229332 OR�EIFJAL TO CITY CLERK ��p ��-{� Q_ � CITY OF ST. PAUL OOENCIL NO. �� � OF� C F THE CITY CLERK UNCI S �-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE / DATF - � RESOLVED, That the proper City officials be and hereby are au- thorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisi- tion by the State of Nlinnesota of the followi.ng City-owned lands: •a]1 that part of the followin� described tract: Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Nelson Paxk, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, situate .in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered. and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 158367; which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 3, said Nelson Park; thence run norther]tiy to the north- west corner of I,ot 17, Block 2, I,exington Paxk Plat 4 and there ter- . minating; � r, •together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and �' e�ess f`rom that part of the above described tract, not acquixed herein, o .� to Trunk Iiighway No. 35E, except that �the abutti.ng owner shall retain the �` "� right of access to a road connection only; � o' � m also a right to construct slopes on and r�move materials from the fol- � � lowing described strip, which right shall cease on December l, 1970, � or, on such, earlier date upon which the Cov�►issioner of Iiighways deter- � mines by formal order that it is no longer needed for highway purposes; - � - • - . --- �. � A strip being all that part of the above described tract ad�oining and westerly of the above described strip, which lies easterly of the fol- ' lowi.ng described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said I,ot 2, distant 90 feet east of the southwest corner thereof; thence •run northerly to a poi.nt on the south line of Lot 18, Block 2, said . �Lexington Park Plat �-, aista.nt 25 feet east of the soutYiwest corner � .of said Lot 18 and there terminati.ng. - JUN 3 01966 COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays car�son ,JUn► 3 0 1966 Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson � 1 �yor Tedesco A gainst '' Mr. President, Byrne p0$LISHED JU� 2 1966 � ' �22 / ^• ,� DUN.'�C�E TO rRINTER �/'��T� � . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �'�� _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF -- RESOLVED� Tha� the pro�per City of£3cie1$ be and hereby are au- thorized. to execute the attached opt�.on ag�eement �'or the acguisi- tion by �he Sta.te qf M3ru�esota of the following City-owned landss �,11. -tY�,� part oP the fo11ow3.ng de$cxibed tract s Lota 1 and 2, Block 3,. Nelson Pa�ky aceordin� to the du7.y recorded plat thereof, situate 3n Ram�Qy Cowaty, Minnesot�,, the title thereto being registe�red and. evidenced by Certif�.c�.te of Title No. 158367; w}�.ch 13ea easterly of the �ollawing described 13ne; Begin� at �he southeast corner of Lot 3, B1ock 3� said Ne7.eon Parkg �henee run northerl,y to �he north� we�t cornar o� I,ot 1.7,� B�.ock 2, Le�d.ngton �?ark Plat �+ and the:�e ter- minatinS3 � toge�hex w3.th a,11. r3ght of aecess, be3zig the right o�' �.ngress to and egress f`rom� that pax� of the above described tract, not acquired hereiny to Tru�k Highwa,y No. 35E, except th�.t the abutting owner sh,aLl reta�n the r3gh� of access to a road �ontteGtion only; . a3so a right �o construct slopea on a.n.d ranove m�terial.s from the fol- lawix� described s�rip, which right s}1a11 cease on Dee�mber l, 1970, o� on such earl3er d.a.te upon wh.ich the Colmnissioner o� Highwaya deter- minea by �or�na7, order tha,t it is no longer needed �or h3ghway purposea; A atrip being a,17. that part oP the abave described tract ad�oi�ning and westerly of the above described strip# which lies eaeterl.y o� the fol- iowing described �.�.ne 3 Beginning e.t a poin� on the south line of ea3.d Lot 2� cii�tan� 90 �'eet east of the southc,rest eorner thereof; thenee run northerly ta a point on the sou�h line o� �,ot 18, B].oc,ls 2, said Lex3.ngton Park Pla,t �,, �istan� 25 feet ea�t of the �authwea-t cornex� of said Lot 18 e,nd �there terminating. ,�UN 3 � i9fi� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�J� 3 0 �9� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �22 , ���: - , zz�3 3� Y�4-�_ .}.�:..., .. , - �� � - r;. \ " .� J . . � � �, Y .. . .• � �'��f��- i.�i i W���r!'!�� '.i� F '���ii'` �?�` 1����3�. , , :s.�. ��ec� � .��3 �,' , , �; ,� . .. . � ��* ��� , , , � , � � . �� �� � - • . . :, � , . � . . . � � , � ;�d ����t �I:�� .