day 2005 � ��,�� e� ;�����nts�-ir�.'.�'+;;��i �sr�s° s��4w� °ucl�-A�3id:�s��ta RATE IN£OR3fATION 1. Lowest class�ed rate paid by commercial users for 3.25000 compazable space is 2. Mazimum xate allowed by 1aw For the above publication is 1•75200 1.62006 3. Rffie aMUally charged For the publication is , _..�! � . Saint Pairl Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Bonlevard West Minntes of May 6, 2005 A meeting of fhe Planning Commission of the City of Saint Pau1 was held Friday, May 6, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. in tha Conference Center of City fiall. Commissiotters . Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall, Morton, and Trevino; Present: and Messrs. Aligada, Bellus, Coletta, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott. Commissioners Mtnes. *Porter; and Messrs. *Aiton,*Anfang,*Dandrea, *Goodlow, and *Gordon. Absent: *Excused � Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planniug Administrator; Shawntera Fiardy, Jessica Rosenfeld, Patricia James, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom Beach, LIEP. I. Approval of minutes of Apr�122, 2005 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved .approval of the minutes of Apri122, 2005. Commissioner ponneZly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carrfed un¢nimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Johnson reminded the Comaussioners abont the Millazd Fillmore dinner on May 12, 2005. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderhoim reported on planning-related City Council business for last week and announced their agenda for next week. Mr. Soderholm reminded the Commissioners about the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Home Tour this coming weekend. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: Neighborhood Plan Decertification Item from the Neighborhood & Current Planning "Committee. (Larry Soderholm, 65I/266-6575; and Shawntera Hardy, 651/266-6562) Shawntera Hazdy gave a brief staff report. 05- �aa Chair Johnson read the rules of procedure for the public heazing and announced that notica of os-� ao the public heazing was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on Apri121, 2005, and was mailed to the cirywide Early Notification System list of recipients and other interested parties. The following people spoke: 1. Kerry Antrim, District 6 Communiry Council Chair. Ms. Antrim stated District 6 is requesting that ffie Comurission hold off on decertification the Wheelock-Riee Street Small Area Plan. They feel that parts of plan remain very important and they aze not covered 3n their District 6 Plan, which was adopted in 7uly 2004, The district councff wants to make sure that ihe policies for the Wheelock-Rice area, especially relating to protecrion of ttie Wheelock Bluff, are not deleted from the City's comprehensive plan. At the quesrion of Commissioner Trevino, Ms. Antrim stated their review wouid take about 90 days. 2. Paul Mohrbacher, 442 Summit Avenue, #7, Saint Paul, MN. Ivlr. Mohrbacher stated he is Chair of the Capitol River CouncIl, District 17. IIe works at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Mr. Mohrbacher stated the District 17 Council opposes decertifying the Lower Cathedral Hill Plan and the Skyway Plan, as they expiained in the letter they submitted to Mr. Soderholm in Mazch: The Distdct Council would like to review the Skyway Policy Plan and the I,ower Cathedral Hill Plan and potentially update or incorporate them into newer plans. The staff report on decertification noted that the Downtown Development Skrategy of 2003 has replaced three eazlier downtown plan. This is true; deleted those three , plans is okay. But the 2003 plan doesn't specifically address the Lower Cathedral Hill area or the skyv✓ays. So these two plans should be kept antil they can be updated or incorporated other parts of the comprehensive plan. Given that a Twins baseball pazk being taken off the table, it would be timely to take another look at the Lower Cathedral Hill azea. 3. Lairy England, 162 College Avenue, #4, Saint Paul, MN. Mr. England stated his condo overlooks Cleveland Circle and he stated he serves on ffie District 17 boazd. He and the Capitol River Council aze concemed that the Lower Cathedral Aill Plan, which covers Cleveland Circle, is scheduled foi decertificarion. Cleveland Circle's role as a major gateway to tfie downtown is hazd to miss. According to MN DOT approximately 30,000 cazs a day drive on Kellogg Blvd. from Summit to West Seventh, not counting days when events aze occurcing downtown. It provides a first impression of downtown for many of our visitofs. Mr. England has attended many planning