230859ORIGINML TO CITY CLERK CITY OFFICE O FOF ST. -PAUL THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER , DATE COUNCIL 230&59 FILE NO. - RESOLVED, That pursuant to a Notice of Discontinuance of Service dated November 2, 1966, relative to operation of passenger train service of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company pertinent to passenger trains operating daily as Nos. 19 -190 and 201 -20 between the Twin Cities and St. Louis, Missouri, and of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company relative to passenger trains operating daily as Nos. 8 -15 between the Twin Cities and St. Louis, Missouri, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby expresses its opposition and objection to the aforesaid curtailment of passenger train service by the aforementioned railroad companies between the Twin Cities and St.. Louis, Missouri, on the grounds and for the reasons that any such discontinuance of passenger train service would constitute a great deprivation and inconvenience to the citizens of this area who desire to proceed by rail to or in the direction of St. Louis, Missouri, th sucP� curtailment of service would leave the Twin Cities withw' s�enger train service between said Twin Cities and St. Louis, Missouri, and that any reduction or curtailment of passenger train service is contrary to the interests of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul, the Twin City Metropolitan Area, and is contrary to the interests of the public of the entire State of Minnesota and other Midwestern states; and be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit forthwith a certified copy of this resolution to the Interstate!Commerce Commission at Washington, D. C. I FO APPROVED Est. Corporation counsel NOV 16 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson NOV 1 6 1966 Dalglish _ Approved 19— Holland In Favor A,&4 A 'io J..' 44- Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED NOV 19 1966 2z 1 November 15, X966 IL r Mr. Joseph P. Summers ` Corporation Counsel _ - Building _ - Dear Sir: The -City Council.referred to you t tached tter of- the_Minnesota _ Railroad & Warehouse Commission,, .-L..No d,-Secretary, with. reference to the proposed disconti ce o ssenger trains of the" ' ,Rock Island and Burlington Railroads Twin Cities and St Louis . and reverse, and setting #'or a pro res to be followed if there = is any- protest.ortobjecti ropo discontinuance. ' Very truly yours, v City Clerk - ng _ r - • - w COMMISSIONERS: PAUL A. RASMUSSEN HJALMAR PETERSEN RONALD L. ANDERSOIJ Mayor and City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Mayor and City Clerk Faribault, Minnesota Mayor and City Clerk Albert Lea; Minnesota Gentlemen: $tatr Office Vnllbi" " . f auf. l November 8, 1966 Mayor and City Clerk Minneapolis, Minnesota Mayor and City Clerk Rochester, Minnesota `P-'-2,3 19 FS7 REFER TO FILE NO._ ADDRESS ALL CORR E SPON DENCE TO RAILROAD B WAREHOUSE COMMISSION Mayor and City Clerk Northfield, Hinnesota Mayor and City Clerk Owatonna, Minnesota It may be that you have not received a.copy of the enclosed notice of proposed discontinuance of passenger trains of the Rock Island and Burlington Ra'_lroads between the Twin Cities and St. Louis and reverse. If there is any protest or objection to this proposed discontinuance on your part it should be in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D. C. at least fifteen days before the effective date of the proposed discontinuance, which is now set for December 8, 1966. The reasons underlying the protestor objection should also be given. This protest or objection may be by telegram, letter or other writing, of which only an original need be filed and no service of a copy on the carrier is required. The protest or objection should identify the proceeding, name of the carrier and the particular train involved and should state the interest of the objector or protestant. If objections.or protests are filed by any of you, the Railroad and Warehouse Commission would appreciate receiving advice thereof, together with a COPY. Yours truly, R. L. Norgaard, Secretary RLN:gn F Ar Ri Encl. JfJ _ .. . . Inn 1 � %1N. y i APPENDIX U H (0�48QG 0F PRO (a P (a 5 E 0 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, 139 West Van Buren Street, Chi- cago, Illinois 60605, and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, 