229288 r -��r . • � • (�(� F ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �2��(�1(y r • J �' - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' ��`° � � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. ' _ � ,��� .� �C,OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���" ` ���.�' PRESENTED BY V TOR J. TEDESCO . COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August , 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5 has ' repor��dits findings and recommendations to the Council in a letter dated JNne 27, 196b, and WHEREAS, The Council has made � study of said report and recommendations ; therefore, be it . � RESOLVED, �by the� Council of the City of Saint Paul that the employees listed belo.w shall be entit�.ecl� t� and receive mi.leage allowances as follows: � DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES. AUDITORTUM AND CIVTG BUILDINGS Remove: Robert F. Peterson, former Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Thomas H. Shanley, Jr. , � former Deputy Commissioner C-,$75.00 max. Eff. b-6�66 .y„ Add• Dean Meredith, Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Ralph G. Merrilr, Deputy Commissioner �-$75.00 max. Eff, 6-7-66 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Add: _ Stephen A. Gleason, Civil Defense Director C-$50 .00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Remove r .. . .� � � '- .. � James H, Booth, former Civil Defense Director C-$50.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 �kdd: . Al1an F. Edelston, Administrative Assistant C-���T�.00 max. Eff. 6-7r66 Remove• Duane G, Gratz, former Administrative Assistant C-�'�� .00 max. Ef f. 6-6-66 •� Remove• � � ' James A. Weyandt, former Purchasing Agent C-»$75.00 max. Eff. b-6-b6 Donald H. Linder, former Deputy Purchasing Agent C-$75.00 max� Eff. 6-6-66 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— t Yeas Nays � . Carlson ' , . , .,,_ ` Dalglish ' r� Approved 19— ' Holland ' Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2z F ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ������ } ` ' • ,CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY VICTOR J. TEDESCO ' � COMMISSIONER DATF -2^ - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (Continued) Add: Robert E. Larkin, Purchasing Agent C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Theresa Beyer, Deputy Purchasing Agent C-$75.00 max. Eff . 6-7-66 Remove• Robert�Gerber, Jr. , City Clerk C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Add: Harry E. Marshall, City C�.erk G-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RE�REATION AND PT.JBLIC BUII.DINGS . Add: . Victor J. Tedesco, Commissioner �-�75r00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 John L. Ricci, Deputy Gommissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Remove• Frank L. Loss, former Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Philip L. Leier, former Deputy Comm' sr. C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Ad d: " .Lawrence J. Unger, Graft Instructor C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6�1�b6 � ' - - � -, . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY" � � A,�d c William E. Carlson, Gommissioner C-$,75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Roger M. Conway, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-6b Daniel P. McLaughlin,- License Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Daniel J. Vannelli, Inspector � C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 George J. Karel, Inspector �-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Paul J. Henry, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7�6�i Remove• Dean Meredith, former �ommissioner �C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-b6 Ralph G. Merril�, former Dep�zty Commtsr. C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Vernon P. Michel, License Inspector G-,$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-6b Louis L Mark, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 OWIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • ������ � ` ` • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . • COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY VT�TOR J. TEDES.CO � COMMISSIONER DATF -3= DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG SAFETY (Continued) Anthony J. LaNasa, Inspector " C-$75.00 max. Eff, 6-6-66 Elmer B. Spiegelberg, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 DEPARTMENT OF PIJBLIC WORKS Add: Commissioner Robert F. Peterson C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Steven Billings, Engineering Aide I B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-66 Ted R. Huntley, Engineering Aide II B�$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-F�6 Lawrence� Haselberger, Civil Engineer II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-66 Robert Lissick C-$60 .00 max. Eff. 6-6�-66 Ronald Dr�de C-$60.00 max. Eff. 6�13-66 Remove� Thomas Shanley, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-9-66 Milton �3.s Rosen, former CorrLmissioner William�P:-�ehrens, Jr. , former Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Add: � Anthony J. Crea, Deputy Commissioner �-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-14-66 ' Walter 'A. Hurtley, � Civi1 Engineer III C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-23-66 Enzo R. ��iuliani, Engineering ,Aide II S-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 John P . Downey, Engineering Aide Z B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-6b Harold E. Kastens, Engineering Draftsman II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Willard L. Lanahan, Engineering Aide I B-.