229384 *� . - �2�3�� r � FI�IAL ORDER . - �aUNCIL FILE N0. _ � By � -• File No. ��� In the Matter of ���'��ctixtg tY�,e _;�:ciewa� �iu �t?a+e �oi�th ,�id� o�' ;3�lby Avs. f�c�Qm ' u�1e St. :ea�t ap�o���,Y �,5���9-'�; �a re��.ar� w�,� �a�eg�.. ��urb ��ae�raa.� �a by �dd�ig ai3. vi;,�er work which �.� necee��r_y �nd �nc�d�uta�. to camp]�s� said 3m,�rovaement. under Prelimina,ry Order - ��5�� approved �'� �'s 19� Intermediary Order approve� A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto� and having fully considered . the same; therefore, be it � . RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- °��` provement ta be made by the said �ity is �' � � �- _ � , . � .,�.� to reco�atzuc� the s3d�ra7.}s. ou. � �outh. �ide o� ��:by�Av�. �n �#1� St. eas� � �pBro�fi��,X' 1�2.39 ft. �nd rep��e s,ri�h. �.�te� �urb ��de�lk.and by doir�g - aa.l ot�er �rork ��h i� u�ce�x,� aaa�,:�n�ae��a..�o. ���et$ �a �o��t,:. exce�� �rher+� good and .�uf�3ciert� pourec� ���1eWal,ks now e�st. � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. • RESOLVED FUR,TIi�R,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a.nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same tq the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro�per city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. R 619� . CQUNCILMEN • - � Adopted by the Counc��uL . Yea,s . - Naya - - Car�son . Approve ��L 619� Dalglish • • � Holiand � - Meredith .� Tn Favor Peterson ' � � Mayor . Tedesco � � - ByrnB A gainst - . , . PuBUS�m JUL 91�6� � 6_sg ZM 8� K_i . � ~'� v Dist. No. 4 �� �r,� � , S.S. Selby Ave. - Dale St. east approx. 152.39 ft. �ioy ������ � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W OKKS �r���o REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE "` - i � � May 12th. 19 66 � i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- _ liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 228532 approved_ May llth. 19 66 relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the south side of Selby Ave. from Dale St. east approximately 152 39 ft and replac- _,�q,g with �ntegral curb sidewalk and bv doin� all other work which is necessarv and in- cidental to complete said improvement. ' ' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 8.00 per lin. ft. for 5" mono. inte ral curb-sidewalk 8 f , tra work escav. fill reinf. conc. rem'd drivewa '�� � �1 crossin s trlo �ao� e�c. a� extra cost. - cb P��� �� `c� � 2. A pl �, p�c��l�e �r `rsuetch of said improvement is hereto attached l�`• and ��e�aD��6a���, f. ti 3. Initia 2 ��y,theLo,�v�'mmissioner of Public Works X �Ot bG 8Z�- 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition t � Commissioner of Public Works