227858 _ � /r � � �Orip�inal to Cits Clerk ' � ��� � y ORDINANCE �,�'��� , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ' � An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ord.inance fi.xi.ng the duties and responsibi.lities � and the minimum qualifications fo� the various clas.ses of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13, 1935,- as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S1iINT P�iUL DOES ORD�IIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, , 1935, as axnended, be and the same is hereby furt7�.er amended by ' inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following specifications T��for the titles ' �- � Bacteriologist-Chemist I Bactgxiologist-Chemist LC - Tunnel L�.borer 1 V 4 , _ ` _ . -_ - _ . _ � . , . �1� Yeas Councilmen Nays � `Passed by the Council Dalglish - Holland -- Tn Favor Loss Meredith Peterson A gainst Rosen • Mr. President (Vavoulis) • Approved: Attest: '.;,, . , City Clerk 1� 1M �ZZ Form a roved Co oration Counsel B - ��"?``��'l PP I'P Y �PUBLISHED APR 16 1966 „ 'o�gl to citr c�e=� r ` � � I � ORDINANCE .. .; , � COUNCIL FILE NO. f� 'e��� f ���e PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. , Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the saxne is hereby further a.mended by striking out the specifications for th.e title "Labor Crew Leader”; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications: -5- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc�l Dalglish Holland Tn Favor Loss Meredith Petersort A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavaulis) Approved: Attest: . City Clerk �M - r IM �22 1 Form approved Corporation Counsel By (-- � A . Ori{ynBl t0 CIL9 CIC!$ � • � • � �, � � - ORDINANCE ` COUNC[L FILE NO. '��r'a � , � •�� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ✓ �� Section 3. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, a.n.d publication. � _7,. APR 1 � a,��� Yeas Councilmen Nays - - Passed by the Council Dalglieh � Holland Loss Tn Favor Meredith `� _(� Against „ ,._.___ `J ����������� Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) � � ��� Approved _ . Attest: • - � � City Clerk y Mayor iaz ,� �2z � Form approved Corporation Counsel By 16 1966 � - � �_ . ,, � • � ;�,,��!g� kf Titl� of class: BACTER�OLOG3ST-CHEMIST I � ��� Duties and responsibilities: Under sapervision, to perform professional work in the field of bacteriol.ogy and chemistry in the City Health Department Laboratory; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: � To perform bacteriological and cHemical tests of milk, water, biood� sputum and othar body fluida and discharges. To make microscopic examinations of stained slidas. ' To identify ox�ganisme responsible for pathologic conditions wit� respect to some pazticular disease. ' To isolate and determino the salient charactaristics of bacteria ' concernsd in the deterioration of foods. To make e:taminations of apecimens for Tubercle Bacillus. ` �To keep racords and make reports of laboratory tests. ' ' Niinixnuni quali£ications: .y College graduation in natural science wi�.h at least 36 qu,arter credite '�in cheinistry and 24 quarter credits in biology (at least l.8 hours ; _ of which must be ba.cteriology) or 36 quarter credits in biology ' �at le�,st 18 hours of which must be bacteriology) and 24 quarter � credits in chemistry. (No substitution for education. ) � - � - ,, �. . .� . � ;���;g�� Titl.� of class: BACTERiOLOG�ST-CHEMIST I ��� � 1 � Duties and responaibilities: Under sapervision, to perform professional work in the field of bacteriol.ogy and chemistry in the City Health Department Laboratory; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work p�rformed: � To perform bacteriological and cHemical tests of milk, water� blood� sputurn and othar body fluide and discharges. To xnalce microscopic examinations of stained slidvs. ' To identify organisms responsible for pathologic conditions with raspect to some particular disease. '' To isolate and determino the salient characteristics of bacteria ' concernecl in the deterioration of fooda. - To make e�taminations of specimens for Tubercle Bacillus. ' To keep records and make reports of ].aboratory tests. ' ' Minimuni qualifications: :y College