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- •A• n �: GITY aF ST. PAUL ,���� , �, �
,Report of Completion of Assessment ��,
�le No
In the matter of the assessment of b�tl���+�, ���t�� �na� �A�i�!i �'o�r �t3ix���C��fi,� �6 �bx�,�a �
��c ��Q� ���x�i �s� �pQ�e�r ��zoi� t�r �i�xr�#,u� flf �h+e �.�nex�.�+ Q��le� ;I�� at +�
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�tut�e is t.h� �se�:��a���ri o� ��� cR�►�r��a�r fl� ��+�y� �xx�a� ��.�t� �t� 't��r� �� a�
+bhfo �����- i�s .C��r� ���+�et t:o.� ��o ��r+e�� �a ��1 ��nrr�wr►� ��,z� �i� Awrr�
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Av�� �►�# �.� �t�t �rr�� �ra�r► ��t���t ����+e� �o ��.��i.�s� S���M�c,� ��I o� �iah
ii ��Cca b�t ictiab�, �� �h+e �tl��# � i�A� �7�' � '�. �� �.s � ��.
_ '. -
under Preliminaxy Order ����� ,approve� �'� �, ���� ,
Intermediary Order ���� ,approved ���'� �$� Z��1
Final Order ������ ,approve� �'��� ��'• ��� .
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Fina.nce hereby reparts to the Council the following as a statement o� the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . $ � ,9 7,49 5 2 2
- Engineering . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 90,755 Q�
Insgection . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . � 9,�L71 �Q—
Postal� caxds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 170 �/�
Publications . .. . . :. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . $ 1,704 QQ_
Collection costs . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $
Court costs for confirmation . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. � 170 [�Q_
TOTAI., EXPE�ND'ITUR,ES . . . ..�. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ 2,039,767 10 - ,
Charge to . .. . . . Tntal.aid. £unds.. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . � ly9f�5�692 3.8_
�- 54,074 72
Net Assessment . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. .y;.,—-� -— —.- - -
Said Commissioner further reports that he has a� City of West St. Paul $ 633,731.64
tained, to-wit• the aum of $ 54,074.72 upon Bond Fund (7210) SE.4 644,619.69
� , Riverview Storm Sewer E
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case ga�d Fund " 500,000.00
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessn Sewer Budget Fund 89,400.61
0920-701 117,940.44 �
identified by the aignature of the said Co•mmissioner TOTAL AID FIINDS $1,985,692.38 `
com�pleted by him, and which is herewith aubmitted '��-�.��-,.,,,,.u.,..-�.,_-�.,..,.. .o.���z�.:..�.-ao-=...�-w.r-�
considered pro�er. :
Dated September 13, 1966 - Commissioner of F�nance. � �
Form R-2 2Hi 10-68 8�, _
'F'.:.i: �W S. ' � - -v .,1�, . ` -�'�°'- 4 �; "_� " . r• i'�: i� n• `� x�''
� , ,, " '�i1 ` W rr„' . "�•� �
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_ _ . _�. , ._. _ � .� �� , . . � ^�3� ����-� �
r ,- : '� ' • ' • �'t" � ? � COUNGIL FILE NO
R,esdlution Ratifying Assessment � B�
� File No ����
- , �
In the matter of the assessment of 6ene�its� Co�Elk �t�d ezp��is fq7r �Otist���r�� � �ubl�c
si�x �o� sta� vate�r pisr���� �ro+N �t�� Ce�oi.uus of th�e �.w�v9.ew Outiet �v�e� +at thR
taC��'�c"tio..n c�i� � ��n��ezl�.t� of ii#tex, ��rseC ,t� � ��,rse th�a� �,� G3� feat ea�t of
ancl pax�l7.Ml to �hs ce�ite�line of �th ��»nw ia, .rn riasaaeaC (o�►�iined) to � �o�nt
�+tt #s the i�►te��c,�aattou og t'he cent��l�.n� o� 4¢�q��t.*� Sk�cset ��th ttit� a��� ii�e af
ahiQ �8kr�e�; ia congre�.� ��raet ��o�t ti��o �t�+t.� t�`�a�Z av�rnu.; �.0 Hal�. �vuv�
frt�e Congrmss �tre�rC to 5�+��a� 1�vernie; in .�Cav�ens �v�entt� fros� �tal]. Avenu� ta
s��� stx.4t.
Also �Q�C�uct pu�i�.�.� ���w�s �a�►r�r im �Cong�e�C�t �tre�at f�eaa �sll �veuue ko B�amboldt
l�w�tue aud �� �u�2ialdG �iw�me f�oi� �angr�r�t S���c��t to �T�nifr+Rd ���cest, e11 0# vls�.cb,
is ta b� kaova a�� �the -�i�V�A �� `i�A'� I�.�P► �y ��1M�C`� }., ��AB� 1,
� .
under Preliminary Order ��+��4 ,approve� �'��r �. ����
, - Intermediary Order ��+�b� ,approve� �y��x �$� ��61
Final Order � �QSZ�� ,approved �G���= �6, 19fi1 ,
A public heaxing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess-
ment�having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
� be it therefore -- - � - �
RF„50'LVED, That the sa,id assessment be and the sa,me ia hereby in all respects ratified, and the '
same is hereby ordered to be aubmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. '
BE IT FURTHER R,�SOLVED, That the said a�sessment be and it is hereby determined to be
pa.yable in � equal insta,llments.
Yeas Nays 21966
- arlson Adopted by the Council �9V
� . �alglish ' �Q� 21966
Peterson A ove ,
Tedesco .
