227911 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK •l � )H���
RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal, under the �oning
Code, by M: .E. Prince Johnson, owner of the subject premises,
zoned in "Aaa Residence District, under said Zoning Code�
described as Lots 1� 2� 3, 4� and 5 of Deringer' s Rearrangement
of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20�Block 1 of SylvantHeights Addition to
St. Paul�Minn. and Lot 21� Block l, Sylvan Heights Addition,
according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County,
Minnesota� that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in respect
to density and land area requirements, hereby are determined
and varied, in their application to �d real estate� as and to
the extent necessary therefor, and that a permit hereby is
granted unto said appellant� and his successors in interest,
in respect of said real estate, for starting construction on
four double homes, all in accordance with plans therefor
dated Received February 1� 1g66; and that otherwise� said
appellant-permittee, and his successors in interest, shall
make due compliance with all applicable ordinances� State
statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities
having cognizance.
' Notic� is hereby given that a public "
hearing will ,oC-heid before the City
Council at 10 A.M. on March 24, 1968,
in the City Council Chamber in the
City FIall and Court Eiouse, in the mat-
- _ _ ter ot the appeal of M. E. Prince John--�• ""
�son, under Chapters 60 to gq in�lusive,.
St.Paul Le�islativz Code, Zoning Code,
for relaxation of density standards to
construct 4 double homes op Lots 1
through 5 of Derringer's Rearrang�e-
ment of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 1,
Sylvan Heights Addition, and Lot,21,
Block 1, Sylvan Heights Additlon, on
the east side of McAfee S4. between
/ " T,arpenteur and Idaho Aves. .
Dated March 9, 196B,
/^s City Clerk.
"'7 —► (March 12, 1886)
Asst. Corporation Counsel - - - - -
� 3 p �96fi
COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays Q����
Dalglish N�� 3
Holland � Approved 19—
Loss Tn FBVOL'
Meredith �
Peterson () MayOr
A gainst
--R� e�'n'—�
Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHED APR 2 1966
.� . •, . ' . * � -
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��� �. ,��i�Nf 223-�151 Room 20 CITY HALL A COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .
, ' , _ March 21, 1966 °`'
Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr.
�City Clerk � . �
Building _
, De.ar Sir: � -
- � This is written in response to the Appeal of t4. E. Prince Johnson
. to relax the density standards on property located in an "A" � �
' Residence district on the east side of McAfee Street between
- Larpenteur and Idaho Avenues, descri�ed as Lots 1, 2, 3; 4, and 5 -
of Derringer's Re-arrangement of Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20, and Lot
- 21, Block l, Sylvan Heights Addition. � . � - �
At the February 17, 1966, Board of Zoning meeting, the staff
i • reported that the property has an area of 29,910 square feet.
The property is to be divided into four lots with an area of 7,477
square feet which would be 23 square feet short of the required
7,500 square feet. The City Council granted informal approval for
this Appeal on December 22, 1965. •
It is the recommendation of th� Board that,, since the deficiency
. in area is slight and since the Council has pre�ziously granted
approval, the Appeal be granted. � .
� � , Sincerely,
_ � ' . .
. - . R. Hei e �
NRH ` • Secretary . - _
, - _ En cl. - • . . - � . • - , .
Z.F. # 5990 p , � - .". ' ' ' � � � `
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January l�-� 1g66
� �.,
. '�h' -� ' -� ;
The Honorable Mayor and ��jf/ �� �9�� r
City Council �� �,�
c�o C ity Hall �������"►"_ (1���)�I�I�'I�
Room. 386, City Hall & Court House � �,�
St. Fa,ul, Niinnesota _
Gentlem.en: S'�� `"'�'
On December 22, I appeared before the City Council to request a special permit
to start construction on four double homes on Lots l� 2, 3� �+, and 5 of
Derringer's Re-arrangement of Lots 17, 18� 19, and 20, and Lot 21, Block One,
Sylvan Heights Addition, City of St. Paul. ,
The above represents approximately 250 feet of frontage facing McAfee
Street, and the lot depths are 120 feet. This ordinari�y would divide into
four 6 2 foot lots by 120 to satis� the 7500 density code. However, upon
examining the surveyed lots, we were approximately 21 square feet short of
the required 7500 square feet. When I appeared before the City Council� this
was explained to them and I was immediate],y granted the temporary permits.
The actual distance short in each lot was on.l,y 2,�—� inches by 120 foot lot depth.
The purpose of building these duplexes is for rental. I have attached two
survey forms, one showing the lots as they appeared before we surveyed them
individua,lly, and another showing the building locations on the proposed new
lots that the density code requires.
I am. appealing the section of the ordinance in Chapter 64.03� pa,ragraph i.
Z`he grades of lots will be approximately 18 inches above the street level with
draina,ge properly taken care of.
The off-street pa,rking areas have. been drawn on the individiaal lot surveys
along with the buildings. We intend to blacktop the parking area with a future
pl.a,n of building garages.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly�
�- ��'-�_ -
� � � � � Ag � � M. E. Prince �Joh son
I�1 1I�� 1�+28 Burke Avenue
ME�T/vm u� `� St. Pau1, Minnesota 55113
FE8 � �9�� ..
� ��'�"� PLlp�N�1�lAN�1� �(�h1�t� �
.Cla}�L A ��le �lM'�ELQ��84� �p��'��� ����
113 Court House 55102
. �� _
�`''� March 11, 1966
City �lerk .
� �'ile %6Ii, PaBe 1
� You'are hereby notiYied that a publ3c hearing will be held in the
-".CouiiGil Chambers of the City Hall and Caurt House in the City of
St: �Ps,ul at 10:00 a.m. on March 2lt, 1966, on the application of
M, E. .�mr.� Johnson for appeal under the zoning code, to rela�c
density standards to construct � double homes on the following
p�operty: Lots l, 2, �, Lt and 5 of Deringerts Rearrangement of
Lots 17� 18, 19 and 20� Block 1 of Sylvan Heights Add.i�ion to St.
Paul� M3.nn and Lot 2].� B].ock 1, S`3rlvan Heights Addition. The
property is located on the east side of McAfee Street between
Larpenteur and Idaho Averrues.
For further information call at Room 20, Court Houae or phoae
Commissioner of Finance