229430 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ I,ICEI�bSE CONII�LLTTE'E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO NCIL RE LU N—G NERAL F� RM PRESENTED BY July 12� 1.9W COMMISSIONE TF _ RESOZVIDt That licenses for permi.t to conduct B3,ngo games applied for by the follo�aing � organizations� at the addresses stated� for the days� dates, az�d haurs � , a.ndicated. on each application� be and the same are hereby granted. ' Cana Club� Church of Ho1y Child.hood 167 W. 7�h St. 51 Pd.s. �pp. 9721� Renewal � �hufch of St.Bernard Picni.c Commi.ttee ' 197 W. Geraninm .Ave. 1 �� �� 9732 u Ra�.ce & Lawson Playgrounds ^ Rice & LawsonAve. 1 ° " 9827 �� * � . . � a Ea.ch Appn for a seri.es of gaQnes Informally approved by �ouncil As dated on appn. � JU1. 12 Y9�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �u�, 121966 Dalglisti Holland A roved 19— � Caxlson TIn Favor Meredith ` _ Pe te rs on (� �SyOr A gainst �edesco Mr. President,�C B�ri6 PUBLISHED J U� �0 1966