D001404CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • � 1 11 •' 1 �I' BUDGEl' REVLSION No: IJIJV � �V`� ��: � 2-a�+-q� ADMIHISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor on Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Superintendern of the Division of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1997 budget of the Special Fund, the Director of the DepartmeM of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curr�►t Bu aQ�e Department of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recreation Pazks & Recreation Special Projects Spending Plan • 365-13100-0219 Fees-Other Prof Services 365-13100-0565 Transfer to Capital Proj. Fund 365 All Other Spending Totals 0.00 50,000.00 1.016.750.00 1,066,750.00 Chan¢e � �t� �� � ��� �� 1 11 � �.� � Am�ded Budeet 10,000.00 40,000.00 1.016.750.00 1,066,750.00 ADNST 1997 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR ADDITIONAL COST DUE TO UNEXPECTED COST FOR RIVERFRONT PLANNING & DESIGN AND TO COMPLY WITH SECITON 10.10 OF 1� CITY CHARTER. . .��( � r------� __�'_�L� Prepared by: Activity Manager D�te �i itl. �9!�/� - - � � �� -. - :� � � � � �2 / Date C7 �C � z it q � ved by. Finance Director ate • , OEPAflTMENT/OFflCFJCOUNCIL DATEINITIAT� GREEN SHEET, , � N0.6 0164 s Parks and Recreation �2_1C ` ' ���'1An �t 1 /1� .�.t.�r) 't �s CONTAGTD9LSONANDPNONE �NffULL/DAtE INfT1AlAATE John Wi►ke 266-647 7 � 1 o��e�r axecron ! � f cm couNa� �� CRYATfWWF/ J pT'CLHiK MMBHi FIXI � MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY fl011i� �e�°°ET°'"�cT°" ? FN•d'MGf.SHNICFSpfl. (DATE) _M�Y� ��ST^Nn 4 Office of Fnancial ser. Director 5 Parks TOTAL / OF SIGNATUtE PAGE �I W ALL IOCAlqNB FOR 81O11pTllliq ACf10N flEQUESf�: Approval of Adminisuative Order amending the 1997 budget of fund 365-Parks and Recreation Special Projects. ftECOMMENOATONS: Appwe W x Rejeet Htl P9MONAL SB�VbCE CONINIICTS MUBT ANHW9[ TE FOLLONMiO GU65TOli6: PUW NING COMM�S40N _�CIVIL SQiNCE COMMISSON � „ y.� �� � waked vder a euRraec fer tltis deowemnK? CIB COMMITTEE _ y� NO A STAFF � 2. Hr M's pr�aJNm wsr been s dry emdoyee7 DIS7FICT COUNCIL �'ES NO — — 3. Doet IFw Pae�R^ ���II nOt rwrmaNY P�eetl in' enY avra�t titY �MWee) SUPPOpTSNMiCHCOUNGLOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Fsddo r re..wo m�aweu awt and ae.d� m w«n.iwf. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY 1Who, Wlu[, When, WMra,lNhy1: Unexpected costs for riverfront pianning & design has caused shortages in fund available to meet current liabilities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED: There will be sufficient funds to cover expenses for balance of year. - DISADVANTAGES IF APPNOVm: ��(1C1 a �C� l.d_36L None. �1 2 2 �997 L y.. ����/ �:��K�{ DISADVANTAG6 IF NOT APPROVED: Tfie activity will show overspending. 'lOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S - O - COSTMEVBIUEWO(1Ef�(CMClEON61 Y68 NO wxa�u,sowce Parks & Rec. Soecial Proiects ncmirrxu� 13100 NANCIAL INFORMATION: fIXPlfdNt dW