227966 , r ORIGINAL T�?CITY CLERK ���� f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO °� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY • p�/ COMMISSIONE � DATF �&.rCh 3�-� 1-7"0 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awaxds contract for furnishing a11 labor, ma,tera.als and services necessary for or reasona.bly incidental to the wrecking only of fram�e dwelling a�d the performance of miscellaneons. site work and clean up at 132 Granite Street described as the West 1�2 �t �+, B1ock �+, Ed.mund Rice's Second � Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota. to A. KAMISH COMPANY in accorda.nce f with City specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Informal Bid �447 of said A. Kamish Cotrq�any, City to pay Contractor $425.00, such bid being the , � _ lawest and saa.d A. Ka,mi.sh Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be an.d hereby is directed to draw up the proper fo�n of contract therefor, and the proper City officials h�eby axe authorized to ' � execute said contra,ct on beha�' o�_ -the City _of. Saint Paul. _ _ s • . , � �-� Informal Bid #9�+7. �P� �, I96� COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council ' I9— Yeas Nays � ���� Dalglish �� _ Holland /J oved 19— Loss (�� Tn Favor Metedith Pete rs on MByOr �i� � a gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 1�U$LISNED APR 2 �9�� iont e-aa OUrLICAT[TO r111NT[R 22�g�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O�NCIL NO =� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED{Y �rcn�3i, i9� COMMISSIONE� DATF R�SO��SD, That t�e Crnulcil he�17y �.pprove� the ��r�,.t•d of �e Coaa.tr�,et �a�l.ttee there�'or��.nd her�by atxarc�s .�dn.�tz`act �Qr i'zu�nish3xlg alI 3,ti,bc�r, �,�terial� a�.d servicea nece�sary �or or rc�,sa�,b3,y incidsnta,l. �a 'the �re�king �r ��' frame c'3�re]1�.r�g au1 thQ gei-:�orman.ce 4f .m3.eceL'l.tr�neo�s. s3.te vork �,nd cleaz� up �,t 13� Gr�.te Street aeseribed �# thc3. W,st 3.f 2 �T�ot �r �lp�k �� �d ItLC�'s Liecouc�. " 1�dditii� 't� t�ha �3.ty o�"Sa�.ut �'au7:, 1wL�nn�sQta �o �i'. 'KAMTS$ C�NIFA�E 3.i�. ac�arcZ�ce �rZth �Ci'ty spec3fic��i�s"therefor 'hereta at�ached �d �he 7�€�rmda. �id �7 �P ... s�d �,. K.e�i.s� Cc�pat�ri ��.ty �to pay �c�ntrac-tior $��g.04, such bic3 beixig the . . " ldw��t an.d. �.a7. A: F�dsh Cd�any �.tig �, re�,�cma'ble snd reltg'bl.e bidder axid the Cos�ara,tio� �ow�el be� �u�. 'her��y �.s direc�e� t� dra� uP �he prap�r �Qrn o�' cpntr�.ct there�efr� �nd the pi�per City off`3.c�a�.s h�eby 8.i'� &utYlorized tO execute sa,id coritract oa 'be�a1.�' o� the C3ty c�f Sair�t ��'a.ui. Tnform�,3. B�d �9�47. , �P,� 11366 COUNCILI�N •Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �R 1 ���� Holland Approve�i 19— Loss Tn FavOL' Meredith � Mayor Peterson A gainst .��.�—„ Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-es