229440 `' _ ' '. , '� ; ����`��.1 ' OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , CO_UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , COMM SS�IONER �be� F• Peterson, Public �Jorks DATF Ju7-y $� 1966 ' WI�REAS� By authority of the Laws of�N�i.nnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H, F; 217 and ratified by C.F. IJo. 192216� approved I�Iay 2� 1959, the City of �Saint Paul¢ may pa.y a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs exceed the benefits to the propert�r own.er, WHEREAS, It has been determi.ned tha.t the following described pa.rcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following a.mounts: Description �moun.t Lot 5� Block l� Ma.calester Villas � 167.06 Lot 16.and j+j. 1/2 of Lot 17� Block 4� Su�nnit Park 202.23 , , Lot 28� Block 9� Summit Park 201.01 Lot 19 a.nd. W. 1/2 of Lot 20��Block 14, Summit Park 60.27 Lot 5 and E.,-10 ft. of Lot. 6, •Block 13, summit Paxk 13.26 No. 73.75 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block �., Bryantts Park 143.10 . , I,ot I� and E, 20 ft. of I�ot 5, Block 1� Bryant 1 s Park 59:10 W. 20 ft. of Lot 5 a.nd E, 30 ft. of Lot 6, Block 1, Bry�a.nt 1 s Paxk 43.76 W. 10-ft. of I�ot 6 and all of Lot 7�_ Blqck l, Brya.nt's •Paxk 70,35 I�ot g, Block 1, Bryant t s Paxk - . 30.53 No. 1/2 of Lot 2 and ex. So. 100 ft. of Lot 3� Block l� Bryant�s Park gddition No. 2 - 110.8$ W. 1�2 'of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block l� �Bryant�s Park Add. No. 3 g2.32 Zot /�, Block l� Bryantts Park Add. No. 3 � 56:28 Lot 5� Blo ck 1� Brya.nt�s Park 3 L,1,,;$$ Lot 8� Block 1��Bxyant's Paxk gdd. No. 3 . l,.f,,.g9 - F Ex. E., 4.81 ft., No. 53 ft. of Lot 2 and No.. �53 ft. of Lot 3, Block 2� Bry�a,nt's Paxk Add. No. 1�. + 11�0..72 � � Lot 15� Block l� Academy Heights 174.3� '�/ � . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,' .�.. ,,. . __ _ Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— • Holland Meredith In Favor � ' Peterson Mayor Tedeaco Against ' Mr. President, Byrne . �2z i r. • �_� ^ RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �/.���Q . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . COMM SS�IONER �bert F. Peterson� Public Works DATF July g, 1966 Description Page -- 2 -- cont. .Amotant Lot 16� Block 1� Academy Heights ' • � � �156.70 Lot .2L�� Block 19� Subd.. of Blocks 19� 21 and part of 20� Woodland Paxk gddition � - 253.5g yT. 50 ft.. of Lot 11� Block 20� Subd.. of Blocks 19� 21 a.nd. paxt.of 20� Woodland Park � . - 190.37 Lots 1 and 2� Block 21� Subd. of Blocks 19� 21 a.nd paxt of 20� Woodland Paxk Ad.dition 2/�.1.�1}2, Except No. 70 ft., Lot 30, Auditor�s 5ubd. No. 3g 1L,.9.1�2 Except Goodrich Avenue, Lot 1/�, Block 10, Terrace Paxk SO..gS Except Goodrich gve.� I�ot 26� Block 10� Terrace Park Addition 153.7L� , � TOT9I� �2�$71.10 'WHFIRF'�95� The -total amount of assessable costs the City ma.y pay is �2,g71.10� now therefore be it, � ' RESOLVID, Th&t the Commissioner of Pu.blic Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fun.d, Code 6000� the amount of �2��71.,10� a portion of �the assessable' costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1961� Sidewalk Contract 64 I�'�301, Levy No. �', District No. 2, I.-6627, said Permanent Im- - provement Rsvolving Fund to be rei.mbursed from the Cityt s Share of Loca1 Im.provem.ent A:id F`and, 0920-701. ("1966): ' .IV ' JUL 121966 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J�L 121966 Carlson Dalglish proved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �FftBEfSkEa �[jC 1� � �22 � .,, - . , DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �/'l.g����� , CITY OF ST.