230777-% W ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK !-� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ���� ,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTIO -GEN L FORM n� November 9, 1966 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE — WHEREAS, The Second United Improvement Program Advisory Committee, after consultation with the City Technical Committee has made a recommendation to the City Council approving allocations from the Unallocated balance on Public Utilities Bond Fund 7500, now, therefore be it. RESOLVED, that allocations are hereby authorized for Street Lighting Projects as follows: 7500 -U31 GRAND AVE. from Oakland Ave. to Hamline Ave. $ 7,941.00 7500 -U32 LEXINGTON AVE. from Thomas Ave. to NP Bridge $ 17,550.00 7500 -U33 LEXINGTON AVE. from I.S.94 to Thomas Ave. $ 17,325.00 7500 -U34 JACKSON ST. from University Ave. to,Arch -Penn. $ 10,600.00 7500 -U35 KELLOGG BLVD. from W. 7th St. to Pleasant Ave. $ 1,175.00 22 NOV 91966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9.— Yeas Nays Carlson NOV 91966 Dalglish pproved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson //11 V Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne I PUBLISHED NOV 12 1966 22 CApital 4 -4612 Ext. 277 PAUL A. SCHILLING CHAIRMAN ALBERT H. DAGGETT ARCHIEGINGOLD MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. LAWRENCE RYLANDER FRANK WIDERSKI FRANK L. MADDEN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEEO` BOND FUND EXPENDITURES 379 Court House SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA November 1, 1966 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Council Advisory Committee on Bond Fund Expenditures, in cooperation with the City Technical Committee, recommends approval of the following fund transfers: BOND FUND #7500 - - STREET LIGHTING From: Unallocated Street Lighting Bond Funds To: Grand Ave. Street Lighting(Oakland to Hamline) $ 7,941.00 Lexington Ave. Street Lighting(Thomas to NP Br.) 17,550.00 Lexington Ave. Street Lighting(I.S.94 to Thomas) 17,325.00 Jackson St. Street Lighting (Univ. to Arch -Penn. 101600.00 Kellogg Blvd. Street Lighting(W. 7th St. to Pleas.) 1,175.00 TOTAL $ 54,591.00 It is understood that the Comptroller will set up project identification numbers for these five street lighting projects. After careful study by the Committee, it is concluded that the proposals as approved are consistent with the intent of the program and are in the best interest of proper, orderly financing and early completion. cc: Comptroller Public Works Public Utilities Technical Committee Respectfully, NCIL ADVISOA COMMITTEE by Chairman J. DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE CIL N023 0 _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTE COMM SSD BY Bernard T. Holland DATE November 9, 1966 — WHEREAS; The Second United Improvement Program Advisory Committee, after consultation with the City Technical Committee has made a recommendation to the City Council approving allocations from the Unallocated balance on Public Utilities Bond Fund 7500, now, therefore be it. RESOLVED, that allocations are hereby authorized for Street Lighting Projects as follows: 7500 -U31 GRAND AVE. from Oakland Ave. to Hamlin Ave. $ 7,941.00 7500 -U32 LEXINGTON AVE. from Thomas Ave. to NP Bridge $ 17,550.00 7500 -U33 LEXINGTON AVE. from I.S.94 to Thomas Ave. $ 17,325.00 7500 -U34 JACKSON ST. from University Ave. to Arch -Penn. $ 10,600.00 7500 -U35 KELLOGG BLVD: from W. 7th St. to Pleasant Ave. $ 1,175.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 91966 Adopted by the Council ciil 19— NOV 91966 Approved 19— In Favor i oMayor Against OM 22