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4 ORIGINAL TO CILY CLERK ��y���� r -� • `�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _' �✓�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM coMMiss°orieR Robert F. Peterson DATF July 6, 1966 r � In the matter of constructing the Oxford-Central Relief Sewer Syatem, Contract "A", heretofore approved June 22, 1966, C., F. 229213; be it ' RBSOLVBD, That the plan for the above-named improvement, as approved by the Council, is hereby amended in accordance with Addendum Number 1, which is attached to and made a part of the � aforementioned Contract; and that FURTHER, all interested parties be notified of this ' Addendum. . � . � ; � COUNCILMEN � .J U L 6 1�G6 Adopteci by the Council � ig_ Yeas Nays Carlson ; ,U L 61966� . Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Meredith Tn Favor � �� .�et-ersv�n- � J C� �9.` Mayor Tedesco , A gainst � ���iiezit;Byi�ri�E:.:� Mr. Vice Presid„nt (Yeterson) � �,�Ep �� � �� �22 � :.� � , .��� � .ri� y �.. • • � 1' ��'J'�p� �p�T ��*}� �y Tp� � L OAiNLWmC�RAI! d1�S� SLt�6R �785A1d'1 �� " G03�'1°RACd nAn ' Citq Cont�cact 66-5-1217 Addendu� Itoo 1 �uly 6, 1966 CHANGES gN I�IST OF A.PPRO%ffi�lATS QUANTIi?8�S The plan holders° atte8tion ie ca�ied � tb� foA�a�ing cha►itge� ia the I�ist of Appr�ximste QLSmntit9.ea: �ine Noo 9 8S5 Lia. Fto G�nstYUCt 30" Class 8a RoCoP. Sewes �Changad fs�a 955 Lin. FtaD � Li�ae rdoe 11 1243 Lino Ft. Coteatruct 24" Class a$ R,CoP. Sew�r , �Changad from 1324 I.ineFto) Line Noo 13 1324 Lia. Fto Cozastsuct 18" Claes HE BoC.P. S�o�r ! Q�ae�g�l fsoo 12�4 I�in. Fto) Line l8oe �� 335 Lia. Fto Co4tstruet 12" ClmB� 8V BeCeP. Sgwex �Chaoged fr� Class IE) Lina Noo 2� 9 Bach Co�es�ruct Deaigm �p� 2A Catch Barsin (Ch�ngad from 4 each) �°h� pgan h�ld�sa' ag��etioa is cal�ed � �he f�ablawiag additiona to �be � 3p�cial Frovisiouma �O�N�S F08 C�AY S�+Tffit PIPE . , . �hs joints €or th� 8" QCP Sauitasy S�we� pipe sh�lb ia� pr�-fabricated, factory �olded compsesaion jointa meQting AoSoToM. sp�ctficatiou �425-60'd. Z�r� E ar 1�pe EIo . A cflsy s�op��r shall be secured to tb� apura by a cemea� mmstar seal made �a��xt��gb�a �'he joints for catch ��i� leada shal� b� according go City of Sai�et Paul, S�andsrd Sp�ciffcatious, Paragraph 15.13 Bo 12" Reiaforccd C�csete Pipe Alb 12�BoCoPo sha2a be Cg�s EV +�here a lee�er s�rea�th clasa is i�.dica�t�d on the p�ane. 30" Water Maia a� Oxford Street amd Charlee Str�et: �he 3A' wa�er �in a� Ozford �rad CbasBe+a will be located and u�cavered before the con�ractor prAC�aed� up Gharl�a Stre�t �it4� the pro�oaad �aFaero Ma�n�in F.