227886 ORIGINAL TO CjY CLERK a � + ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N '��U . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENE L FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE sen� i Works � Ma.rch 1966 WHEREAS� In connection with the construction of a portion of Trunk HighGray No. 35E between Farrington Street and Cedax Street, the State of Minnesota, De- paxtment� of Highways has agreed to construct a ramp (designated as Ramp S'�T-J.I.B.) to carry traffic from lane S W to John Ireland Boulevaxd and WHEREAS� The City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota have entered in- �to a cooperative construction Agreement No. 54973, State Froject No. 62g0-97� which provides under Section III for payment of a revised amount which is based � on the unit prices bid by the Statets Contractor, namely �36�g31.83; now there- fore be it _ RESOLVED, Tha.t the stnn of $36,�31.83 be paid to the Commissioner of Highwa.ys and this amount charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving �a.nd� Code 6000 an.d this same �,ind to be reimbursed from the Gapitol gpproach Bond F`und 7220. � • _ , _ _ . _ .. . - - - - -- - - . � _ P � , '' � � NIAR 2 9 ���6 COUNCILMEN ` Adopted by the Council ' 19— ., . ` Yeas ays J� • Dalglish � . � � 'Z Ca ���� � ti � � Ap oved 19— _ Holland� Lo s Tn Favo2' f ; � � Meredith . , ' Peterson / M�yOr � :� u A galIlst � ' �'""'—' � PUBLISHED APR 2 196�' ° ��Mr. President, Vavoulis ��. �, . ' lOM 6-64 " . ,. � � � ., _ DUrLICAT[TO MINT[R ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F�k��� NO , ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . COMMI�SSIONEe n� ■t0� �38�j i+�,e�• r4 �1�[8 eAT� �h; 196fi . . . . . W�AS,� I�i �aomieati08 iti'th t,l� oc�e�Ct�' nf a pbrtf.Qm Gf �k H3Bhway No. 3� bett�re� F�,�l�toa �tr�t �c']. Ced�.r St,�ti t� �te ta�' �e�o�� De— pe�rt�t ot' A�ghwr�ya•h�es ngreect to oor�trna� a �►p (d��i�t� �� R�p SW.�.J:�:B.} to a�.z�r traff3o f'ro� iar�s 3�W tt� �Toh� IPelata�d �ouler�d� and , , . , , ' , . , . . � , � , 'WAE�i �he Ci�y of 3�.3at Paa�. a�d th� St�,ats o� M�apaeeo#� h�ve ent►�r�d xn— to �. �ope'rati�s onmstraet3� �.g�es�t No. 54�9�,3f �fi,a�► Pr�jeat l�o. 6?$0•�9'!t uh#.ch prpvidee �drr Seat�.o� I�I �'or p��� ot a �eed �it�� xh3:ah iaa be�.�d on #� uni� p�ice� b�id bT t� Stadte'e Go��r�a�ors i�a� �6�831�$3, �ou �r�.• • fore be i� F�StlLl�y Thn� �s �at oir �36�,g33..83 ba p�.d ta th� Gt��e�er of H�ghw�.3ra ar�d th�!.� a�aa�� cl�.rg�d �h,o th� P��a�ae�� �otpa�terest �rnol� F�d; Code 6�30a aad �b3� ��e � to b� ��ec1 �drt � Capd.t�3. App�c3h Bomd F�ad 72�0. �'—f,4� ` NIAi� 2 919�� COUNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � �� 2 � �"'��' Holland J Approv�l 19— Los s {� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MByOr �gAinst -�osFn---� Mr. President, Vavoulis iou a�es