230959 - � 3�- �f�5'9 Council F'lle No. 230959—By Robert F.' Peterson— Resolved, That up on the petition of ' Hazel Sorenson 'and others, those sec- tions of a public street and alley here- inafter described be and the same � hereby are vacated and dLscontinued as � a public street and p�p�� alley: Snelling Avenue from the north- westerly line of West Seventh Street,as widened,to the northerly line of Lot 7,Block 3, C. W, Young- man's 2nd Additlon to Saint Paul, extended westerly, together with � the alley in said Block 3 between �the easterly line of Snelling Ave- nue and the northerly line of Lot 7 of said block, extended easterly; subject expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: 1.That the vacation be described as follows: vacate Snelling Avenue from the northwesterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened, to the northerly line of Lot 7, Block 3, C. aint Paul, extended w steriy Alsp vacate alley in said Block 3 between � the easter�y lfne of Snelling Avenue and the northerly line of I,ot 7 of said block, extended easterly; 2.That the vacatiou be subject to all �e te�fm{handLeg�lative C decti� amended, regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of �ublic grounds, streets � alleys and lughways in the City o� Saint Paul; 3.That the granting af thls vacation shall not imply City Councll ap- � proval of the pending petition to rezone the land in this general area; 4.That speciflc easements be retained to protect the interests of the North- , ern States Power Company and the Northwestern Bell Telephone Com- pany; 5.That the �etitioner pay to the City the sum of $4,590 as compensation for the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amount of $2.000. Adopted tiy the Council November 25, 1988. - Approved November 25, 1968. (December 3, 1968) d ��i:�M•�:,4r: � . . • •yc� . . .4 •