$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Norbert X. Brinkhaus, Engineering Aide � Il B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 �..,..� ' ........ �-...:,�....� - .�..�. �..GpUNCILME � - w,�,...�.�.i_i..,_+t,o_.r_�.,r.,;� ,o s , ;;,COUNCI AqEN Adopted by the Council JUN 2 8196619_ Yeas Nays Carlson "- ` JUN 2 81966 , Dalglish . �, � „ Approved 19._ � Holland � Meredit� . � In Favor + , � Peterson > , Mayor Tedesco A gainst _ a• x Mr. President, Byrne '', � �PllBLISHED �U� 21966 � `� f � . �22 - " r - -- F� .-"'"`'i _ �' _T �� � y IT-Y OF SAINT PAl1 ����'' � - �:f � . f ` ...�rwM'..� , '- � � `�_ i.:�-- 1 Y� .r�j�,�.","�- i �*'"'� ` ,:r'r� Capital of Minnesota �" _� � -„ .. . � "�,�.-���...�✓r _��r�..-._ _�. / „ �-V � � „� :�d S �' ,� ;�'� r r ; � �nu i �' —� .r � .+._1• r. -.r � �11r ' ' Y'` -s , - l�:li-'fc�' � � S,ir � as+: �' , �J� _ `�,;�s, B _� F !I �N;,�'�., . �: _ �.� i �� ��re��,e -�t ,;.—�...��.,,�;..,445' Cit �H NI "''- _ _ —�— •r � ,—�>\� , � _ -�.�._ Y � � _ u'�.� – . ,t�,.v.ia� �. _ ��r.o,;Tfd .r�, ----• -__—'-�._� ' =� - Yf' - +.: !,- �s- '�� � di t+a =2 r,. _wy�. .a '' �,+t - �'-�,� - -�� �:� .x - -' '`�:�' _ r� ' `� �S �'Y�_y 'Y" •r„+� �s' � c• � fA�� �. �jt,_ S�j _ BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 J�ne 27S 1966 ����Honorable Council �� City of Saint Paul Gentlemeni The Car Mileage Committee met in the office of the City Architect, Robert L, Amzs, on Monday morning, May 23, 1966 at 9 :00 o' clock. The following members were present: Messrs.• Clarke, Crea, Kelley, LaNasa, Merrill, Segal and Rooney. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES. AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS A letter dated June 20, 1966 was received from Ralph G. Merrill, Deputy Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings re- questing the following� Removec Robert F. Peterson,- former Commissioner C-$75.00 max, Eff. 6-6-66 Thomas H. Shanley, Jr. , former Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Add: + � Dean Meredith, Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Ralph G. Merrill, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff, 6-7-66 The Committee recommends that these requests be granted by the Council. OFEICE OF THE MAYOR In a letter dated June 16, 1966 Mayor Thomas R, Byrne, referred the letter of Stephen A. Gleason dated June 14, 1966 to the Committee. • This requested that he be placed on mileage. Add: Stephen A. Gleason, Civil Defense Director C-$50.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 ; Remove: James H.. Bo,oth, Former Civil Defense Director C-$50.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 The Committee recommends these requests be granted. Honorable Council Page 2 June 27, 1966 An additional letter dated June 22, 1966 from Mayor Thomas R.. Byrne requested Allan F. Edelston be placed on mileage. Add: Al1an F, Edelston, Administrative Assistant C-$50 .00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Remove: Duane G. Gratz, former Administrativ� Assistant C-$50.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 A favorable action is recommended by the Committee. ' The Committee also received a letter dated June 27, 1966 from Mayor Thomas R. Byrne requesting the following: Remove: James A. Weyandt, former Purchasing Agent C-.$75Y00 max. Eff. 6-6�66 Donald H. Linder, former deputy Purchasing Agent C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Add: Robert E. Larkin, Purchasing Agent C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Theresa Beyer, deputy Pizrchasing Agent C-$75.00 max. Eff, 6-7-66 The Committee recommends favorable action. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREAT'ION ,4ND PUBI.IC BUILDINGS A letter of June 13, 1966 signed by Victor J, Tedesco, CommissionEr� was received by the Committee and requested the following: Addi � Victor J. Tedesco, Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 John L. Ricci, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Removei Frank L. Loss, former Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Philip L. Leier, former Deputy Comm' sr. C-$75.00 max, Eff. 6-6-66 T'he Committee recommends that these requests be granted by the Council. In an additional letter of June 22, 1966 Commissioner Victor J. Tedesco requested that Lawrence J. Unger, Craft Instructor for the Wilder Day Camp of the Recreation Division be placed on "G" Mileage, Mr. Unger provicles transportation for day camping activities. Addt Lawrence J. Unger, Graft Instructor C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-66 The Committee recommends that this request be granted. ' Page 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY The Committee considered a letter of June 9, 1966 signed by William E. Carlson, Commissioner and Roger M. Conway, Deputy Commissioner requesting the following: Add: William E. Carlson, Commissioner _ C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Roger M.. Conway, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Daniel P. McLaughlin, License Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Daniel J. Vannellii Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 George J. Karel, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6^7-66 ' Paul .J. Henry, Inspector - � � C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Removet � Dean Meredith, former Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Ralph G. Merrill, former Deputy Comm' sr.. C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Vernon P. Michel; License Inspector - C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Louis L. Mark, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Anthony J. LaNasa, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Elmer B. Spiegelberg, Inspector C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Favorable action is recommended by the Committee. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � A letter dated June 8, 1966 by John J. Eichinger, signed by Robert F. Peterson, Commissioner, rec{uested the followingt Add: � Commissioner Robert F. Peterson C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 Steven Billings, Engineering Aide I B�$75.00 max. Eff.. 6-1-66 Ted R. Huntley, Engineering Aide II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-66 Lawrence Haselberger, C�vil Engineer II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-1-66 Messrs, Billings, Huntley, Haselberger have all been assigned to Con-- struction Inspection Activities in the field and, therefore, will be acting as Inspectors in the various pro�ects contracted by the De- partment of Public Works. As their driving habits vary from month to month thereb,y making it very difficult to assign a Plan "C" plan to them, their department asked they be placed on Plan "B" . Add c � Robert Lissick �-$60 .00 max. Eff . 6-6-66 Ronald Drude C-$60 ,00 max. �ff. 6-13-66 It was mentioned Messrs. Lissick and Drude are both assigned as In- spectors on sidewalk construction and will be assigned a district of which there is, some pattern shown from past experiences, therefore, their department asked for "C" mileage. The Committee recommends that these requests. be granted by the Council. Page 4 A letter from John J, Eichinger, Administrative Assistant, dated June 16, 1966 also requested the fo�.lowing+ � Remove• Thomas . Shanley, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-9-66 Add: Anthony J. .Crea, Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-14-66 Remove• Milton�R, I�osen, former Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 • William P. Behrens., Jr. , former Deputy Commissioner C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 The Committee requests these be given favorable action. . Ano-ther letter of June 17; 1966 signed by John J. Eichinger, was con- sidered by the Committe.e. It requested the following : Add: Walter A. Hurtley, �ivil Engineer III C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-23-66 Increase � George Elliott, Paving Plant Foreman from C-$40.00 max. to C-$65.00 max. Eff. 6-8-66 Mr. Elliott has had a reassignment of some duties making it necessary for him to drive to the Asphalt Plant pro�ects almost daily. Add: Enzo R. Giuliani, Engineering Aide II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 John P. Downey,. Engineering Aide I B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Harold E. Kastens; Engineering Draftsman II B-.$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Willard L. Lanahan, Engineering Aide I B�$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Norbert X. Brinkhaus, Engineering Aide II B-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-20-66 Messrs. Giuliani, Downey, Kastens, Lanahan and Brinkhaus are being assigned to construction inspection duties for the summer construc- tion season and will need their cars in the performance of their duties. Favorable action is recommended by the Gommittee. BUREAU OF REGISTRATION AND ELECTIONS Remove• Robert�Gerber, Jr. , City CTerk (former) C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-6-66 Add: � Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk • C-$75.00 max. Eff. 6-7-66 , � . w . Page 5 , These requests were received in a letter from the Office of the Mayor dated June 27, 1966. The Mileage Committee recommends that these requests be. granted by the Council. , Very trul urs, � w. . Wi li m W. Rooney Ac�n- Vice Chairman 'Car Mileage Committee