-PAUL COUNCIL ��e����,�'� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�ONER ���► ��' �8t�i�v�3� �� �WOTYIII DAT�-�� �-`�7� - W�AS� B� au�Eharii� af the 7�w� d� I�eewt�. for t,h� year 19�9, 6h�apt�� 30U, , � �it F; 217 and ra�if�d b9 C';g�. No+ 1�22�6�. �p�ro�red .N� 2,. i959� t,he City � 3a�it �e.ul� ar�,y��y �. po�r�3offi of � �ass�ssab�.e ct�a't� of ��de�c.�t,�oti.c�� � auoh eps�s eac�ed �tbe benbf�.t�. to�f.� propei��r,ow�r� WH�AS� ��$ ba� bcae� de�erinfi�ed,� t,t�� �the"follox�qg de�oribed p�ravle� of i�*olti- erty-be relie�ed oF f,�e �`o]1o�g ar�o�u�t�_ , � . ' De$c�pt3�o�3 ' : '' , �cjun� � . . � �•---�-- Iio� g�, B�o�k I�. Ma�.e��P,er V�,7:1s,� � �.67.06 Lqt 16 arxl W. .�,/2�o£ Lo� $7,. Bloa3e !�� Siar��,t 1'a� 2Q2.23 Lo� 2�,�. Block 9, Sumr�t.Perk � . � . , � 201.Q1 Lot lg ar� W. 1/2• of �t 20#•H3c�e1c ].I+� 3t�no�i'� P�rk 60.27 � 5 a�x1 E. �.0 t�. c� I�tat 6�;•B�.ock 13��, Sutm�9.t 1'��rk , 3,3,z6 . �o. 73.75 �. ot �tte l, 2�,, 3,, B1.001s l� B�ryaat�e P�1c �.3.1� Lot � r�a �. zo �.� of z,o� 5� B�ock 1�: �ry�►t�� .Fer�� 59.1a � i�. 20 #`t,► oF 'Lot� � �c1 S. 30 gt: �f ZAt f�a Blook 1� Bxyant�� P�k 43:7b W. 10 ft. o� I,�t 6 axbd e.11 of �ot ?�;: BZaak ��, Br���� � 70a35 L�'b 8,. �Bldc�c 1,�, B�yan�+� �rk , �0.53 1�io: l/2 of �,o� 2 and e�� �. 100 �, of 7;ot 3�� B1ocd� lf Bryaat+g Park Addit�.om No. �. ' 110.gS W. �./2 af Lqt 2 �n�d all a�E �pt 3y- BXo�a1s ].�. B�yan��e Pex� ,�dd.� No. 3 82.32 Irot 4,�. Dlocsk l�. Bryamt�a Park Add. Na: � 56.28 Lot 5�, 83o ck 1! Bry�i,t�e �ar7s 3 �..8g ?�vt 8� Hloc�t 1�, �ry�tt� P�c ,Acld' No.. � 41�..8g �t. �. 4.8Z ft.�, �o. 53 f't. o#` �pt 2 atad Ao. 53 �t ot LQt 3s, B1oaSc 2f Brya�trB Pea*1c �dd. No. 4 ]1�0.7� Lr�t �5,�. B�ak 1�: �sade�ay s��e �.74.3� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish , Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne • �zz .� . � � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �l.�.Q� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ' . PRESENTED BY �'����* �+��,+�nf s�u�A.Q �O�C� iTU� �y l�qV COMMISSIONER - DATF — ��ax'�:gti'�o�� P�tg� =— 2 -�-� ' RO�ta S .. �OUri4i � :�.w..r.� � �at i6� s�� �:�-�cc�ae� s��n� . # i�6.�o �t �., �i� i�; �a.. of B�.ocks '3.�} 21 st�d p�r't o£ 2Q� wa�a�� �ac ��.txaa . � . ag�.5$ Wt 5o ft# o� �ot a�., ��ac ao�..��a.,o� Bio�� z9� zi a� part ,oF 20� �tooB:t�aud P�rl� � . . • . ' 19o.�"f �ot� �i �a a, ezbck �.� a�a.t or, slovks �.9, z� a�a �.rt oF za,� WoocU,anc� Pa,�►k �.�f�o�► 2�4�..G2 �cept No� 7t) �'t�; �t �0�� �,idi�or+e �uL�t Nci,. 3$ ; �149�1i2 F�ep� G�oodsich Av�n,te;,' T,�t �,�ly. Block :10� Terra.ae 1'ax�C . 80-$5 �ep�ls Goodr�eh �,rre�,. �t 26�, Bloc�c '�Of, �eirre.�e l'a�k �dd�.t3on I� 5_ 3:74 � � TOTA� $,2�.871.�.� � ��. Th,a �;o�a�. �amoua� o�' aeseas�,ble coeta tYie CitY �Y P�,Y 3.� ,�72�'$73..10� no?ut th�s�'os;e be �,tx . ' ' , AFSO��ED,r TYia� the C�ssiori�r �t A�b].�:o �orke 'be aiad hc� �a h�ez�t�► �euf,�wrj.�� �to p�y f"roa the 1�a�.ent' Ttn�t Re�1v�.t�g �'wqd,' �od� 6040y �he �e�ouza.t of � #�,g71.:1,4� ,e por�tio� di the �a�essabl�i �o�$� ot' S�:d�ial3t Cc�s'tr�xot�.oa. under f�e 1961� �3,d�w�.7]r �on�aat 6�rrM-303�; �y Ncr. $4, Dis4�'ic� No. 2,; .�±6G�27�: ea�,d Perme.�ent I�- p�ve�snt �roZv�,rig Fcuxi to be r�3�'bur�ed f�ro�. ths �ityi.s Share of Laea1 ?.�aprovc�eat A� �� .0920-701� (1966),� . • . ' . . , JUL 1 z � COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J�� 1 2 �� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith n Favor Peterson . Mayor Tedesco • �Against Mr. President, Byrne � �zz