230767� r • r - f _ •r Original to City Clerk ' ORDINANCE 23070 COUNCIL FILE NO. . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1-341 �� l An ordinance providing therefor and authorizing the appropriation of the balances remaining in all budget funds and real estate funds hereinafter listed, the aforesaid balances to be appropriated at the end of the year 1966 after all obligations and purposes for which said funds were appropriated have been provided for and disposed of. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Passed by the Council Approved: City Clerk Mayor ® Form approved Corporation Counsel Favor Against Section 1. That the balances remaining in all items in: r„ ' Charter Title Reappropriation r• Code Code ,a 1.00 City Officers Salaries 001OR 2.00 Mayor's Office Administration 00208 2.01 City Planning 0021R 2.01 City Planning - Advance Metro Planning 0023R 2.02 Civil Defense 0025R 2.03 Fair Employment Practices - Administration 0027R 2.03 Fair Employment Practices — Educational Program 0028R 3.00 Corporation Counsel - Administration 0030R 3.00 Corporation Counsel - Codification of Ordinances 0031R� 3.00 Corporation Counsel - Tort Liability 0035R 4.00 City Clerk - Records 0040R 4.00 City Clerk - Records - Official Publications 00418 4':00 City Clerk — 'Records - Microfilming 0042R 4,01 City Clerk-- Registrations 0045R 5.00 Commissioner of Finance - Administration 0050R 5.00 Commissioner,of Finance - Parking Meters 00518 �- 6.00 yCommission ,5r-'of Public : Safety - Administration•, 0109R 6.01 Police 0139R 6.02 Fire 0169R 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 0179R 6.04 Health 0199R 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works - Administration 0200R 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works - Engineers 02018 7:•00 Commissioner -of. Public Workp - Traffic Control & Parking Meter Service 0203R 7.90 Commissioner - -of Public Works - Parking Meter Conversion 0204R 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works - Parking Meter New Installations 0205R 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works - Receipts 0209R 7.01 Street Maintenance & Repair - Paved Street Repair 0210R 7.01 Street Maintenance & hepair - Graded Street Repair 02118 7.01 Street Maintenance & Repair - Sidewalk Repair 0212R 7.02 Sewer Maintenance & Repair - Sewer & Tunnel Repairs 0230R 7.02 Sewer Maintenance & Repair - Inspection of House Drain Connections 0231R Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Passed by the Council Approved: City Clerk Mayor ® Form approved Corporation Counsel Favor Against Charter Code Title Page 2. 230767 Reappropriation Code 7.02 Sewer Maintenance & Repair - Major Sewer 9.04 Repair 11.00 7.02 Sewer Maintenance & Repair - Interceptor Testing Laboratory Sewer Maintenance Investigations 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Administration 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Clean Graded Streets 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Clean Paved Streets 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Refuse Removal 7:03 Winter Street Maintenance - Snow Plowing 7.03 'Winter Street MairlEnance - Snow Removal 7.03 Winter Street Maintenance - Icy Street Control 7.03 Winter Street Maintenance - .Emergency Temporary Street Repairs 7.03 'Winter Street Maintenance - Equipment 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Weed Cutting 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Garbage Disposal 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Removal of Dead Animals 7.03 Street &- .Sewer Cleaning - Refuse Disposal & and Land fill ' 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Consultant - -Solid Waste Disposal 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Sewer & Tunnel Cleaning 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - -Sewer Pumping Stations 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning - Rodent Control ' 7,.03,.. °, Street & Sewer Cleaning - .Flood Control - 1965 Bridge - Building. ,& .Repair _, Administration' - 7:04'-'"` Bridge Building & Rep'air'- Bridge Maintenance 7.04 Bridge Building & Repair - Fence & Stairway 1 Maintenance 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings - Administration 9.01 Public Library 9.04 Civic Education Center 11.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities - Administration 11.00 Testing Laboratory 11.00 Investigations 11.00 Metro Transit Commission 11.00 Air Pollution Control 11.00 Utilities Building Maintenance 11.00 Public Utilities Receipts 11.01 Public Lighting - Administration i. 0232R 0236R 02 50R 0251R 0252R 02 53R 02 54R 0255R 02 56R 02 57R 0258R 0270R 02718 0272R ' 02738 0274R 02 80R 0281R 02 82 R 0285R 02 90R 0291R 02 92 R 0409R 0439R 0460R 050OR 051OR 0520R 0523R 0525R 0530R 0539R 0540R Page 3. 