547 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago; Illinois 60606, hereby give notice under Section 13a(1) of the Interstate Commerce Act (Transportation Act of 1958, Public Law 85 -625, 85th Congress 2d Session) that effective December 8, 1966 passenger trains operating daily as Nos. 19- 190 and 201 -20 on the Rock Island and Nos. 8 and 15 on the Burlington will be discon= tinued between Minneapolis, Minnesota and St. Louis, Missouri. The following stations, depots or facilities will be affected: Train Nos. 19 -190, 201 -20 Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota Northfield, Minnesota Faribault, Minnesota Owatonna, Minnesota Albert Lea, Minnesota a Northwood, Iowa Manly, Iowa I Nora Springs, Iowa Greene, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Vinton, Iowa, Cedar Rapids, Iowa West Branch, Iowa West Liberty, Iowa Columbus Junction, Iowa Burlington, 'Iowa Train Nos. 8 -15 Burlington, Iowa Ft. Madison, Iowa Montrose, Iowa Keokuk, Iowa Canton, Missouri LaGrange, Missouri Quincy, Illinois (West Station) Hannibal, Missouri Louisiana, Missouri Clarksville, Missouri Elsberry, Missouri Winfield, Missouri Old Monroe, Missouri West Alton, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Persons desiring to object to the proposed discontinuance should notify the Interstate Commerce Commission 'at Washington, D. C. of such objection and the reasons therefor at least 15 days before the effective date of the proposed discontinuance. M. H. BONESTEEL Director — Passenger Services Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company 139 W. Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 1 Nove.,nber 2, 1966 W. F. BURKE General Passenger Traffic Manager Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company 547 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60606 r Y ' w'•` e - + tom• .• .- - - '• j ` , '.- +_ ` - , - _ November 15 1966 _ L _ Mr. Joseph P.- Summers Corporation•Co_unsel - ` Building Dear Sirs The City Cbunctl,referred to you t tached tter of the'Railroad Brotherhoods Legislative,Board, S of Mi ota, addressed-to the - Mayor, requesting that he write a 1 r. rotest -to the Interstate - - Commerce-Commission objecting -to th e. ed discontinuance of the Chicago, Rock.Island and Pa. ilr o, passenger trains Nos. 19 -20; between Minneapoli - Pa d S uis,- Missouri. - - Very truly yours City Gle_rk ng ., , Chairman F. J. ANFANG �' Chairman, Brotherhood of Railway and Steam- ship Clerks Freight Handlers, ]#apress and Station Employees 650 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55104 Vice Chairman R. B. wuoHT , Chairman, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 1646 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 I { Secretary- Treasurer E. E. BERGLUND Chairman, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 743 Upper Midwest Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 Trustee F. R. NELSON Chairman, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen 1226 Cherokee Avenue West St. Paul, Minn. 55118 Trustee Leo R.JoRDAN Chairman, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 5131 Queen Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 Railroad Brotherhoods Legislative Board P E R S O N A. STATE OF MINNESOTA 1.01EDO. a , November 8, 1966 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne Mayor of the City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota My dear Mayor,�Byrne: a3o&r7 This office has received information to the effect that the Chicago, Rock`Island and Pacific Railroad Company has peti- tioned the Interstate Commerce Commission to discontinue its passenger trains 19 -20 between Minneapolis - -St. Paul, Minne- sota, and St. Louis, Missouri, effective December 8, 1966. Upon receiving a sufficient number of protests from indivi- duals and communities involved the Interstate Commerce - Commission will set dates and locations for hearings relative to this proposed passenger train discontinuance. The various Chambers of Commerce, businessmen, shippers, etc., have been ,or will be notified to write letters of protest to the Inter- state Commerce Commission objecting to this proposed dis- continuance. I respectfully request that you, in behalf of the people in the City oflSt. Paul, write a letter of protest at your earliest convenience to the