229481 ORIGINAL,�O CITY CLERK , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.���� � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � `� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �`���''��/�%�� DATF JULY 1) • COMMISSIONER RoY�ert F. Yetergon �. 1966 �'PI�REAS, in tr�e matter of the construction of the C�,RROLL-PASCAL ' F���EF S�VI�R, Comptroller� s Contract L-68o9, F. Morettini Con- struction Company, contractor, the specified date of completion is June 15, 1966, and although. ' . WFIERE4S,�the contractor prosecuted the work in a diligent manner, the nature. of the work was such that additional men and equip- ment could not be used as anticipated to expedite the work, and in order to avoid any interference with traffic, the connection. � to the sewer in Niarshall Avenue was �acked under Marshall Avenue which delayed tre pro�ress of the work with the result that it was not possible to complete the contra ct by said date of co mpletion; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that tlze proper city officers be and they are hereby auth- o�ized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extend- ing the specified completion date to AUGUST l, 1966, provided, hov+�ever, that t his Resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties � on the contractox�!s bond consent thereto and file such consent in � writing with the City Comptroller; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the City o.f St. P�.ul hereby waives all claim for liquidated dama.geQ and that no engineering and inspection costs on tY?is pro�ect will be charged to the contractor for such extended period. �%' COUNCILMEN . �U L 1 4 1�66 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson '� J u l. t 4 1966 Dalglish � pproved 19— �ivji'dfii't� � Meredith In Favor Peterson }� , �yor Tedesco �Against Mr. President, Byrne . �PUSLISHED �UL �6 �9� . �22 DUrLICATE�O rRINTER ��L9�/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' ���' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rober t F. Fe ter s on DATF ��Y ��� 1�6b COMMISSIONER - 1�VHER�AS, 3x� the matter of the construct3.on of the CARI�OLL-FA3CA� �EIEF S�i�R, Camptrollerts Contra�s� ��6809, F. �orettin3, Con- struation Company, con�tractor,� the specified date of completion �a June �5, �g66, ana.� 1tYtough �/fiEREAS��he aontractor proseauted the �work in a diligent inaru3er, the nature of the eork wa� �uah that aciditional m�n arn]. equip- merit could °r�ot be uaed a� sn�io3pated to eapedite the work� and in order to avoid eny interferer�ae with tra.ffia, the aonnect�.on to tY�e $ewer in Marahall AvenuO waa �aaked under Mar�hall Avenue whioh de7.ayed thE progreea of the work witri the rosult that it wa� not pos�ible to aomplete the aoatraat by said da'�e oP aomplet3,on� trerefo�e., be it , , , . RESOLVED, that the prop�r ei�� oFf�.a�r� be, and they ete hereby au'�Y�- orized a�.d d3reated to eaecute en amendment to $ait�' aontravt ea�end- ing the specified oomp�etioa clste tv �iUaII3T -�,�., 1966y ,providedy how�v�r� thet thia Resolution $hall have no forae �or effect un.].ea� the sure�3�e on the aontr�a�or8s bond aon�ent thereto and f�1e such aonsent 3n writing w3th the City Comptrollesi and 'be it , . _ FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that �he Gity of St. Paul hereby waives all claim fo� liquidated dama.gee and ths.t no engineering and inspection oo�te on thi� pro�eat will be aharged to the aontraator for �ucsh extended x�eriod. y °� �u� 1419s� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson J U L 1419�i Dalglish ' Approved 19— -�hri�afrd— Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne � �z2