23076 h. 4 15 l Charter - Reappropriation Code Title Code 11.01 Public Lighting - Maintenance 055OR 11.01 Public Lighting - Receipts 0559R 12.00 Water Department 0580R 13,00 Comptroller 060OR 13.00 Comptroller - Microfilming 0601R 13.01 Civil Service 061OR 14,00 Municipal Court 0630R 14.00 Municipal Court - Traffic Bureau 0631R 15.00 Purchasing Agent 065OR 16.00 Council Research & Investigation 0670R 16.00 Council Research & Investigation - Community Improvement Program 0671.8 _ 18:00- 'Commissioner of Parks and-'Recreation and-" Public Buildings 0709R 18.01 Parks`and Recreation 0749R 18.01 Parks and Recreation - Animals 0714R 18.02 Public Buildings 0759R 18.02 Public Buildings - Building Code 0753R 1 .00 Elections 080OR 20. 0 Public Welfare 0829R 21.00 City Hall and C-ourt•House - Building Maintenance 085OR " 21.00 City Hall and Court House - Veterans Quarters 0851R 21.00 City Hall and Court House - Prior Years Reserve 0858R 21.00 City Hall and Court House - Unmatched Funds 0859R •,-22,.00"•4- �- Detentions &- ,Correction Authority--Administration 087OR 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Woodview De- 0 tention Home 08718 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Home School for Boys 0872R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Workhouse - Workfarm 0873R 22,00 Detention & Correction ,Authority - Prior Years Reserve - Administration 0876R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Prior Years Reserve - Woodview Detention Home 0877R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Prior Years - Reserve _ Home School for Boys 0878R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Prior Years Reserve - Workhouse - Workfarm 0879R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Reimbursement from County - Administration 0880R 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority - Reimbursement _ z• from County - Wood1vew Detention Home 0881R F 4 Page 4. Charter Code Title 22.00 Detention -& Correction Authority from County - Home School for 22.00 Detention & Carection Authority from County - Workhouse - Wor: 22.00 Detention & Correction Authority 25.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 ; 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 35.00 Special Fund 230767 !I � 3 Reappropriation Code - Reimbursement Boys 0882R - Reimbursement kf arm 0883R - Unmatched Funds 0888R Employee Benefits —Health & 'Welfare 090OR Severance Pay 09018 Unemployment Compensation 0902R Police Relief Association 0903R Fireman's Relief Association 0904R ssociation � '' Health Relief Association`' 0905R Public Employees Retirement Association 0906R Retiree Insurance 0907R Judgment & Compromise 091OR Local Improvement Aid - Capital Contribution 09208 1,; Local Improvement Aid - Exempt Properties 0921R* Local Improvement Aid - Fdrfeited Properties '- -0922R Bond Interest 0930R -­ P.I.R. Debt Interest 0932R,.; Note Interest 0933R Bond Maturities 0940R P.I.R. Debt Maturities 0942R Note Maturities I 0943R Armory Debt Maturities 0944R General Fund -All General Fund Activities 0950 to 0999 Unencumbered Reappropriations will be credited to the Receipt (R) Account using the same activity number Title Armory Real Estate Public Safety Real Estate Public Works Real Estate Library Real Estate Playground Real Estate Park Real Estate Stadium Real Estate •,a • 1 Y 3080 3100- 3230' 3410 3700 3710 5410 OrlQiLI to City Ckrk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 230767 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO J, f Page 5. at the end of the year 1966, after all obligations and purposes for which such funds have been appropriated have been provided for and disposed of, be and they are hereby appropriated and set aside in the same charter fund in the activity or activities designated opposite said charter fund or such other activity accounts as may be approved by the City Comptroller to be used for the same purposes in 1967 as the same were appropriated for in the year 1966. Section 2. It is hereby provided that all current or prior years appropriations under Charter Section 201.3, Sub. 5, are hereby reappropriated to the same activity in 1967 as the same were appropriated or reappropriated for the year 1966. Section 3. It is hereby provided that the balance remaining in the Real Estate Accounts herein listed shall be reappropriated directly to the account number designated after each account. Section 4. in force thirty (30) publication. Yeas Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco �� � r. Preside rne) Clerk Nays This ordinance shall take effect and be days after its passage, approval and Form approved Corporation N0V 2 31966 Passed by the Council 7 n Favor J Against PUBLISHED NOV 2 6 1966 �' �� I st _ 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted 1/ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish �Dalglish Holland �s °' . b 1\Holland Meredith eredith \ Peterson eterson \ V \ Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne r. President Byrne