Interstate Commerce Commission objecting to this proposed discontinuance of the Chicago, Rock Island Iand Pacific Railroad Company passenger trains Nos. 19-20.i-Please request-that hearings be held in - Minneapolis', Northfield, and Owatonna, Minnesota. I would appreciate very much if you would send a copy of your letter to the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission Chairman, Paul A. Rasmussen. I wish to thank you;,in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, E. E. Berglund, Sec. - Treas. The CHAIRMAN INTERSTATE C WASHINGTON, '} --- f - Gentlemen 0- l' The St. Paul - S copy -- , -of coup ..and- objectic and 201-26 tr ' " C - � sins N66,4 the rig6li t! If e ng November 16th, 1966 fi dtcertified eir opposition 19-190 6.'safid=]p-a'sse'nger ad' 6.,;,operating ons, set out in ql ' - December l,, 1966 Hon.- B. T.- Holland - - = •`Comsr. of Public Utilities T, Building= ' Dear Sir,: _ -- -� - _• The Council referred to' you t ' attac 'etter of .John W. Bush, ` _ Chairman,,Interstate;Co ssio ashington, D'- �. stating that the- acont nee certain passenger F . train serviced by the ington and ock Island Railroads between - -. St. Louis and Minneapo has been ` o tponed in order to provide a w _ more time for public he ings: Y - Very yours . +trtly' - y City Clerk _' ng T 1� � a3D�'Sy 3jnterotate Commerce Commi0ion Wa!6bington, ;D.C. 20423 OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN ' November 28, 1966 FVAE Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Office of the' City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Reference is made to your letter of November 16, 1966, and resolution of the City of St. Paul opposing the proposal of the Burlington and the Rock Island railroads in Finance /Docket No. 2+370 to discontinue passenger trains Nos. 8, 15, 19 -190 and 201 -20 between St. Louis and Minneapolis. jEnclosed is a copy of the Commission's order served November 25, 1966, which institutes an investigation and provides for public hearings at which any interested person may appear and present evidence. I have arranged for you to receive notice of the time and place of all hear- ings scheduled in the proceeding. Ancerely, John W. Bush Chairman Enclosrure F `fig. A I ORDER SERVICE DATE NOVEMBER 251 . 1966 At a Session of the'INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, Division 3, held at its'office in Washington, D. Cog on, the 22nd day of November, 1966. Finance Docket No, 24370 CHIQ GO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC .RAILROAD CO.-AND CHICAGO, BURLVGTQ� AND 4UINCY RAILROAD CO. DISCONTINUANCE OF TRAINS NOS. 19, 190,.8 Aft 15, 201,,20 BETWEEN MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.2 AND -ST. LOUIS, MO„ ..It .a ear. ng, That orl November,4, 1966, the Chicago, Rock islan"d and ac c Railroad Company and the Chicago, Burlingtoh & Quincy Railroad 'Company, filed. with this Cogmiission notices under section 13x s (1) of the Interstate Commeree Act, a amended, that 'effective December 8, 1966, said carrier -wi11 discontinue- service of their passenger trains Nos, 19, 190, 8 and 15, 201, 20 between Minneapolis, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo. It further appearing, That complaints by certain .individuals., assoc at ons, commun t es, and by railway employees have been received requesting..suspension of the proposed discontinuance :pending investigation to determine the extent of public nedd.for the trains in question; It further aa2 earin , That discontinuance -of the said train service by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company and the Chicago, Burlington'& Quincy Railroad - Company may Aft be warranted by the public c3nvenience and necessity, and that operation of such service may not unduly burden interstate-, commerce; j It further a. earin ,That the due'and timely execution of this Commisgi ons functions in this proceeding imperatively and unavoidably requires the omission of an= ,examiner's-recovi6ended. decision herein, for the reason.that undet the provisidns of ' aection 13a(l) of the Interstate .Commerce Act the said train service may be discontinued unless--a decision herein is made b:sfore expiration of the, four -month period hereinafter provided -for: It -is ordered, That'An investigation of the proposed discon- tinuance o tra n se.rvice.