meetings for the azea and design charrettes hosted by the Design Center. He served on a committee that came up wiffi design guidelines for the development of C1eveland Circle; some of the design guidelines were based on the L.owez Cathedral Hill Pian foz view corridors and heights. However, those design guidelines were not officially adopted by the city. It wouid not be appropriate to decertify the only plan that specifically addresses that azea. Once a new plan has been developed, they would have no objection to decertificafion of the old plan. 4. Paul Mandell, PrincipaI Planner for the Capitoi Area Architectural and Planning Boazd, and lives at 8320 Cletus Avenue, Inver Grove Heights, MN. Mr. lt�iandell stated he is also here today to speak against the decertificarioa of the Skyway Pian and the I.ower Cathedral Hill Plan. Mr. Mandell said the Cleveland Circle acivally used to be within the Capitat Area � � 2 � District and said they relinqaished control of that through statute at the requesz of rhe City with assurances that it would be developed in a manner compatible with the Comprehensive Plan of the Capitol. He thinks it wonId be a major shortcoming to eliminate protection of the view-sheds and the view corridors of the Capitol and Cathedtal merely because the I.ower Cathedral Hill Plan is 20 years old. They would like to update the plan and incorporate its important po&cies into other chapters of the comprehensive plan. The Fitzgerald Pazk Plan stops shy of this azea at its east end; the West Sedenth-Seven Corners PIan shy of this azea on the its west end. Neither addresses heights and views affecting the Capitol. There is a state_ statute that requires the City to cooperate with the Capitol Azea Planning district, including areas just beyond the boundaries. With regazd to the Skyway Plan, they have found there is a great deal of ambiguity about Skyway governance—who's in chazge. The Skyway Plan, while it is outdated, is something to start with. They have akeady formed a task force at the Capitol River Coancil to work on updating tha plan. They have been working with staff of the Mayor's office to update and address the guestions that have arisen. Just in tIie azea of signage several serious problems have arisen that jeopazdize the public integriry of our skyways. He encouraged the Planning Couunission not to decertify either of these two glans. 5. Dave Nelson, City Real Estate office, and lives at 5566 Alameda Street, Shoteview, MN. Mr. Nelson stated in 1997, when the Skyway Govemance Committee was repealed, that function of skyway management transferred from PED to Real Estate. So he is talldng as a practitionez of skyway govemance. He agreed with Paul MandeII that a plan tiiat is 20 yeazs old sure needs to be refreshed. There have been different philosophies about signage; hours have been an issue over the last 5-6 yeus. But after qou take those things into acconnt, the City has experienced a good working relationship with many of the properry owners out there, respecting that it is a real pazinership activiry, given that the City has pedesuian easements tfirough buildings that they own. There is a 1ot of good will, 6ut there aze also the issues of hours, advertising, and signage, which need to be addressed particulazly with the newex residential communities coming on line downtown. Mr. Nelson stated he would like to participate in updating the Skyway Policy Plan. MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved to refer this matter back to the Neighborhood & Current Planning Committee and leave the public hearing open for additional written testimony until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May IO"`, 2005. �ommissioner Zimmer Lonetti seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote, V. Zoning Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Cominittee report. OLD BUSINESS #OS-068-378 Winttuop Sin¢le-Familv Home- Site Plan Review for a new single-family house. 816 Winthrop St., SE corner at AllsYon. (Tom Beach, 651/266-9086) os 6 ao Commissioner Morton stated District i recommended denial. No one spoke in support. Four people spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Susars %imberLy, Dirertor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rmrdy G %vlly, Mayor DATE: May 25, 2005 TO: Planning Commission 25 Wer[ Fourth SYred SaimPaul, MN55702 FROM: Neighborhood and Current Pianning Committee SUBJECT: Decertification of Neighborhood Plans t�-� ao � Telephane: 651-2666565 Facsimile 651-228-3261 BACKGROUND As you know, on May 6, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to discuss the decertification of thirteen neighborhood plans. The individuais/organizations that testified suggested that the City review, update andlor save parts of the following four plans: Skyway Policy Plan (1986); Lower Cathedral Hill Plan (1988); YOUniversity Avenue Plan (1982); and the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Small Area Plan (1991). Festimony was not heard on the remainder of the plans, however, position Ietters which are attached were received. RECOMMENDATIONS After hearing testimony and review of all of the plans, the Neighborhood and Current Pianning Committee recommends that the Planning Commission finds this proposal consistentwith the Comprehensive Plan and approve the attached resolution, with recommendations that: The Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee recommends that the following nine plans be allowed to expire this summer: Downtown Development Plan (1982) Downtown Framework for Development (1986) Downtown Parking Plan (1986) Etna-Birmingham Plan (1981) Selby Avenue Land Use Plan (1959) West 7'"/Chestnut Small Area Plan (1991) White Bear- Ruth Smali Area Plan (1991) Concord-Robert Small Area Plan (1992) Shepard-Davern Plan Small Area Plan (1993) The Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee recommends that the following four plans are not decertified: Skyway Poiicy Plan (1986) - Do not decertify. Keep the plan as a part of the Comprehensive Plan until new updated skyway pol'�cies are written and approved by the City. Lower Cathedral Hiil Plan (1988) - Do not decertiTy. The area still has a lot of development potential, but it has been on hold because of the ballpark debate. The existing plan should be replaced whenever a new plan for the area is done. 05-l0�0 Planning Commission May 25, 2005 Page 2 YOUniversity Avenue Plan (1982) - Do not decertify. Review the plan to determine if it is consistent with the T.O.D. studies done for the area. A new round of planning for University Avenue needs to be done in conjunction with Light Rail Transit (LRT) planning for the Central Corridor. The policies and recommendations outlined in the 1982 plan are adequate until a new plan is done. Wheelock Bluff/Rice Small Area Plan (1991) - Do not decertify. Review the plan further and update approximately three or four policies that relate to the Wheelock Bluffs and storm water management and add them to District 6 Plan as an amendment. Please feel free to contact me at 651266.6562 or shawntera.hardv(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us if you have questions. Attachments Resolution Copy of Letter from Lexington-Hamline Community Council Copy of Email from Dayton's Bluff District Community Council Copy of Letter from University United Copy of Letter from Merriam Park Community Council Copy of Letter from District 1 Community Council Copy of Letter from Disfid 6 Planning Councii Copy of Letter from Como Park Community Council Copy of letter from the CapitolRiver Council Copy of letter from West 7'"/Fort Road Federation Copy of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2005 Public Hearing o5-�a� May 10, 2005 Shawntera Hazding Department of Planning and Economic Development City Ha11 Annex 25 West 4'� Street - St. Paul, NIlV 55102 Deaz Shawntera, On behalf of the Le�ngton-Hamline Comxnunity Counoil, I want to recommend that the YOUniversity Avenue Plan from 1982 be incorporated into current plamiiug for the Midway area ratlxer than be decertified. Despite the age of this document, it remains incredibly relevant to the community vision for the corridor and in fact provides greater detail in many areas than our current Lex-Ham Tomorrow Plan. I found all of the proposals and recommendations to remain valid today and most have yet to be accomplished. , I hope that we will have an opportunity to integrate many of these recommendations into current thinking and planning for our area. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jessica Treat Executive Director Lexington-Hamline Community Council 1221 Mazshal Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 hawntera Hard -Area Plans Pa e 1 �"�a�.0 From: "Nachee Lee" <Nachee@DaytonsBluff.org> To: �shawntera.hardy@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 4/13/2005 11:01:09 AM Subject; Area Plans Shawntera, 1 am writing to confirm that we do not have any area plans that need tb be decertified or update. Besides, we only have one area plan-Bruce Vento Sanctuary, and that is still currenf. Currently, we are working on our District Plan Summary. We plan to have it compiete by the end of the year. If you have any questions, please feei free to contact me. Thanks. Nachee Lee Executive Director Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Couneil 798 Easf Seventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-772-2075 651-774-3510 (Fax) "Vital citizens participate fully in society" �5 -�a a o May 5, 2005 Shawntera Hazding Department of Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex 25 West 4�' Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Shawntera, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to the proposed decertification of the YOUniversity Avenue plan. I must confess I only had a passing lrnowledge of this plan until it was placed on the decertification list — which of course prompted me to go back and read it more closely. Frankly I was very pleasantly surprised to see how intelligent, thoughtful, and forward looking this plan was. I� reads as well today as it did when written in 1982. Among the more remarkable re�ommendations was a cali to "Promote the relocation of the MTC garage at Snelling and S'f. Anthony for a Planned Aevelopment of parlflng, commercial, office, and residential/ mixed use". (page 10, number 26). I am hard pressed to find anything in this plan that is not as relevant and valid today as when it was written over 20 years ago. I would suggest that this report be incorporated into any current plans for the area. Rather thart decertify it, I suggest that you create a new awards program — to honor community plans that have withstood the test of time, as this one has. The two PED planners, Jaines Zdon and Thomas Zahn deserve a special commendation. I hope that we will have an opporhuiity fo integrate many of these recommendations into current tl�inking and planning for our azea. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, �--�,-�- � �°�'-�'. Brian McMahon cc. Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Haxnline Midway Coalition Merria4n Park Community Council Snelling Haxnline Communify Council Lexington Hamline Community Council 1954 Universiiy Avenue , Suite 1• Saint Paul, MN 55704 • Phone 651.647.6771 • fax: 651.641.0293 • www.urriversityunfted.com 05•6 ap o Q\a �e to Li��, � o Q � 18 Apri12005 Shawntera Hardy City of Saint Paul Merriam Park Community Council 1684 Selby Avenue • St. Paul • Minnesota • 55104 mpcc@merriam-park.org • www.merriam-pazk.org te1:651.645.6887 • faJC:651.917.9991 Dept. of Pla.nning & Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Shawntera: Thank you for your recent visit to the District Council Community Organizer's monthly meeting. As per your request, I am writing to inform you that the Dishict 13 - Merriam Pazk Community Council Small Area Plan was updated through community process, and adopted by the Saint Paul City Council on February 4, 2005. The sunmiary was appended to the Comprehensive Plan and replaces the Merriam Park portion of the District 13 Plan, adopted in 1978. Donna Dnulunond in PED prepazed the "Area Plan Summary: Merriam Park Community Plan. " . Best wishes in your work with PED. Please let me know if you have any questions about MPCC's Community Plan. Sincerely, � Gt�.c.r�s—� �A..--s? Theresa Heiland Executive Director Merriam Park Community Council , t a5-�a,o DistrictlCommunity Council DistrictlNews Battle Creek Poiice Storefront The newspaper of the District 1 Commanity Conac�7 " A Commnnity ParLneiship" 2090 Conway Street, Room 126 2107 Old Hndson Road, SmRay Shopping Center Sainf Panl, MN SSll9 Saint Paul, MN' S5ll9 voice: (651) 501-6345 faa: (651} 501-6346 voice: (651) 702-6770 faa: (651) 7148229 Shawntera M. Hardy PED 1300 City Hall Annex ' 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Decertification of the White Bear Avenue- Ruth Street Plan Dear Shawntera, The District 1 Community Council reviewed the White Bear Avenue-Ruth Street smail area plan at their monthly board meeting on April 25th. It was decided that we are in approval of decertifying the plan. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to call me at 651-501-6345. Thanks, I �� Ann Mueller Community Organizer, District 1 District 1 Community Council • 2090 Conway St • Room 126 • SL Paul, MN 55119 voice: (651) 501-6345 fax: (651) 501-6346 e-mail: D'utrictlCouncil(�Jaol.com �5-��.0 District 6 Planning Counci! St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone 651488-4485 Fax 657 488A343 district6@popp.net April 14, 2005 � Shawntera M. Hardy Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hafl Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Hardy, The District 6 Planning Councii w9s uoaware that the decert�cation of the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan was being considered due to staff and Board changes. We respectFuliy request that the plan not be decertified until we have had the opportunity to revisit the plan and have discussions with the affected community, As