227859 Oriein�l to Cits Clerk , �ORDINANCE � ����9 � , COUNCIL PILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " • approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and s af ety. - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approveld' August 20, 1914, , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding, in Section 6, imzriediately after the titles listed in Grade 59 under the heading __`_1�- ; "Subprofessional Group", the fo�lowing: / " � GRADE 68 Building Su.perintendent--Board of Education Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva.tion of the public peace, health and safety. . Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: ' '1 Service omsnissi ner APR � 219�� Yeas Councilmen Naqa Passed by the Counc>> Dalgliah Holland Loss , � Favor � Meredith, �3 S� A gainst no+o�— . � Rosen �PR � 2196� Mr. President (Vavaulis) � Approved: Attest: ����� / City C erk ` M� lnz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � � 1 PUBLISHED APR 16 1966 '� -� 1 , CIT Y CLERK � ����t'�� 1.�� 1 ,t� �o������� a�z�x��!!�� �'3��f��,�,�+� ��r. ���+�, �a���,t�d: �t��c�tx�i�������c� �x�c�'���:�� :���at����r t'�x ��rS� ����c� �.��3����'�� ���� �#' ���� �'�'�� s��ra�s� a���, �f�g��z�� �u1s�� �� �e�t����s�� �����'��y�r ���t�4�r�d ,�s.��sfi �+�� ��,��t .�� �����+Q. ��+� �� � oz�`����������a���a a��z��a��v� x�e������r��� � p���a������� �£#'�c� ������ ��►��,� ���il��+�� ����� '��� �'€��N�«��r �ea �C�� ��"�"� �� �,t���� &���� ��#� �?��,�: ��� �. '�� �����cc� ��� ����,� �����+�;d .�i+��xm�E �4�� ���.�, �� ��ea����� ��s �d �� ����s �� �����5��.sr�.�� ��xa���+� � �a���� 3�. ��t#� �s �+������� ���ns��� �i��a,� d�����:� �r��� �� ��a;��t�� ���,� l�������s���Q�� ����p��� t�o ��>��+����� ��� �� �����i�i�������'�+�������-�.'��a�c� n� l��tr���� ���.���� �. ���� ��r������ �� �.a�r+�t�����r��s+� � a�z ��o����� o�c��C+���� ���t+�r��3�e������� �aa� �����r��s��t��x� +c� I�as� ��'�1�� ������ 1���1� a�a?t �alt��� ����z� �» '���► �r������ ��.��3: �a +������ ��� 3��`a�����z� �t� �xfta� ��r� ���a.��,� ��?�►���t�, �c��u'����c�.. .�,����di �i►4F x��-�ia" �hnr'��.�a2+�3He�^.K1r.xe r�-i*�-i�s�s. •MrrNi+9au'.a �'�i������! �4��4��lk�l��l* _ �12�96� Passed by the Council �Q l (J Approved - ��121��� . � Ist � s� _ 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted— �� Yea Nays Yeas Nays �Dal lish Dalglish 9 olland olland .1. \ Loss Loss \Meredith ���� eredi+h (� `� � J Pe+erson �e�a�., ,Rasen-- Rosen Mr. President ,",u,t��'rs-- Mr. President Vavoulis �O