230839(oy ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK L�+��` ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL /, LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ UNCIL TLUTI N -GEN RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ DATE November 15, ]966 WHEREASt On Sale Liquor License No. 6956, expiring January 31, 1967s is issued to Hafner, Inc. at 1560 White Bear Avenue covering "Main Barroom" and "Adjoining Room" and application has been made for change in the coverage on the license; therefore, be it RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 69563, expiring January 31, 1967, issued to Hafer, Inc. at 1560 White Bear Avenue, be and the same is hereby amended to cover Two (2) barrooms and adjoining rooms on the main floor and barroom in the basement, ON SALE LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT AMENDMENT TO COVERAGE ON LICENSE INFORMALLY. APPROVED BY COUNCIL 11.8 -66 Orig. Appn. J-6789 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne N,OV15 WS Adopted by the Council 19— Approve�19— Tn Favor ' Mayor Against PUBLISHED NOV 19 1966 X22