229452. � - • r -
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• + COUNCIL FILE N0. � � .
- File No. �7�3
. . � .
In the Matter of conde�ing a.nd taking a pernaa.nent easement 30 ft. 3n width for the
purpose of constructing and mainta3ning a public sewer on, urider and across �l�t part_of
Lot 12, Block 20� Battle Creek Heigk�ts Pl,at3, Blocks 16 and 17,, Battle Creek Heights P]at
2 and vacated Rounds Ave., the centerline of said easement be3ng described as follows:
Beginning at the exiating sanita,ry sewer manllole at the 3.ntersection of the centerline
of Larry Ho Drive and Michael St., thence in a northwesterly direction a dista.nce of
4].5.5 ft, to a po3.nt on the north line of North Park Drive� said pt. be3.ng 372 feet
West of the Weat line of McKnight Road measured on a line perpendicu]ar to McKnight
Road, thence North a d3stance of 445 ft, measured on a 13ne parallel to the West line
of McKnight Roa.d to a point and there terminating.
under Preliminary Order 22�7 approved June 2, ig66
The Council of the G�ty of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F�nance
upon the above'improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
r 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
to condemn and talfle a pezwanent easement 30 ft. in width for the purpose of constructing
a.nd mainta.ining a•�public sewer on, under and across � pa,rt of I,ot 1.2, Block 20,
Battle Creek Heights Plat 3, Blocks 16 and 17, Battle Creek Heights Plat 2 and vacated
Rounds Ave.� the centerline of said easement being described as follows:
Beginning at the existing san3tary sewer manhole at the intersection of the centerline
of Larry Ho Drive and Michael St.� thence in a northwesterly d3rection a distance of
�+15.5 ft. to a point on the north line of 1Vorth Park Drive, said pt. be3ng 372 feet
West of the West line of McKnight Road measured on a line perpendicular to McKnight -
Road, thence North a d3stance of �+45 ft. measured on. a line paral.lel to th� West line
' of McKnight Road to a.point an.d there.terminating. '
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25•00 �
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of
` . -
� August, 1966 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court
House and City Hall Building in the �ity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atating the time and place af
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota.l cost thereof as estimated.
- - � � ,IUL � 3 ,��
` COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council
Yeas �ar son Nays �� � � ����
Dalglish � Approve
Holland .
� Peterson • � , Tn Favor
• Tede��• f � : Mayor
By��t � � Against
b.s$ Z� 8� - R_1 .�u��� . J U�. �� i966