230709 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��0�(�('1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� U:� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . co�Miss�orYieQ_ RORERT F_ P'F'Tr+�R�nN �-"�'"""` - - p�rE November 2. 1q66 � � � . �REA,S, Paragraph 1.63 of Section I of the General Specifications a�plicable to local improvemarits awarded by this Council, ' unless expressly waived, provides, for `the purpo se of enf or''c ing ,.ther_provi si ons of all guanantye incumbent upon the c oritrac tors, the re tention of a Reser ve Amount for the� period of one year from the date of the final e stimate, and � WHEI�AS, in the matter of the Improvement described as the RIVERVIEW STORM YITATER RELIEF SEPIER SYSTE�I, Contract I, Phage II, the entire physical work was completed well over one year -ago, a•lthough the one year period� from the date of tY� final settlement has as yet not expired, and no amount has been expended by_ the Ci ty f or any maintenance or re p�irs there to, theref ore, be it RESOLVED, that the reserve amount of � 1, 000.00 withheld on said sewer sy stem, known a s Comptroller ' s Contrac t L-6659�1, � , �J . ., • : _be released at this time, and be it - � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contractor who prosecuted this project be and he is finally released from his contract. � �� 21966 COUNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� 2 ���� Holland Approved 19_ - Loss �n Favor Meredith � Peterson � 1�8yOr A g81II3t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISFFED �a� 5 196� ion� e-da DU�LICAT�TO r111HTlR },�t ' {� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `d "���" � OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK F�« NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMIbS ONEe RhRFR L/ T�+� PF T i�+�0� DA� �LI-V-PLI!'!�1° �y �.Q 9 G WHPREA�i Paragraph 1.63 of Section I oF tYx� General Spect�'ications a�plScable to 1vice1 improvemazt8 awarded by th3s Council, unlea� e�cpras�ly �raived, provide�, for the purp�se of anforcing tY�e provis3.on� of all guanant�rg incumbent upan the c o�trac tora, the re tent�.on of s Re��ree Amount for the period of one year from the date of the final e��imat�, and . • WHEF�ASt in the �tter of the Improt�ement dsacribed a� �he ' RIVERVTEN STOI� �IATER RELTEF 3F�£� SYSTEM, Contract T„ Phaee II, the ent3re physical Mork waa a4mpletad well over one ye�r agot although the one year period from the d�t� ot' tY� final. setti�mer�t has a� �et no� expired, arrl no amoun� ha� bebn eapendecl by the City fo� any mair�tena.nee or rep�ire thereto, theref ore� be it RESOLVED� tk�.at the reserve amo�nt of $ 1+000.00 w3thheld on aaid ser�r system, kno�rn ae Comptroller � s Contr�c� L-6659-1, be relea�ed at thia tim�, and be it __ FIIRTHER RESOLVEDf that �he contraator Who pro�ecu�ed th.iffi pra�eat be and he ie fina.11g released from hi� contrsat. ��v 219ss COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �'Q� 2 ���� Holland Appro�� 19_ � Loss I Tn FSVOr Meredith � Peterson � MSyOr Rosen Ag�st Mr. President, Vavoulis ' ions e-as