you may know, over the last few years we have spent countless hours deveioping a new Large Area Ptan for District 6. Creating this new plan was volunteer and time intensive, but was also an identified priorify by both the city and District 6. The Wheelock BlufflRice Street Plan is important to the neighborhood as it protects one of the few remaining natural habitats in St. Paul. The bluffs are unique and are home to many forms of wildlife, native flowers and prairie grasses. We believe Yhsre should be a plan in place to protect this u�ique part of the city. Many volunteer hours were devoted to the development of the original Wheelock BlufflRice Street Plan. Our intent is to reconvene as many of those volunfeers as possib[e, encourage involvement from others and revisit the pfan. We expect this work will be done in 2006. Thank-you for your consideration to this request. . Sincere(y, n ll. � �..v'��i l District 6 PI ning Council Kathy Cole, Chair a5-�a a , . �COMO�i� �� Dtstiucr 10 - CoMO Cor,tMOnnn Couivc¢ Apri129, 2005 Shawntera Hazdy, Planner St Pau1 Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4`� SL St Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Hardy, At the Apri112, 2005 Community Organizers meeting you requested District Councils apprise you of their planning status. At this time District 10 Como Community Council has two plans; the fust is a Small Area Plan for the Midway Parkway, this plan is in effect and we wish to retain it. Second is our neighborhood plan which dates back to 1979 and is largely outdated. The Disaict 10 Land Use Comsnittee is currently working on updating the 1979 plan. If you have an questions please call our staff person, Sue McCall at 651-644-3889 or email district].00a)comopark.org. Sincerely, Jillian Ierian Nathan Volz, Co- Chairs Land Use Committee ,/ 155G Cor�o AveNUe • Snixr Pnuc, MN 55108 • PHONS: (651) 644-3889 • Fnx: (651) 646—G645 E-mtn¢: distcic[lOG�comoparkoig • WES S7xa: http://distcictl0.comopack.ocg o -� a.o CapltolRiver W Council District 17 332 Minnesota Street Suite W I22 . Saint Paul, MN 55101 (65I) 221-0488 FAX (651) 221-OSS i Website: www.capitolrivercouncil.org E-maif: info@capitolrivercouncil.org March 18, 2005 Larry Soderholm Department of Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex. Suite 1100 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Soderholm: The CapitolRiver Council- District 17 has reviewed the PED staff recommendations for updating eacisting neighborhood plans that you sent with a letter on May 22, 2004. Tfie disfrict council agrees with several recommendations to allow certain plans to expire at the end of 2005. However, there aze a few plans that we wouId like to review as a district council and, potentially, update or incorporate into new plans. Please see the following three recommendations that the CapitolRiver Counoil formulated at a committee meeting on October 6, 2004 regazding ' neighborfiood plans in district 17. 1. Tfie CapitolRiver Council agrees with PED staff's recommendation to allow the 'following plans to expire: Downtown Development Plan (1982), Downtown Fraznework for Development (1986), and Downtown Pazking Plan (198�. 2. The CapitolRiver Council made a recommendation different from that provided by PED staff regarding the Skyway Policy Plan and the Lower Cathedral Hill plan. The district councii would like to review these two plans aud, potentially, update or incorporate into new plans. 3. The CapitolRiver Council plans to initiate a planning process sometime in the next year for the Lowertown azea. Piease ieel free to contact me with any questions you might have rega=ding the recommendations. Thauk you for the thorough review that you and your staff couducted. The recommendarions provided a helpful foundafion for a discussion at the district oouncil meetings. Kind Regards, ��. Sheila Lynch Director cc: - - � PED y '.__... ___. - . .. . ..... .. ... .. _ "...__..�._._._..__._..�__.'._"_'__'_'-.�_�._._ ' . . . ' ' � J ���� , March 1 S, 2005 West 7th/F'ort Road �ederation 974 VZest?th Street SainE Paul, Minnesots 55102 : .. ... .. . ......... ... _ .. . ....._... ` (812)298-5599 Lucy Thompson Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Streef St. Paul, NHnnesota 55102 � Dear Lucy, The West Seventh Federatian is in the process updating the District 9 Plan from 1980. We will have a draft plan for Planning Commission revievv by Apri( 2006. • ln July 2004 the P(anning Update Cammitfee and the West Seventh Federation board voted to aliow the West SeventhlChesfiuf Sma(1 Area P(an to be ai(owed to expire. °ncerely, �� Bet#y Mor C�WCK Cooparating Fund Drive Ivlember AfLizmative AetionlEqual Qpportunity Employer