Byrtl@ _ _ Favor '
_, , -- � . ' � Mayor
V A ainst PUBLISH�D� 1966 ��
g , NOV 5
' Form R-2 2M 10-63 8�
� � 3 � � � z�.
T0: Commissioner Jasnes J. Dalglish
FROM: J. Willia.m Donova.n, Valuation Engineer
DATE: November l, 1966
Heaxing in the matter of the assessment for the construc�=
tion of the Riverview Storm Water Relief Sewer, Contract 1, Phase 1,
. is scheduled for November 2. The assessment roll involves 1,136
paxcels of land, and it is probable that the heaxing wi11 be well
attended. -
The assessment is being spread at the rate of two thirds
of a cent per square foot for residential properties and one cent
per squaxe foot for apartment and cov�ercial properties. The follow-
ing is an analysis of the division of the costs of this project:
City Cost Total Cost
—� �0
Assessment $ 54,074.72 3•85r 2.•65
City Bond & Aid Funds 1,351,g60.74 g6.15 . � 66.28
Total City Cost`s $1,�+06,035.46 100.00 68.93
- Total West St. Paul
costs 633,73i.64 3i.o7
Total Expenditures $2,039,767.10 100.00
It should be emphas�zed that the costs �being spread are for•
the main trunk sewers which were constructed under the above contract
and that this construction does not solve all of the flooding problems.
It is anticipa.ted that additional expenditures estimated at $700,000
will be required to complete the storm water relief problem. It is
not the intent to re-assess the properties as the va.rious open cut '
lateral sewers required are constructed. Property owners who still ex-
perience flood.ing problems should report in writing to the Sewer Depart-
ment of the Department of Public Works to take care of the more serious
situations first. .A priority basis will be established for future sewer
construction by a cirainage co�nittee. Such extensions will be com- - ��.
pleted as soon as funds are allocated. �
. The primary reason for constructing storm water relief sewers
is to relieve existing sewers in an axea by providing more intercepting
points by which to drain the existing sewers. The usu.al case is that
the old or existing sewers are of an inadequa.te design to handle present
day peak flow's, thus causing manhole covers to be forced open and oc-
casionally� storm water is caused to back up into house sewer connections.
• T .. r �
- 2 -
November 1, 1966
Insofar as relief sewers are constructed for the purpose
of reducing these problems, it follows that the area involved receives
some.disti.nct local benefit over and above the general benefits accru-
ing to the City as a whole. This local benefit is reflected in this
case in a token assessment of two thirds of a cent per square foot
against residential properties and one cent per squaxe foot against
commercial; multi-dwelling, and industrial properties. Insofar as
many other areas have been assessed on this, or on a higher, basis,
� it follows• that a continuation of this assessment policy is neces-
sary to avoid any possible claim of favoritism or inconsistency on
the part of the City.
In. June of 1964 the Council, a�'ter considering a report
as to prior storm relief sewers already assessed and those in process,
adopted a policy raising the assessment rate to 72 mills per square
foot for residential properties and 1� per squase- foot against apart-
ment and co�ercial properties. The rates used for the assessment
• under consideration are those in effect at the time of the adoption
of the final order in December of 1961.
Attached hereto is a report showing the storm water relief
sewer systems either constructed or approved for construction by the
City Council and also including the method of financing these various
systems. To date the City has constructed 31 storm wa,ter relief sewer
systems of which 17 have been partially assessed against the proper-
ties located within the area being drained by the system. The assess-
ments thus levied embrace 6,777 parcels of land against which a total
of $322,892 has been assessed. �he remai.ning storm water relief sewer
systems'that have been constructed and the assessment for which is now
pending, embrace 5,952 parcels of land eligible for $33�+,421 in assess-
. � . �
FWC�jt '
cc: Mayor and Council
r � I
Storm Water Relief Sewer Systems
�ls constructed or approved for construction
in the City of Saint Paul
November 1, 1g66
Projects by Number of Parcels Total cost of Assessments to
File No. affected . Projects Benefited Properties
GROUP I - Projects previously assessed .
i2790 259 $ 163,129 $ i7,728
13187 392 257,658 2�-,973
13337 57�+ � 261,073 �+6,326
i3447 607. 22g,�+27 23,4g2
�3472 1.04 g2,864 5,273
13558 4g2 193,059 19,269
i3638 1,i69� 479�380 �+0,392
13714 717, 167,100 25,557
i�+o57 268 4i,goo i2,561
1411�+ 389 �+27,956 13,259
1�+316 71 g6,636 6,411
1�+534 95. 8,55� 3,332
15370 38�+ 197,121 23,393
15683 i39 , 1�+9�5i8 9,503
i5836 608 153,183 27,o4g
15950 38�. �-,536 16,774
163i3 i28 37,716 l0,600
Sub-total 6,777 $ 3,067,806 $ 322,892
GROUP II - Projects not yet assessed (estimated)
i55o6 i,145 $ 1,731,�+00 $ 50,000
15998 50 48,674 l0,000
1633o g2o 258,049 �+3,000
16134� 386 35�+;920. 20,780
16346 739 288,522 41,000
16792* i36 70,208. 15,990
16805 li4 gi,6go 7,000
16863 159 91,739 g,800
16g32 5�+3 23�+,360 27,200
17016 65 33,63�: 6,325
17025 795 299,567 37,�88
17037 299 i72,6i7. 37�125
i7o4i 43 4g,�+4g �+,438
17059 558 203,699 2�+�575
'sub-total 5,952 $ 3,928�528 $ 33�+,�+�
GRArID TOTAL 12,72g $ 6,gg6,334 $ 657,313
* Hearing - November 9, 1.g66