-described hereinabove be, and it is hereby,,instituted under thd, provisions of section 13a(1) of -the Interstate Commerce Act, and that the .matter be a-gsigned-for hearing at a time 4fid phace hereafter , to . be fixed; It: 'is furt o r pr_4ered, That • the train service described hererna ove e'Continued- pending hearing and decision in said investigation, bnt not for a longer period than four months b6poo. tht date when: -,the discontinuance otherwise would have become, effective- tinlesi otherwise -otderedherein; and I.t is- further -orderoA That a reeot Mended - decision by. the. exami=ner to o_m the nest- gation is assigned- '`for :hearing be. omitted Aa .part of the decisionmmsking. process in this proceeding., arg the record Herein -shall be considered as certified to the / 4Commi.ssiofi, Divigift 3, for ini.ti:al:dbcision when received by' -,the -Secr'eeziky `of the Zo�ni�s'sion for filing in the docket. 4 By the ComMeission, Division 1, H.jNEIL CARSON 'Secretary. (.SEAL) 72 ;r. ORDER SERVICE DATE NOVEMBER 253 1966 At a Session of the'INTERSTATE COPMRCE COMMISSION, Division 3, held at its office in Washington, D. C., oq the 22nd day .of November, 19660 - ' , ' . Finance Docket No. 24370 t CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PAX;IFIC RAILROAD CO o_. AND CHICAGO, BURLINGTq� AND 4UINCY RAILROAD CO. DISCONTINUANCE OF TRAINS NOS. 19, 190,.8 AN-b 159 2019 20 BETWEEN MINNEAPOLIS, MINN,, AND-ST. LOUIS, MO. It a "earin , That od November 4, 19662 the Chicago, Rock Islan alld FAC111C Railroad Company and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Compan Ktiled = with this Comm'iasion notices' under section 13'(1) of the Interstate Comme�e A�et, as amended, that effective December 80 1966, said 'carrier-will discontinue, service of their passenger trains Nos. 19, 1.9 -0, 8 and 15, 201, 20 between Minnieapolis, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo. it furt%r apj earin ,'That complaints by certain .individu�lls,, assoc at•ons, eommun t es, and by railway employees have been received requesting.suspension of the proposed discontinuance .pending iinvestigati.on to determine the extent of public needjor the trains in question; J' It further a eariri , That discontinuance of the said train service q t e cago, ock Island and Pacific Railroad Company and the Chicago, Burlington'& Quincy Railroad.Company may qbt. be warranted by the public canvenience and necessity, and that operation of such service may i�ot unduly burden interstate= commerce; It further a _Aearin ,_ -That the due and timely executY.on of this omm ss on s functions in this. procbeding iinperati v. ly and' unavoidably requires the omission of an .examiner s reco ended d�-_,cision h'ere'in, for the reason . that under the provisidfis of 'section 13a(1) of the Interstate.Commerce Act the said trairi -service may be discontinued unlese'-a decision herein is made before expiration of the, foUt -month period hereinafter prov dod 14r It is ordered, That'an_ investigation of-the proposed disctin- tinpance o tra n service -described hereinabove -be, and it is hereby,,instituted un66i the provisions of section 13a(1) of - Interstate -Commerce ,Act, and that the .matter bye assigned -f -or 'hearing �t a time 4iid place hereafter , to ,be fixed; . I U., is furt0r o ergd, That - the train service described her+4ina ove betontlnued pendin, g. hearing and decision. in ,said investigation, bt t not for a- longer period thatt four months beyv - th�b date wlteri_,the difscontiniiance. otherwise would have become •effective'uriles=4 otherwise ordered h6rein; and It Is. fut=ther -order;. ;That a recommended decIsion by then examiVer to -Whom the nvest%tfiion is assigned 16t ,.hearing; be. omi aed Ai .part of . the decieioo-tmdk ng. prorgess in this proceOrding., arO -the rkbo ld heveln -shall be ctiitsldered as certified to the / �Cbm ias�oti, Divi'dfift `3, for Initial :decision when received by`a the -Secretary'of the'Zommis'sion for filing in the docket. By the Comtdission, Divisibn 3 H. jNEIL GARSONI 'gecretary;o (.SEAL) 174 RED, .Rrl, a �- — ----- - - - - -- Value $--------------- Spec. defy fee $_ -- Fee $----j-7 Ret. receipt Surcharge $_ -- j_`__ -- Rest. defy fee Postage [ Airmail _ U _ To - - -- � -- - - -- — - - - - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- �U� ----- =a=te -� -�- 3806 —May 1984 a48 -18- 70493 -e