227875 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLl�TION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY �„�� D� �/ �-�(H�� COMMISSIONEQ ��-�^'��rt //\ C%1 DA� WHERE�S unusual conditions exist in so.me of the depart,ments of the City of Saint Paul in that exnployees are unable to work and earn a full year�s pay because of time lost due to inclement weather, and �3EREAS it would be advantageous for both the City and for its e.mployees that em�loyees so affected by incle.ment weather have an opportunity to earn and put time into a time bank to be drawn upon and used on days of i.nclement weather, and �IEREAS filie City Council passed an overtime ordi.nance, Ordi.nance No. 12854, Council File No. 220541, as an amendment to Ordinance No. 3250, effective January 1, 1965, indicating its intention to allow deviations fro.m the general overtime rules under Section 1 of said ordinance, which states in part: "to meet unusual conditions and in the case of certain seasonal employees whose�total yearly hours do not exceed 2088, upon request of the department head, a different schedule xnay be established for particular groups of exnployees with t�e approval of the Civil Service Cornnnissioner and the _ � approva.l of the Counci.l, by resolution. 'f __ therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City of Sai.nt Paul in all of its departments, for the purpose of establishi.ng a time bank for employees whose exnployment is such that they lost time because of i.ncle.ment weather, may e.mploy such e,mployees for more than eight hours a day and for more than forty hours a week in non-emergency . conditions, and that such hours worked i.n excess of eight hours a da.y or forty hours a week shall be credited to the exnployeeis time bank at a straight time basis. . Q��- . ��M � � �91y6'� FUR At'NROVED CO CILI�N � Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays qs . �rporation Counsel � 2 9 1��6 Dalglish Holland � ove 19— Loss Tn FAVOI' Meredith Peters on � �AyOr � A g83I13t ` Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBCISHED APR 2 �pf79 ioas e-ea + � DUrLICAT6 TO rRIHT[R ��['��� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa N� `u . OFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED tT COMMISSIONE� DA� WHERFAS unu�ua.l conditioas exi�� in �ome o� the dep�,rtment� of �he G3�r of Saiat Paul in tlaa.t employee� are unab�e �o wo�k and earn a ful� year�s . pay liecause of #ime Iost due to incl�ernen.t wea�he�. and WHEREAS it would be adva�.geou� for t�oth tha City �.nd for ite �mployees th�.t em�loyees so �ff�Cted by in�le�m+�rit �►eather hsve �.n opportun�ity to e�rn �nd put tim� into a time b�,nk to �ia drawn upoa and us�ad Rm da.ys af inclement r�reather. �ul W13EREAS the City Coun�ii p�.�s�ec� �.n overti.�n� ordia�.nce, O�dina,n�e Nv. lZ$54, Gouncil �ile No. .220541� a� an ameadment �o Ordiu�.tsce No. 32gd, effecti�e .J�nu�.xy 1, 196�5. iri.dica�r►g �ts iatent3on to �ow dev3.a.ti.onr from the gener�i oVQrtime r�le� unde� Saction 1 of said �rdinanc�, whieh �t�,tea in part: "to meet uriusual coadi�tiorir and in the case of certai.fn �e�.�on�. employee� w�o�e tot�.l yearly hou�■ do uot eacceed 2�88, upon raquest of the d�p�.rtmeat head� a dif��reat s��eduie m�.y be e�rtablisI�ed for pa.rt.�cul�.r groups of employe�� �.tli the app�oval of t�a Cit►il. Se�vice Gommi�sfaaer �nd the �.pproval of the Counci.l, by rA,�olut�ori.�'� . therefor�� be it ItESOLV'�I� th�t the City o� S�int Pa►ul iiuu a11 0€ it� departmeuts, for the purpose of establish�g � tfine banit for empXoyces �vboae emp�.oym.ent i,s such tl�.� they l.o�t time bec�,�tse of incTtmeat w�ather, xnay bmploy eucfi e.mploypes �ar more tha.n eight �our� a. da�r �nnd for moxe� than �orty �ioura a �vveek in. x�on,e,mergencq conditio�s, and t�.t �uch liours �orkecl ia e�cess o� bf�ht hours �. �a.y or forty haers a v�edk sha.11 be credited to th� employee'� t3�ne bank at a e�ra.ight time� bar�.�. �R 2 919�6 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �� 2 � �9't�t� Holland ApprovPd 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson � MAyOr �� A g81I18t Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e.