227972 . . �2ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK ��`] ;� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO j_, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED RY ��h 3].� 1� COMMISSIONE DA� RESOLVED, That the Cour�.cil hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor an.d hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, ma,terials and services necessary for or reasonab]tiy incidental to the wrecking only of frame dwelling and removal of steps, walks and miscellaneous concrete and debris located at 1�+0 Ea.st Robie Street, described as the West �+3 feet of East 139 feet of Lot l, Block 90, Town of West Saint Paul, �aint Paul, Minnesota to MINNESOTA LUMB�ER & WRECKCNG CORPORATION in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Informal Bid �9�-85 of said Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Corporation, City to pay Contractor $6g�+.00, such bid being the lowest and said Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Corporation being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. �`' - `Tnformal~Bid•�9485• - � APR 11�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � ���� Holland pproved �P� 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson �ByOr ��1 ��Against Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHED APR 2 ���� � loM E-d4 DUrLICAT[TO rRINTlR v �.;� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� 2�g�� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE� DATF �Lh 3�.� 1� R�OL�D, The,t tla.e Council �r�by �.pprov�e� 't� a�t�rd of the Car�tra,ct Co�aitt,e� thex��or and Y�xebY aw�rds contre,et �or �urn.ishing �,]1. le,bar, �ater�l.�].s ancl eerrices nsc�a�ry �qr or t�asana.bly 3neic�ntai7. to tbe �rreeking cxi7.y oP �rame drn�1]3ng arn,8. x�e�oval o� �tep�, w�7�ss and ai.sceLle,neou� concrete end debris lxated �.t 1�+0 B'�.st Aob3.e �tr�t, de�rilaed a� �.e W�st �3 �'eet af �.st ].�9 feet of i�ot 1, Block g0, �a�n of West 8a,�.t Pgul� �a,iat Pau1, Mirm�sor.a. -to MI�. T�'R & W� C0�0� in accoz•dance xit�h City sp�cif'icatioa.� t�here�or her�-to at�ahec�. send the In�o�l. Sid ��+85 of s�3d Minaeeota Ltimn'ber & Wre�'k� ��r,poration� City to pay Cantra,etor �69�i�.00� E�uch bid being the 1.a�e�t and sa�i.d Idiimeso-t� Lu�aber 8a �Tracking Corporat3o�t. being s reaspnei,ble e�nd relia,ble b3dd�r erid the Co.rporati�xa, Coungel be mmnd hPxe'by �.s dixected to draw up td� proper �orm o� contxa,ct t�sere�or, and the pmper City o�'i�is,]s hereby � �uthori�ed to e�oecu.t� sa3d con.tract on beha�.t� Qf the City of 8aint Paul. In�o�7. B�d �85. APR � 19�� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �PR 11�E� Holland Approv� 19— Loss ` Tn Favor Meredith Peterson C� M�3�Or � A g81I13t Mr. President, Vavoulis ions �