05-574Council File RESOLUTION Green Sheet OF SAfNT PA11L, MINNESOTA Presented Hy a9 Referred To Commit�tee: Date / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 WHEREAS, in a wntinued effort by the Department of Public Works to elose out prior year pmjeets, tlus resolution is intended to close out the 2001 and 2002 Resideatial Street Vitality Pm�ams and WHEAEAS, interest earaed on assessment bonds sold for the 2001/2002 RSVP program resulted in additional revenue, and WHEREAS, there are adjustments needed to match the budget to the actual amount of monies received £mm the Water Utility and Sewer Repair funds, and 4VHEREAS, there are surplus Capital Improvement Bond funda available to be transfened to the 2003 Residential Street Vitality Program to fund contract werruns, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the CouncIl o£the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Ran�ne Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $563,545.72 is available for appropriation in the in the 2003 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by tlris Couneil, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Bud'gets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PI,AN Residential Street Paving - Ol CO1-2T555 AssessmentBond Assessments PED-HUD-HomeImprovmt Miscellaneous Sewer Service Fund Water Utility CIB 1995 CIB 1999 CIB 2000 CIB 2001 SPENDING PLAN - Residential Street Paving - Ol CO1-2T555 Construction 3,072,843.01 14,400.15 3,OS7,243.19 42,349.65 � 42,349.65 49,500.00 ' 49,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 562,228.55 -6,548.54 555,679.71 381,282.00 51,647.69 432,929.69 452,533.52 452,533.82 402,150.98 402,150.98 1,140,577.35 1,140,577.35 6,993,000.00 -69,499.03 6,923,500.97 13,106,465.36 -10,000.00 13,096,465.36 13,106,465.36 -50,000.00 13,096,465.36 13,106,465.36 -10',000.00 13,096,465.36 # ��- S�� # ao(va9� os- s�� � 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 FINANCING PI.AN Residential Street Paving - 02 CO2-2T556 AssessmentBond 1,502,030.70 151,092.59 1,683,123.59 Assessments 97,259.00 12,577.90 109,836.90 MSA 184,000.00 184,000.00 WaterUtility 653,200.00 -31,32820 621,571.8D Sewer Service Fund 162,460.00 162,460.00 CIB 2002 5,740,829.52 -366,545.62 5,374,28420 5,339,779.52 -204,203.03 5,135,576.49 SPENDING PI,AN Residential Street Paving - 02 CO2-2T556 Construction FINANCING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 03 CO3-2T557 Assessment Bond Assessments MSA PIA Sewer Repair Water Utility CIB 2001 CIB 2002 CIB 2003 8,339,779.52 -204,203.03 8,135,576.49 8,339,779.52 -204,203.03 8,135,576.49 2,690,316.00 2,690,316.00 0.00 123,696.43 123,696.43 1,122,000.00 1,122,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 527,700.00 527,700.00 372,756.00 3,807.64 376,563.64 122,829.82 69,499.03 192,328.85 1,577,170.18 366,545.62 2,243,715.50 5,664,311.41 5,664,311.41 12,427,OS3.41 563,548.72 12,990,632.13 o S- s� `� 8� 82 S3 84 S5 86 SPENDING PLAN Residentisl Street Paving - 03 CO3-2T557 Construction 12,427,083.41 563,548.72 12,990,632.13 12,427,083.41- 563,548.72 .12,990,632.13 ""ee St. Pau? Lang -£�aEi�e i:api:al Ssnprovatr.�a �.:dget � ��;ittee :ece:v�a {nis zsquesq on �:�at�i 6��3�US� _ and reconmencs€ - ° ��P r "" 4 j - -____ _ �93^yP.2d: �� �`�- "`� Yeas Nays Absent Reque d y➢epart o• r enanav �— ll W os ro� r arrss �— He ae� �— g�, Lantry ✓ ontgomery ,i Approval Recommended by Office of " ,i Financial Se ices Director: Adopted by Council : Date �� a� ��a By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: : Date (/f � Form Approved by City Attorney: By: Mayor for �'�lii i � iii�%� �.i�!/7�/�i�t�,� oS'• S"1 `� DEPARIMEN!/OFFl(X'yppUNC14 DATEIN171ATED GREEN 1EET r,o. 20b297� :,., .,,,.,.�. � Public Works _� .. .' `, . ,. .:_. , ..., ... . , ...... 5%27/200$ ... ... .... . . . . . .. .. . . ._ � _ _. . , i�wavoaca. , .. ... , , CONlAC'tPERSOM&AFiONE .3 � CITVCOUNCIL Paul Kiut2 - 266-62A3 oernr�r»�ar aaECma ;� " MUSTBEONCOUNCIIAGENUABYIDA'f� ��..� � .� CffYATTOflNEY � ❑ NNIBEfl FOH q7Y CLEPo( � ❑FlNANCIAI_SEFNIC6Sd0. �FlW1N(AALSEfiV/ACCTG pNOEN �•• �s � ennvoa(on nss�sra�r� � raw w,m . �� 7 0� � , ❑ D��f�B 6-�-a = TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES . 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .•-^' ACfIONflE�UESTED �, . " ... . � . _ . . . -._ . . Approval of attached Council Resolution amendiug and/or clasing the spendiag and financing plans of the 2001 and 2002 Residential Street ' Vitality Paving programs. %- .' '' PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOW WG QUESTIONS: flECOMMENDATIONS;Approus (� or Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION , 1, H33 �FIi3 PBISONfitm CVEf WOfkCtl UltdEf d COfIV2C1 fOf UIiS d8p2rtrt12M? CIBCOMM�rI'EE YES NO civi4seavicECOMMissiorv ' �2. HasthispersoNfirtneverbeenacityemployee? — YES NO . 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill rw[ normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? _ YES NO — 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendor? �,..,.; . . , . YES NO INITIATIN6 PROBLEM,ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WHQ WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) � Tn an effort to close out completed prior year Capital Project accounts, this resolution is intended to close, out the 2001 & 2002 Residential ' Street Vitality Programs. -Interest on assessment bonds zesulted in additional revenues for both programs. Adjustments to match budget with s� . r acwal tevenues for Water Utility and Sewei.Repair funds need to be made. T,he surplus CIB funds will be transferred to the 2003 - Residential Street Vitality Program to cover comract ovemms. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � ' " 2001 & 2002 RSVP Program projects will be closed out. Adequate budget will be available to cover contract oven�ans in 2003. ��������� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � €bv - None. `� ��� ���� 9 Y � d � �' OISADVAMAGESIFNOTAPpROVE� � 2001 & 2002 RSVP Program projects remain open and there will not be adequate budget in the 2003 program to cover conh�act oveauns. � OTAL AMOUNf OF TRANSACTION $ 563,548.72 CpgT/pEVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ` .�" FUNDING SOURCE � nc'nvrn NUMBER COl-2T555, C0�2T556, CO3-2T557 FINANCIALINFORMA7ION(EXPWN) � � � � !?L2ii dc �9 .