229280 �� �-�.�� � Councll Flle No. 229280—By Robert F. peterson— ' Resolved, Tha4 upon the petition of Virgil A. Doerfler, that section of pub- lic street hereinafter described be and' the same heteby is vacated.and dis- continued as a public street;;: That_ portioh of ,Raymorid Place ]ying between.the north line of the alley in Block 80, St. �Anthony Park, Minn:, extended easterly on a straight'line from the southeast coraer of Lot�11 in saicl Block 60 on a tangent to the curve of the north line of the-alley in said Block 60 to the'�point of intersection with Lot 5, Block 1, Knudsen Addition, and the �south line of Robbfns Street. extended on a straight line tangent to the north line of Lot 1, ' Block 1, Knudsen Addition,- from ' the northeast corner of Lot 11, Block B0, St. Anthony Park, Minn.; sub�ect expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: • 1.that the "vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Sectioh 228 of the Legislative Code, aa 8mended, regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions Por the - vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys, and highways in the City of Saint Paul; 2,that the closing of Raymond Place be completed to the satisfaction oE the Department oP Public Warks to include resloping, grading; surfac_ ing, and bituminous curb 14 neces- sary to provide for proper drain- age• h . 3.that the petitioners pay to the City the sum o4 �2,500 as compensation tor the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amount of �2.000. Adopted by f.he.Council Tune 28,1988. Approved June 28, 1966. (July 2, 1966)