229279 �� � �. ��
Council Flle No. 229279—By Robert 'F.
Peterson— '
Resolved, That upon the ,pAtition of
Viking Dr911 and Tool Company, those
sections of public streets and a sectioa
of publlc alley hereinafter described
be and the same<hereby are_vacated
and discontinued as public streets,and
public alley: - �.. .
- All-that part of DeSoto�Street from
the north line of Grove StYeet'to a
line drawn from a point on the
west line of DeSoto Street 20 feet
southerly irom the south line of
13th, Street (formerly Woodword
Avenue) to the northwest corner
of Lot 7, Block 10, Brunsons Addi-
tion to the Town of St. Paul in
the County of �t,amsey and Ter-
ritory. of Minnesota• also that part
� of Grove Street �y�ng east of the
center line of'DeSoto Street and
west of the,northwester�y line o4
8th Street extended northeaster�y;
subiect express�y to the following
conditions and reservations:
1.thaC the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions o4 Sectioa
228 of the Legislative Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure
and prescribing conditions for the
� vacation of public grounds, streets,
and alleys and highways in tlie
City oE-St:Paul;
2:that speciflc easements be retained
in that part of Grove Street being
vacated and in the south B0� feet
'of that part of,DeSoto Street being
vacated to,.protect the interests
of the �Northern States Power
� 3,that a-speciHc easement be retaified
in Grobe Street to protect.:the in-
terests of the Water Department�of
the City of Saint Paul,�-�iith the
following speci&c requirements:
a.P: permanent'easement -15' feet
on each side of the water main.
b.The present grade to be main-
tained within the easement area.
c.No building construction to be
permitted within the easement
• area.
4•that the�petitioner pay to the
� City the sum of �B,ppp as compen-
sation for the vacation and provide
the City with a bond in the amount
of OOp,
Adop ed by the Council Tune 28, 1960.
Approved Tune 28, 1966. �
(July 2, 1966)