graduation in natural science with at least 36 quarter credits '�in chorriistry and 24 quarter credits in biology (at least l.8 hours ; _ of which must be b�.cteriol.ogy) or 36 quarter credits in biology ' �at least 18 hours o# which must be bacteriology) and 24 quarter credits in chemistr�r. (No substitution for education. ) � _ � f � • � • � ! Title of class: �f����?" BACTERIOLOGIST-CHEM�ST �I Duties and responsibilities; . �'�`° Ur�der directione to have charge of the City Health Department Laboratory; and to perform re7.ated work as� assigned. Examples o£ work performede To plan and supervise the work of the laboratory staf£. . To direct and participate in the making of tests for tYae diagnoeie of disease. To make standard chemical, physica]., and microscopic examinations � of dairy and �ood products, etc. , to determine compliance with legal standards. , To determine toxicity� wholesomenesse and fitness �Eor consumption of items of food and drink. To investi�ate new procedures and to perform research in developing new methods. To work in cooperation with state and federal public health personnel in joint projects. To keep neceseary records and make reports. Minimum qualifications: � � ' College graduation in natural science and three years' expexience as a Bacteriologist°Ghemist I or equivalent, QNo substitution �or education. )__ ._ ,_ _ �. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -- - - - .. -� ��— .� � - �� � ' .�� ' i � . �� �� �.� Ti�le of class. TUNNEL LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, ta do manual wark in assisting a miner in exca�ating new tunnels; and to per£orm related work as assigned< Examples of work per�armed: To D�aul materials in ancl out of the new tunnel. To asaist in placing timbering and lining in the construction af sha£ts in sand, gravel, claya or rock. To carry tools in and out during new tunnel construction. Miizimum quali�ica�ions: Two years' experience as a Ditch Digger. -- - — .. = - ----�,--�-�----- . , � . • r � � � a Title of class: . ►�'`��T�" , ar� �'. '�•�'.' LABOR CREW LEADER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be the leader and a working member of a crew of unskilled or semi-skilled laborers; and to perform related work as assigned. Exaxnples of work performed: To work as a laborer and to ].ead a crew engaged in: � Wheeling rock and sand to a concrete mi:cer. � Wheeling rvet concrete from a mi}:er and spreading and tamping the concrete. Excavating trenches for curbs to line anc� grade. Helping in the sotting of forms for concrete cezrbs and sidewallcs to lin�s and grades. , Shovelin� hot asphalt from trucics, and placing it for asplzalt rakerg. • Cutting out old asphalt on repair «ork and loading it into trucks. Setting anc� removing forms for sewers. Dri�ring sheathing. � Laying sewer or drainage pipes. _ Preparing asphalt surfaces for repair work and appl�ing tack - - ���"''`� coatirig-material. -� � `-" �- � � _ � V `�`� ` � Doing labor work in connection with grading work on streets � and alleys and setting grade stakes. Operating water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs. Doing labof work in co�.nection with earth boring and testing. Doing street Sweeping, , Shov�eling snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel and rofuse. Spreading sand, cinders and salt. Removing snow and ice from streets and sidewalks. � Stacking or loading pipe, lumber and other supplies. Using picks� wlzeelbarr.ows and other tools as necessary. To see that tlze instru.ctio3is and orders o£ the foreman are carried out. To see that the members �£ tl�e crew work ef£iciently and safely. To rr.alce time and �ork reports and to keep record of materials used. To see that tools and e�uipment are accounted .£or. Minimum quali�icationse ' Eighth-�rade education and two years° experience as an Unskilled Laborer, or equivalent experience in the City service. `� . '�� � / I s+ 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � —.Adop+ed / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �� \ Dalglish �Dalglish G�� ``Holland �iolland Loss ����•='\�r `Loss �� � � � \ . - �Meredith �A�leredith �� � Pe+erson '�+P"°" G � .Bosen–�» `Rosen Mr. President `,=avealis r. President Vavoulis �O