230782..I ORI411 AL TO CITY CLERK v ` �`� 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ONCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATE - COMMISSIONER Robert F. Petersen Whereas, Deductions and Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the CARROLL- WHEELER STORM WATER RELIEF SEWER, Comptroller's Contract L -6839, Hurley Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Deductions and Additions: DEDUCTIONS No. 3A manhole (No. 1 manhole built in lieu of 3A manhole to accommodate existing utilities) 3 each @ $ 450.00 No. 6A catch basin (existing catch basins used at 5 locations) 5 each @ $ 225.00 Total Deductions ADDITIONS Furnish and Install A and B casting assembly (replaced broken casting on sanitary line at Herschel and Dayton) No. 1 manhole (built in lieu of 3A manholes to accommodate existing utilities) 3 each @ $ 325.00 Revision of drainage at Snelling and Hague (changed to accommodate existing conditions in field) Labor $ 303.60 - t 18% 54.65 $ 358.25 Material 57.90• + 15% F. & O.H. 62.42 - Equipment 268.65- $ 747.22 Concrete curb - Type 3 27 lin. ft. @ $ 2.75 Continu6d on attached sheet ' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne $ 1,350.00- 1 1,125.00 $ 2,475.00 / $ 42.37. 975.00. 747.22 74.25 1,838.84. NOV 91960 Adopted by the Council 19— NOV 91968 Approved 19— �In Favor � 1 0 . ' Mayor Against PUBLISHED NOV 12 1�Fgb 22 v i Council Resolution a . Council Resolution for Carroll - Wheeler Relief Sewer Deductions carried forward Additions carried forward Total Deductions carried forward Additions (Continued) Revision of drainage at Snelling and Laurel (extra work involved in changing alignment of c.b. lead to utilize,existing catch basin) 23 page 2 $ 2,475.00 1,838.84• $ 636.16. 12" R.C.P. 5 lin. ft. @ $ 4.75 = $19.00 Reconstruct C.B. 2 lin. ft. @ 30.00 = 60.00 Remove pavement 4.3 sq. yd. @ 1.60 = 6.88 7" conc. base, 4.33 sq. yd. @ 5.25 = 22.75 Type 'B' wearing 1 ton @ 12.00 = 12.00 $ 120.63 . Revision of drainage at Pierce and Iglehart (changed because of conflict':with electrical vault and duct) Labor $25.20 - + 18% 4.54 $ 29.74 Material 51.00 + 15% P. & O.H. _ 12.11 Equipment 22.92 ` • $115:)77 115.77 :Repair curb at Dayton and Herschel '(damaged during street restoration) ,'Labor $28.00', . + 18% 5..04 $ 33.04 Material 4.95 + U% P. &'O.H. 5:70 • ° $„ 43. 69, 43.69 _ $r 280.09 A, Additions $ 280.09 • •f " • � - :=,:� �- _�',..- .,--- .:.t:. -:Y . �;" ._..x;.- �..�.� ,- .-•. -• . -:-.�; _ wr. - -, -. .,:`.._. -- - • j': - Total --Deduct•i'on- ...�.- ." -$ 356.07 ' Total Deduction as per Contract Change Agreement $2,475.00= Total Addition as per Contract Change Agreement 2,118.93• TOTAL NET DEDUCTION $ 356.07 and Whereas, The total deduction is $356.07 and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3.56.07 is the correct sum•to be deducted from said contract, therefore be,.-it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing deductions and additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $356.07, said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L -6839, and which amount is to be credited to the Oiling Division of the Department of Public Works for street restoration. DUPLIC�ITE TO PRINTER 30782 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Robert T. Peterrgon DATE } Whereas, Deductions and Additions Which slight prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the CARROLL- ASEMLER STORM WATER RELIEF SEWER, Comptroller's Contract L -6839, Hurley Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to sake the following Deductions and Additions: DEDUCTIONS No. 3A manhole (No. 1 manhole built is lieu of 3A manhole to accommodate existing utilities) 3 each N. $ 450.00 $ 11,350.00 No. 6A, catch basin (existing catch basins used at 5 locations) 5 each 0 $ 225.00 1,125. 00 Total Deductions $ 2,475.00 ADDITIONS Furnish and install A and n casting assembly (replaced broken casting on sanitary line at Herschel and Dayton) $ 42.37 No. 1 manhole (built in-lieu of 3A manholes to accommodate existing utilities) . 3 each N $ 325.00 975.00 Revision of drainage at Snelling and Have (changed to accommodate existing conditions in field) Labor $ 30.3.60 + 18% $4.65 $ 338.25 Material 57.90 + 15% F. & O.A. 62.42 Equipment 268.6 $ 747.22 747.22 Concrete curb - Type 3 27 Lin. ft. ! $ 2.75 7.4.25 1,838.84 Continued on attached sheet COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 91966 19— Yeas Nays NOV 91960 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith --In Favor Peterson i Mayor Tedesco ( Against Mr. President, Byrne OM 22 2 • Council Resolution page 2 Council Resolution for Carroll - Wheeler Relief Sewer Deductions carried forward Additions carried forward Total Deductions carried forward Additions (Continued) Revision of drainage at Snelling and Laurel (extra work involved in changing alignment of c.b. lead to utilize.existing catch basin) 12" R.C.P. •5 lin. ft. @ $ 4.75 a $19.00 Reconstruct C.B. 2 lin. ft. @ 30.00 = 60.00 Remove pavement 4.3 sq. yd. @ 1.60 6.88 7" conc. base 4.33 sq. yd. @ 5.25 22.75 Type 'B' wearing 1 ton @ 12.00 12.00 $ 120.63 Revision of drainage at Pierce and Iglehart (changed because of ` conflict with electrical vault and duct) Labor $25.20 + 18% 4.54 $ 29.74 Material 51.00 + 15% P. & O.H. 12.11 Equipment 22.92 $115.77 115.77 Repair curb at Dayton and Herschel (damaged during street restoration) Labor $28.00 + 18% 5.04 $ 33.04 Material 4.95 + 15% P': & O.H. 5.70 and $ 2,475.00 1.838.84 $ 636.16 $ 43.69 43.69 $ 280.09 Additions $ 280.09 Total Deduction $ 356.07 Total Deduction as per Contract Change Agreement $2,475.00 Total Addition as per Contract Change Agreement 2.118.93 TOTAL NET DEDUCTION $ 356.07 Whereas, The total deduction is $356.07 and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $356.07 is the correct sum to be deducted from said contract, therefore be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing deductions and additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $356.07, said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L -6839, and which amount is to be credited to the Oiling Division of the Department of Public-Works for street restoration.