� �3�. ��, ��bx'�, Q�:t�!#��2�� s�.- �'�,� ���. ,, �j��43��� , , : . . ..,-��� � . .. . , . . . � . . I�. S�aC�'���3.� ti�' 4`1;t� �.,�� �� �� ��.fl0�` � �t�dd �3.�� ,�i��#� ��pz�Q� .� �l�a�I�t�li���, �t� t���►�d h��"` �� '��� 't� ��a��li�'� ��3�t► ��� �h"c�sr �b ��i�.tr��� � �� ��, - � �, f,� g����. ,�� . �z����� �a�c � � ,o -- �:r _ ..' . _ � �a� � �������- �sc�y �3a�nt��; ��. dt�'?��!:�l��a�-�"'�� � �� � �� - _ � -- --r-- ___�,____-_- , ___.-- _ � - • ; . � ' A11 th�t part of the foltowing described_ -tract: • '. . . . . . ;, - Lots 1 and. 2, B1.ocic 3, Nelson Park, according to the duly • � • - _ recorded plat thereo�, si-tuate iri Ramsey Coun�ty, Minnesota, � -:, � . _ the title thereto bein� registered and evidenced by J E '" ' � Certificate �of Title No. 1�8j67; � _ _ � . ( . - . . , � - ..which lies easterl.y of the follo«ing described. l�ne: _. � � . � � , Beginning at the sdutheast corner �of Lot 3, Block 3, sa3.d � � ; - _ - Nelson Park; thence run nor�herly to the-northwest corner - � � . � " . of I,ot 17, B1ock 2, Lexington Park Plat � and there i � . . terminating; ' , - - � ' -• , -- - t _ . • - - - { . together �ri.th a.L1._ri.�ht of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that , � part of the above described tract, not acquixed herein, to Trunk Hi�hway No. 35E, except � that the abu.tting owner sha11 retairi the ri�ht of access to a roa.d connection only; � k _ � . . ° also a rzght to construct slopes on 2nd remove materials from the following described. - 1� strip, which righ� sha11, cease on'December 1, 19'�0 or on such"eaxlier datE upon t�ich - the Commi.ssioner of I�i.ghw�ys determi.nes by �ormal order that it is no longer needed � i "—"��- for hi ht�r oses: � - ' . g a,Y P�'P _ t . � . - . , �� • _ ,- A strip being a11 that par�t of the above described tract adjoining and west�r7,y of the � ; - above described. strip, which lies easterly of the follot�ing described li.ne: Beginning - � at a point on the south line of said Lot 2, distant 90"feet east of the southwest cornex thereof; thenco run nox-rherly to a poirrt on the south line of Lot 18, Blocic 2, said � Lex�.ngton Parlc Plat 4, cLi.stant 25 feet east of the southwest corner of sa�d: T�ot I8 and - � there terminating. � - . - - _ - - -- _ _ - . ` . - . . .. _ _ - - -. . ; , _ . _ _ . . �- '. � y i - - --= = . - - - - --- -�--. , _ . . •. . _,. . .. . ...��-- . . _ . •�_�.f.t._,��..��.___,_.._,��-�-T-....,�,s ����.� � ' �� �,;:...�� �a� �c�� �a�'��: ��;�pt�'� ���''� ��c�e��, �.� � �Q�- ��,. ._ � c�. � 't�dc�`�cit�'t� � �q���-�. #,�.� �'$� �� #�. ��'k� � r�•� � � ������: !���,�f �ar���' f� �x� ���#� ���� � ��t�` :�� � �3 �, �a� ����:t��'�`�� � ���c��� � �.� #.� �� � �. , �ra�v� � � �a�' ����� �� "�o:�� ��t�'eutid�; ��7,� '�? 't�.�-�"�'s�d�r � � � �-+�� � ` . . _.,_ . ._.,:s; :�,r� �._�a�s� � ����� '�?� � � �yr�xi� ���� . . ..... . . . . .. ���.. �,,�,., , .'� i: : � ', ' � � .. � i, '; ` :. �t�. �yry��"i ' . , . ,� , � � --- r-.. �. :..._ ..., . . ,� ... _ � ... . ,.. ;t``�YC.iS.7 �3������R�� V#� , ,�� ., ., t' � , i; „ Q'�i:���� �'ii1li��.:�U.�.� ' . w - - - - -- � � '�- - , • r1� ' � �'rt . , .. � � � ' . . � �. .. �- -- - - . � , ._. . .. .,,. . .. , . _ - _ , _ . .._ . . -. �� - - - --- , ... . , . • . , . _. _ , . _ _,. ., _ . --. .. . .,_ � - -- . . y�,, . - - .. , ' . . , {+.`7',' , � , .. . _ , . - - ._.,.. .._ . . . . . , _ _ - ...... . . _ ,... , .. - . _.. ,' �: �� _ ._ . .... ., .. . ._ _.. ... � .. ..� ,.. . _ .. , . �,��'�'•� - � '�a^' i '' � A' � STATE OF MIl�II+IESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 1966, before me, a notary public, within and for said County, personal�y appeaxed , , , , and Joe Mitchell, to me personally knawn, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectivel,y the Mayor, City Clerk, Commissioner of , Co�nissioner of , and , and City Comptroller of the City of Saint Pa.ul, Minnesota, named - in the foregoing instr�ent, and that the seal affixed to said inatrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul, a.nd that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said City of Sa.int Paul by authority granted to forma.l resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. , paseed a.nd approved the day of , 1966, a.nd the sa.id Mayor, City Clerk, Caa�issioner of Co�.issioner of and City Ccr�ptroller acknotaledged said in- str�ent to be the act and deed of sa.id City of Saint Paul, pursuant to said resolution. � Notary Public, Ransey County, Minnesota N�y comnnissioner expires ._f 1 