�eiatiea� S�i�ary .aind Stor� Drai�ge: �'h� coagsactor vill c�s�seict t�aporasy c��sectioses or facilitins Wbich ma� �e n��ed $o m�intsitx th� flaw of �th Saaitaxy siad S�orm dsaiaage syet�ns st a�b t�imos. ������ DUPLICATE TO�RINTER _ , y CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��Y� ��'. �eteusaa � ' Ju1y 6, �966 COMMISSIONER DATF — t ' � ' ' • , , . . � . � < � � , , � , � , . � �� the��attuc o� ce�structin� �h� Qxl�rd-Cemtrsl Re1i.�P , , , , . � ,. , s . . � i . . , . . � Swrer Sq;t�a, +Go�xsaet "�", h�re�ofert appx�ov�d Jun� 22, 1966, , , . . . - , . � C� F. 229213, lw it � ' . ' � . . � � . . � • �A . .. �. � _ . , . , �t�C�.VtD. Tteat �the pl+�n f�r Ehs �tiovs-ns�ed i�prov�st, as , , ' . ,, � . . , � . .. �� �app�an�d tijr thle C�uacii, ,t� he�reby a�aded in s�cc�rduece Mi."th ,Adda�dua �lunbor 1, whicb is attachlid 'to ��d ssid� a par� of th� , �, : • � . . � � , .. . , . af�r�;�ation�d Costract; aad that . �,TE1Rt, all iwt�r�tt�d partiq 1� aotifisd sf tbis ' dddeadue�. 'ti COUNCILMEN �U L 61966 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Car�son ( J U L 6196� • Dalglish , ,,-, Approved 19— Holland � Meredith Tn Favor -�e�se� J Mayor Tedesco A gainst "���°������'e"i�:�'r'i������ �,, �: IV�r. Vice President eterson) ' �22 � ' ! .��` 2����7 J v , . � OXFORD-CE1�7°�RAL it�EEF SRWER SYS�i : ' (�N1°RACT '�A�� � C�ty Co�n�ract 66-5-1217 ' , Addead� IW o 1 �uby 6, 1966 � CBAN�BS EN �S� OF AI'P'ROX�lAT� QUAN'I°B��S The plan holders' �t�eatioa fs called t�r the fol��in� chaag�s� ln tha List of Appr�ui�s�e Quaa�iti�s: �3ne Iioo 9� SSS Li�t: Fto C�iastruct 30" Claas Ea RoCoP. Sewes �G�nged £r� 9S5 Lin. Ft o� Li�ee N(oe 11 1243 Lina Ft. ConsCruct 24" Clsas gY RoCoP. Sewer �Ctiangad fro� 1324 Lin.Fto� Y.ine Noo 13 1324 L3n. F�o Construc� l�" C1a�s �I RoC.P. Se��r QChang�d fr�a 12�4 �in. F'to) Liae No. b� 335 Lin. Fte Coinstruct 12" Cl�s� IV RoCoP. Sa�rez ; �Cha�ged it� C1$sa Eg) Line Noo 28 9 Each Co��truct Dea�iga �'yp� 2A Gatch Basi�a ; �Chat�ed fr.om 4 each) �'h� plaa boldero° atteneion i� calb�d �o the folbor,ii.ng adsli�ioas to g6e Sp�cial Fsoviaiatn�: • �OE�S FOR G�1Y SEi+THR PIPE � �'he jofnta �or th� S10 VCP Sanitary Se�aer pipe shalb be pr�a-fat�ricated, factosy malded ccmpreseioo joint� raesting AoSoTaM. spr�c�fica�ion to425-60T, �►pe % or �pe I�o A cbay sttopp�r shall 1� securnd to t6e spafrs by e c�ment �agtar seal sade �s��g��ght. Th� �oint� for catch 1a�sin l�da sha$ll be accerding �o C$ty of Ss�ut Paug, Sta�idsrd Spmaificatians, Par�grapb 15.13 Bo 12" Reinforced Coacrete Pip� All 12� SoCePo �halb be G��as EV ��s� a les�er �treagth class is iadicat�d oa the pgans. 30" Waterl Main a� O�cford Street arbd C�asle� Str�t: �'he 30 wa�er maim a� Oxfogd ��d �as3e� will b� located aud u�cavered befor� she con�ractor proceeds up Ghsrb�s Stanet wi.eh tbe pzo�sed a�vera I��ntsi� Existiug Ssnitasy aad Stmsm Draitas�e: ` The cmratractor �till coa�truct tc�mporary cmnnec�ioias or faci�iti�8 �ahich m�y �e n��decl �o �intai� th� flow of �oth Sanitary sYed Storm dr�inage syet� a� agfl �i�e�. �