227977 �a �-��' � Counc�i Flle No. 227977—By Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, Roberts Construction, Inc. has petitioned to vacate a certain por- tion oP Pierce Butler Route, and said petition has, on Mazch 14, 1966, been ' determined to be fn proper form by the Corporation Counsel; and Whereas, Publication of the notice of vacation is necessary`for four consecu- tive weeks, and it appears that no private or public utilities are affected , by the vacations; and Whereas,The petitioner has requested informal approval ot the petition to . enable it to Qroceed witt�tY�e B1ans for construction in the area concerned; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the petition request- ing the vacation of the section of the public street described as follows: That part of Pierce Butler Route lying within the south 90 feet oi Lots 8, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, and 12, Peas,e Bros. Rearrangement of Block Ohe Hersey-Woolsey Add. to. the City oP St. Paul, and north of a]ine 50 feet northerly oP and parallel to the following described line: Be- ginning at a point on the center line of North Syndicate Street 40 Eeet north of the point of inter- section of the said center line of Syndicate Street and the south line of said Pease Bros. Rearrangement, produced wester�y; thence easterly along a straight ]ine 40 feet ncrth of and parallel to the south line of said Pease Bros. Rearrangement a distance of 161.55 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 600 feet for a distance of 229.18 feet; thence along a straight line tangent to said curve to the point of intersection with the produced east line of Lot 6 ir} said Pease Bros. Rearrangement, is informal�y approved,and the Council _ of the City of Saint Paul herein ex- presses its informal approval,of the eventual vacation �bf said street as such is to be accomplished pursuant to law, su,bject to the understanding'and condition that this constitutes merely an informal approval and, in no way, pledges this Body to assure the peti- tioner of the flnal approval 04 the vacation: �nd that, further, the."peti- , tioner shall be responsib}e for any and all costs, losses,and expenses inCµ�'ed, should the vacation=be disapproved. Adopted by the Cotincil April 5, 1988. Approved April 5, 1968. , (April 9, 1966)