229275 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 22�2►�� �- — CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert Peterson �Q June 23 1966 _ COMMISSIONER DATF � Y � • WF�REAS, Additions and 'Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the construction of ornamental lighting and traffic signals on Warner Rd, , (Robert to 500 ft. east of Sibley) , Jackson St. (Kellogg to 2nd St.) and Second St. (Jackson to Sibley) , .Comptroller's Contract Z-6769-1, Collins Electrical Construction Co. , contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WE�REAS, it has been found necessary to make the following addition, to-wit: ADDITION . � Installing one additional street light base, 200 feet west of Jackson Street at a . . . . . . . . . . .lump sum of 125.00 WI�REAS, the total Addition is $125.00;now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $125.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as comptroller's contract L-6769-1, and , which amount is to be financed from County Aid Furids. _ The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $125.00 is the correct amount to be added to f ' the above contract. i � � � COUNCILMEN �U N 2 � 1� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays g 1966 Carlson . J�� 2 �. Dalglish Approved 19— �En}l�an�d-- L� T�� ' "- ��� In Favor ' Peterson (� , Mayor Tedesco � , A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pU$LISHED JUt 2 196� , � �a2 � 22�2'7 DUrLICATE TO rRINTEIt ,. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y J�� Q�, i966 COMMISSIONER RaberC Pe�O�$OT1 DATF — �R�AS, Add�tiop� �nd �eductiot� wh�ch might prove to be necassary in the �mprovement deacribed es the conatrucC;Lon of ora�metntal lighting and txafffc �ig�is QA �1'a�cner Rd., (Rob�rt to S00 ft. ea�e of 8ib�.ey), . 'Jacksoa St,. ERe3logg to �x�d Bt.) a�cl Second 8x. CJaskson to Sibley)'� . Comptroller'e Coatrsct �-6769•1,, Co2lias BXecCri.cal �oYutruc�ion Co., ;; contractory�have beea provided for in the Specif�ca�ioas, and � ; �HBREASs �t lzas been fou�ad necess�xy to make the following additioa, y, to-wi.t:. , . , • • . ADD�TION ' , ,, � � I etalX�ng o�,e addit�.ona1��c�reeC 1igh� ba.�e, �OU �eet west�of aackson Str�et at a . . . . • . , . . . . .�ump 6LUri O� 125.00 �tRRBA3� th�; tiot�l Addition i� $�25.E30 �aw thereforR,. be �t � - R�30LVSD, thati Che C3.ty of Sainti �aul through i�s Ci.ty Couacil approves the foregoiicg Additian �ade in accordance wiCh the �pec3ficattone 3n the au� of $125.00, said �mount to be added �o the lumg su� considerat�.on named 3,n the contract, kttown ae camptrol�,ex's GontraCt Lw6769i1, at�d which amoua� 3,s to be fin�ced �r�n Cauney Aid Funds. . The Cou�aiasianar of �ubl�.e Worke has agr�ed with the above n�.med contractor th�t khe sum Af $1�5.00 �ts the cor�e�t amaunt ra be added to the above cantrac�. JUN 2a � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— ` Yeas Nays 1y66 Carlson �`��� 2� Dalglish Approved 19— v,��i a rrvxric � .- � �o,.oa:„��; �In Favor � Peterson v Mayor • Tedesco A gainst " . Mr. President, Byrne � �za