229212 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEflK 22�212 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESC)L�TION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED OY � / COMMISSIONER DATF _ 1 � Resolved that permiss3.on be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, to make necessary excavation to place buried ' Alq� cable on Rankin Street south of West �eventh Street to Shep ard Road. Vv � . o � � Work to be done under the direction of the Commi.ssioner of Public � Works. he e T T lephone Company to p�y for the cost of publication incident hereto. � Location of proposed plant to be sub�ect to the approval of the Public 1�Torks Department and the Board of Water Commi.ssioners. ,r�`� � • ._.t.,_, _ -- � _ __ . -_ . - . _ : _._+�..:� -,= � _ . .- J �2 21966 COLJNCILI�N Adorted by the C�unci 19_ Yeas �Nays � Dalglish�~` JUN 2 21g� �d � Approved 19— ��' Tn FaV02' " Meredith Peterson � ��I&yOr �� � A gainst Mr. President, vava�s �p(�gt1SHED JUN 2 5 19�� 1oM E-62