230868original to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- I 3 4t An Ordinance creating a Municipal Bureau of Public Information, defining its duties, and providing for the appointment of a Director thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. There is hereby created a Municipal Bureau =` of Public Information, under the direction of a Director of Public Information. Section 2. The Director shall be appointed by the Mayor with consent of the Council and shall be in the un- classified service as the same is defined by Section 100 of the City Charter. Section 3. The Director shall administer the affairs of the Bureau and shall have the responsibility for presenting to the public and to news media, in convenient form, accurate information about the functions, policies, and activities of City government. _v Section 4. It is declared to be the policy of the City of Saint Paul that the public interest is best served when the considerations which enter into the formulation 6f public bolicy are freely and fairly available to interested persons and, to this end, all departments and agencies of city govern- ment shall render their full and complete cooperation to the Director of Public Information. Section 5. All public information releases by any City officer, department, or agency, shall be as far as possible coordinated with the Director of Public Information and, in any event, the aforesaid Director shall be provided with two copies of any such releases at or before the time of release. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen - Garlsoft Dalglish Holland Meredith_ Peterson _ Tedesco Mr. Presiden tte t: Nays Passed by the Council DEC 21966 In Favor Q Against Form approved Corporation Counsel By I DEC 21966 DEC 10 1966 L Ist --T 2nd Laid over to j 3rd and app — Adopted / 7 Yeas \ Nays Yeas Nays `Carlson S"kerr- �alglish \ Dalglish 0 V-lolland Holland Vvleredith08 eterson Peterson \ Tedesco \ Tedesco r. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne