05-569Council File # O v� v� 7 RESOLUT{OPl Green Sheet # �DE� a`j� Presented By Referred To WHSREAS, the Downtovm Street Redesign budgets far 20W, 2IX71 and 2002 were approved by ComN as Log #SU-1799140 on CF 99-1197, CF 00-1167, and CF O1-1311, and WHEREAS, addirional MSA funding was eligible due [o contrac[ oveavus, and WHF.REAS, there is a need to increase [he MSA financing on these projects and adjus[ other fivancing sources in order [o close them, and WHEREAS, tUere is sufficient MSA fivancing iu [he 2002, 2004 & 2005 MSA Condngency, [he Bicycle Rwte Conuection and I,afayette/Grove Channelization projec[s [o traosfer ro[he Downtown Sueet Redesign budgets to covec the inccease in MSA, so m i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor aud advice of the Long Ranfe Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $284,467.86 is available for appropriation in the 2000Capitallmprovement Budgets, as heretofore adop[ed and amended by tltis Council, be hereby fiuther amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following pazticulars: Cuaent Amended Budge[ Changes Budget FINANCINGPLAN � Downtown Street Redesign C00-2R040 MSA 1,672,498.80 284,467.86 1,956,966.66 ISTEA 1,4�0,OOO.W 1,400,�0.00 TIF 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 Asmts 609,600.00 609,600.00 5,182,098.80 284,467.86 5,466,566.66 SPENDING PLAN Ibwntown SVcet Redesign C00-2R040 ConsWCtion & Plans FINANCING PLAN Downtown SVeet Redesign CO1-2R041 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 5,182,098.80 254,467.86 5,466,566.66 5,182,098.80 284,467.86 5,466,566.66 MSA 519,017.14 -49,10273 459,914.41 1TF 825,000.00 825,000.00 WaterUlility - 27,180.00 27,180.00 Asmts 1,324,588.37 -117,050.00 1,207,83837 2,696,085.51 -166,152.73 2,529,932.78 SPENpING PLAN Downtown Street Redesigu COS-2R041 ConswMion & Plaas 2,696,085.51 -166,15273 2,529,932.78 2,696,085.51 -166,15273 2,529,93278 OS-Sfo� 55 FINANC¢dGPLAN 56 Downrown S� Redesign 57 CO2-2R045 58 59 MSA 60 CIB 61 Asmts 62 63 64 SPENDING PI.AN 65 DpvmlownStreetRedesign b6 CO2-2R045 67 68 Consttuuion & Plans 69 70 71 FINANCING PLAN 72 MSA Con[iugency 73 C04-2T064 74 75 MSA 76 77 78 SPENDING PLAN 79 MSA Cantingency 80 C04-2T064 81 82 Constcuctiou & Plans 83 84 85 FINANCING PLAN 86 MSA Contingency 87 CO3-2T063 88 89 MSA 90 91 92 SPENDING PLAN 93 MSA Contiugency 94 CO3-2T063 95 96 Construction & Plaos 47 98 99 FINANCING PLAN 100 Bicycle Route Connection 101 C04-2T075 102 103 MSA 104 1,441,043.68 -568.86 1,440,474.82 17,388.00 17,388.00 416,21A-IXl 568.86 416,788.86 1,874,651.6& 0.00 1,874,651.68 1,874,651.68 0.00 1,874,651.68 1,874,651.68 0.00 1,874,651.68 250,�OQ-0� -138,770.97 111,229.U3 250,000.00 -138,�70.97 111,229.03 250,000.00 -138,770.97 111,229.03 250,000.00 -138,770.97 111,229.03 126,545.84 -22,983.04 103,562.80 126,545.84 -22,983.04 103,562.80 126,545.84 -22,983.04 103,562.80 126,545.84 -22,983.04 103,562.80 I8,000.00 -9,653.53 8,346.47 18,000.00 -9,653.53 8,346.47 105 SPENDING PLAN 1�b Bicycle Rou[e Connection 107 C04-2IY175 108 109 Cousnucrion 8c Plans I10 111 112 FINAIdCING PLAN 113 Latayette{'irove Channeliaation 114 CO3-2R070 115 1l6 MSA 117 118 119 SPENDING PLAN 120 Lafayette-Grove Chauneliza4on 121 CO3-2R070 122 123 Construc[ion & Plaus 124 Adopted by Council By: By: o�- s� 18.000.00 -9,653.53 8,346.47 18,000.00 -9,653.53 &,346.47 300,000.00 fi3,388.73 236,611.27 300,000.00 -6338893 236,611.27 300,000.00 -63,388.73 236,611.27 300,000.00 -63,358.73 236,611.27 �i'r.f9:3�r. %L��:c: i..:�1.1-: :.`.3;:;:,n.l. ; .'.5�.2` �irw .'��'�.Yu'ti ..._....�.��tiEF.° ,:'� _ 6 �,� V �_ , - . . � d .c2 ;�.JtiD•YatdP.i1Y a :�«..� � �/U✓tv l �..... ..+_._—�.. ....__. _�. _� e 4�2^.: s-J--�' L...� ., .._ �. . Approval Recommended by Office of Financial Services Director: �� . i.✓ . By: �,by Ma�yo�r�f�or G!�' �?4�'v�-G� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney: ra�bli� wo�� ��,.: . °.. COMACT PEflSON & PFpNE Paul Kurtz - 2666203 MUST BE OP�COUNCILAGENDABV (DA7�. DFPARIMEN! DIFiECTOR GREEN SHEET . _ . , . irinavoare.. ,. 3 C✓�/ 9 os s6� No. 206299 f� � � .. IHitiaVDate .- � . . °� ASSIfiPI � piYATfORNEY � � qTYCLEHI( NIAABERfdi �' ❑ FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR �FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTC ONUER ❑ MnYOFi(OFi ASSISTMIi) ❑ PaW IGirtz /" " O S � Q �� 6�2 OS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) pCTION FE�UESTED - � � ' � ' � ' " ' � " Approval of attached Council Resoludon amending the spending and financing plans of the 2000, 2001 & 2002 DownWwn Street Redesign projects by transferring MSA from 2003 & 2004 MSA Contingency and from the Bicycle Route Connecflon and Lafayette-Grove Channelization projecGS. FECOMMENDATIONS:Appmre (A) a fleject (R) � PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a wntrect for this departmeM'? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill �ot rrortnally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO The Downtown Street Redesign budgets for 2000, 2001 and 2002 were approved by Council as Log #SU-1799140 on CF 99-1197, CF 00-1167, and CF O1-1311. Additional MSA funding was eligible due to comract overruns, and there is a need to increase the MSA .. financing on these projects and adjust other financing sources in order to close t6em. There is sufficient MSA Snancing in khe 2003 & 2004 MSA Contingency projects and the Bicycle Route ConnecGon and the Lafayett�Grove Channelization projects to transfer to the Downtown Street Redesign budgets to cover the increase in MSA. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: There will be sufficient budget to match the acmal revenues received from MSA and to cover expenditures on these projects. The Dowrnown Sh�eet Redesign projects will be closed. ������� OISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' None. I DATEINITIATED 5/27/2005 � . 1 r� �' DISADVMl�AGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will not be sufficient budget in the Downtown Street Redesi� projects to match revenues and cover expenditures. fO7AL AMOUNT OFTHANSACTION $ 284 � R �JCOST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No ei FUNDING SOUHCE MSA , aCiNm' NUMBER C00.2R040, COl-2R041, CO2-2R045, C04-2T064, FINANCiALINf-0FMATION(E%PLAIM ' CO3-ZTOG3�C�-2.�75.C�-��70 JUN 13 20Q5