229483 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ������ � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �''"' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONE DATF .�T�v � II i ��hH _ � UVHEREAS, in the matter of the Grading and Paving of DODD ROAD from Stryker Avenue to the South City Limits, Comptroller � s Contract L-6758, Alexander Construction Company, contractor, the specified date of completion is October 15, 1965, and WHEI�AS, the Contractor prosecuted the work diligently completing the ma j or physical work except f'or the placing of� the seal coat which item of work was postpona d inn.til tY� current construction season when favorable weather conditions would prevail, with the �°�c_� �. result that it was not possible to complete the contract by- said completion date; therefore, be it R�SOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby auth- orized and directed to execute an amendment to said contrac t, extend- ing the completion date to JUNE 16, 196b, provided, however, that this Resolution shall have no force or effect unless the su.reties on the contractor� s bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent w ith the City Comptroller, and Y�e it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all clai�n for liquidated damages and tl�at no engineering and inspection co�ts on this pro ject will be charged to tho contractor for such exte�lded period. U�' J U L � 4196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19._ Yeas , Nays � g 4 �g , Carlson � Dalglish ����� � pproved 19— Meredith In Favor Peterson D , Mayor Tedesco Against pUBL•ISH�D ��� 16 1966 Mr. President, Byrne �2a �2����� ' DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�ONER ROBERT F� P�RTRp^� — �a►,µl DATF .v �II_ 1Q��� � WHE1�A8, in the matter of t}ae (#rading and Paving o�' DODD ROAD f'rom �tryker Ave�ue to t}a� South C3ty L3mite�, Comptroller� e Contraa t L-6?58, Ale�cander Cone�ruation Company, Qon�reator, the specsiPied �iate of completi.on i+� Oc��ober l5, �.965, aricl W�I�A�, the Contractpr pro�eQUted �the �rprk clilige�tly aompleting th� ma�or phy�laQl �ork eaoept for the plaQing of th� seal Qoat �hiah 3tem of work wee poetpor.�d �bnt3,1 tY� eurrent Qonetruation ,�eaeaa when f a�vornble weather aondi�ione would prevail, r�ith the ; -��•�:fa reeult th�t it w�$ not po��ib�e to complete the contraat by saici aompletion date, therefore, be it RESOLVED, th�,t the proper aity offia�r+e be arxi. they are hereby auth- or38ed and d�.rected to eaecute en amendment �o �a3ci csontrac t, extend- ing t2� aompletion clste to JIINB Y6, 1�6�, provided, howeve�, that thim Reealution sY�all have no forae or eff'�cst unle�e the aureti�e on the contrga�or� � bond Qoneent thereto 3n writ3ng and file �uah aoneent �►ith the City Comptroller, and be it FIIRT�R RE30LVED, that the Qity of Saint Paul hereby wQivee all ola3m for liquidated damage� and ��� no engineering and inspeatior� aoets on thi� pro�eat will be oharged to tha aontraator for suah exte$ded period�, COUNCILMEN ��� 141966 Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson �U L 141g6� Dalglish Approved 19— �l�rtc�^ Meredith In Favor Peterson � � Mayor Tedesco , A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �z2 1 -