227965 , , � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK (l�l 1�� ' � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �,N " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ;,- , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED RY � � ,, T COMMISSIONE - �^`� p�rF Ma.rr_h �l i l C� RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Comm3.ttee therefor a.nd hereby awards contract for furnishing a11 la,bor, ma,terials and services necessary for or reasona,bly incidental to the wrecking only of frasne clwelling and the performance of m3.sce1laneous site work and clean up at 319 Chestnut Street, described as the Southeasterly 28 feet of I.nt l, Block 27, Rice a.nd Irvine's Addition to Saint Pau1, Minnesota, to MINNESOTA LI�IBER & WRECKING CORPORATION in accordan.ce with City specifications therefor hereto att.ached and the Inf'ormal Bid #g�+35 of said Minnesota. Lumber & Wrecking Corporation, City to pay Contra,ctor $693.00, such bid being the lo�west and said Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Corporation being a reliable a.nd reasona.ble bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefo'r, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract , on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ��.�. �'��y zi�ormal. Bi�. �9�+35. �- _ � _ . _ AP� 1 ���� COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council Y9_ Yeas Nays 9Q�� Dalglish �P� � �'� r Holland = � pprove 19_ Loss : ��� x Tn Favor Meredith - Peters on ) MaYor Against - `��° � ��t1BLISHED APR 2 196� Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-da ' DUrLICATC TO r111NT[R ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa NO ���9�� i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONER DA� ��h �1-�].� R�OLVED, '�.t �he CouneiZ hereby approv+eg the aw�r� of tl�e Comtraa� Ca�.ttee �thex�far an�l hereby �rds �trgct �or �urni�h3.ng all ].m,bor, �,fi�ri� �ud �errices neces�a�,ry �'or or res�sc�b],y inciden�l to the xrec:k3ng c�n1y of �ra�e c�re]19.n8 �td t�e per�or�nce o� �isce7�.aneous ��te �ork �ud. cl�n up at 319 Che�tnut Btz�eet, �,e�cri.t�d a�s the Southe�tcrly ?.k3 �eet o� Tr�t 1, Block 27, Rice end Irvine�s Additi� to S�,int Paul, Mirineeot�., to �OTA I�R da �T� �O�ORA�IOit in a,�cord�n.ce �ith City speci�ica,t�.aa�s tl�era�or hereto �.ttached. and the In�oz�. 89.� i�9�35 0� saGf.d M3.nnesota I�I�er Ea �Trecls3.ng �orpor�,tio�t, city to ��r coatr�,ctox �693.oo, �ucn bia being �the ].v�e�t �,na s�i.a Miw�,sso�, Twndber Eo �+Trec�s3ag Corpora,tioa being a reli�,ble a,nd r�e�an�,ble bidder and the Coz�orr�tiaa C�unsel be �nd hera'by is d.irected to drair t� the praper i'ont o�' contrac� ther�e�or, aaa.d fi.he proper �ity o�'ficial� here'�y are aut�ors�ea. to exeaute ��3.d contr�,ct or�, 'beha].f of the City crP Saint Paul. Infor�,]. Bl.d �35• APR 11966 COUNCILIu�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ��t'� 11�'��`'� Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOY Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A g8inSt e^R� Mr. President, Vavoulis , io�s e-�s