D001409CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFLCE OF'['HE MAYOR I_�IT��il�l(JLYZrIYU � : 1 , • ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER, No: 1/lA1I`7ll`1 Date: � L' Z"1 � Q� That the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Kathy Schwellenbach, Park and Recreation Specialist, for supply and materiais expenses in the amount of $318.99 incurred in implementing Summer 1997 education programs at Como Zoo and Conservatory. Funding Code: 33197 COPP Grant Reimbursement • APPROVED AS TO FORM � ��� � � � Assistaut CiTy Attomey Date ���� � ���i � f/ / � D�,�,�,�ro�,�,��. DATE1tNT1ATID GREEN SHEET N0.60157 Pa�ks and Recreation � 2_� o-97 /' C �� (C�OQ (� y ONUCTPEASON/WD%I�IE WRINAATE INITiM/DATE JUDY BARR 26&64b5 � 1 o�u+**�Q+*cinECTOn _cmcouxca "�" 2 «nwnonrie+r 4 emci.suc n�eec can MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY p0�°'� — e"°�ET°"'E`T°" 3 FiN.�MGf.SflMCESDI . (DAT� eanroa roR nsssrum 5 Parks !S. Wolfe TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGE 1 UP ALL lOCA710Md FDII ii011AT�ti� ACiION flEDUESim: Approval of Adminstrative Order requesting authorrty to reimburse for expenses incurred for 1997 summer education program at Como Zoo and Conservatory. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appreva W a Rajeet pil �OM�LL 38MCE CONiRACTS MUBT ANSWBt TNE FOLLON7N0 QUE57ION5: PIANNING COMMI590N __CMl5E1MCE COMMISSION � H �� � waked �dar � eam�et fa tlin daprbna�rti . _GB COMMITiEE _� YES NO A STAFF _ 2. Hr tM Pa+�� ever been a dN amWoYeai OISTqICT COUNGL YES NO — — 3. Dols tNS O��rm Va� a altili rot'armYlY Oopaeeed bY nY curteM eity eTWoY�? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEttIVE7 VES NO Fxptein �9 yr wnut on �ryanb �Met W eheeh m qrwn dwc NITATNG PROBIEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNI'fY 11NIa.1MUt. WIUM1 M/hxe, WhY): Cost for sound equipment needed for Como Zoo and Conservatory Education Program exceeded funds donated by Como Zoological Society and specialist paid additional cost herself. ADVANTAGES IFAPPFtOVED: �� . � Parks will have authority to reim6urse specialist for expenses she incurred. �EC 2��997 �:I i k� GLEf2K DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVFD: ��taS�C ������E� None. ��� ,�� �� . .�������`�c� QEC i � �sz DISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPROVED: There wiif be no authority to re'smbure Eor expenses. TAI.AMOUNTOFTHANSACT70N S 318 99 _ _ cosTmEVO+�auoo�rmtcwc�ox4 vES wo wNaxasouxe Environment Education ncrnmNUrea 33197 FlNANCIAL INFOflMAT10N: 1EXPlAIN) � �