227894 � ����J�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK� + CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL R S LUTION-GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DA� — ! Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to retain the professional services of Doctor Harold J. Paulus, professor in the Health Department of the University of Minnesota and affiliated with the United States Department of Health at the University of Minnesota, who is a recognized expert in the area of air pollution control, to evaluate the entire St. Paul Air Pollution Program, visit sampling sites and conduct periodic instruction of the program staff; be it Further Resolved, that the cost of such study shall be payable out of Public Utilities Air Pollution Control Program Fund No. 0525, in the amount of $600.00. Two-thirds of this amount will be reimbursed , to the City of St. Paul by a Federal grant. �lAR 2 919�� COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish � � 9 ���� Holland � rove 19— Loss Tn FavOr Meredith ` Peterson � MAyOr A gainst � ��� PUBLISHED APR 2 T��� Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as � DUrLICAT[IO rRIHT[R �� �� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�HCa NO �'�'� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL F�ttM IRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� p/�� Re�olved, that the Commi��iou�r of public Uti�,itiea i� h�rQby authorized Co retain tha prof�s�iotial eervic�s of Doctor Haro�.d .7. Paulu�, profes�or in the Pisal�h Dsparte�ent of �he Univ�srs�t� og Minneeota and affiliated wirh ths Unit4d 3tat�s Departa�ant of Hea3,th a�t the Ual.v�r4ity oi Minn�sota, who xa � r�cogn3s�d �xpsrt in th� area of sir pol�.ution control, to evaluaCs the Qnti.re St. PAUT Air �o�lutioa �rograsi, viait saa►pling wites �td conduct �eriodic in�truction og Che progr�m �ts£f; b� it Further Re�olvQd� that the Cost of �uch �tudy aha7,X be payable out of �'ublic Ut312ties A�.r Pollut�.otn Control Prqgram l�und �o. 0�25, iu th� amount o£ �600.00�. Z�o-thi�ds of thi• umount will be re�u�bursed to th� Citr of St. Pa�u� by a federa� grant. . �I�� 2 91966 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� Dalglish �� � 9 ���� Hollaad Approv� 19— Loss . Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyor �Q� A►g8iII9t Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� a-es