230736 - I } I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��V /�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'� ° �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, the Purchasing Committee has received letters of complaint from the Superi.ntendent of the Bureau of Lighting of the City of Saint Paul and from the Supervisor of Visual Education for Independent School District No. 625, regarding the failure to deliver�timely Kenrad lamps pursuarit-�to� Comptroller's Contract �No. G4069; and WHEREAS, Price Electric Incorporated (Kenrad lamps) ha�s�: failed to stock a su£ficient number of lamps in the Twin City area, and when a � particular lamp is needed, they are unable to ship it or�:produce it within;; the time specified in the contract; and WHEREAS, Price Electric Incorporated has failed to meet the rec{uireanents of said contract and has failed to perform in compliance � thereto; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent is he�by authorized-to cancel said contract. : t=G"`;:.1 �r�i��/�u - . . _ . Asst. C.orporation Counsel i � ��V 41966 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ; Yeas Nays - Carlson ��v �} 1�J�� Dalglish Approved 1g_ � Holland Tn FaVOr Meredith ' Peterson O MaYor Tedesco . Aga�gt Mr. President, Byrne p�g�ISHED N�v Z 2� �96� � i � �22 i � �