227984 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLlIIK ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�- �C�rsE Co��r� COUNCI RESOLUTION— 'ENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY ��,1 5� ],9W i� COMMISSIONE DA� RFISOLVIDs That $pplication J�727? for Restaurant� Qn and. Off Sale Malt Beverage and licenses Cigarette,�� applied for by 0. D. Davis at 6].L� Concord Stree�� be and the same are hereby granted. . / NEW � . Informally approved by cauncil February 3� 1966 _ Old Location APR 51966 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 5196� Holland Approved 19— Los s � Tn Favor �� Meredith • �, �9Qi��` Mayor . � Against �n� PUBLISHED APR 9 1965 Mr. President, iont�e-as