227845 o�iaiN��To eirr e�seK 22'78�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�NCa NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SOLU N—GENERAL FORM 'R@S8NT8D �Y MtY�n „ March 25, 1966 COMMISSION@ DAT Tlant nf Pnhl i r .Tnrlre - .y� ` RESOLVED, That the Toni Company, owner of the subject premises, commonly designated as the Shipping Center on the north side of Prince St. adjacent to . the northeast corner of Broadway and Prince St., St. Paul, Minnesota, hereby is granted a permit, pursuant to their application therefor�', to construct a new drivewaq not to exceed 72 ft. in width, and to thereafter maintain and operate the same as so constructed, subject to said permittee's compliance with all applicable State statutes, City ordinances and rules and regulations of • " public authorities havirig cognizance�. . . r � � _ . � - � �� 196� � � � COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Da1gllsh p�n� �� 19�� . Holland ve 19— Loss � Tn ri'BVOr � . Meredith� , / / Petersoa V L 1�Yor A�a�1dt �R�esea— . _ " ', , �. President, vaoo��B �UBLISHED APR 2 196� �o� � DU►LIWT[TO rItIN7[R „ �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �2'�8� r OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OM�MIS�SIONEe •�,1t�R ��/�R DATF ��b �� 1l66 _w W �i ! i�St1LYl�. That tt� Tos�4� Ce�paOy. o�r of tb� snb�set �rMis�i� ao�oR17 dtai�t�cl as tt� ihip�i� Gnt�r c�► t� aort� •i� of Mia� �t. �d�aes�t to th� t�rthsast aorn�t of Eros�nty at�el lxiact 8t., 11t. I�adl, MiQassota, tusyby i• �rant�d a p�r�it. pu�rsaaat to th�ir ap�liaatio� th�refos�p. to cocutruot a wn 1ri�rsw� eot �o ��cc�d 72 �t. �n vt�ith, � to thersaft�r �aiata�i� an� og�rata thrr r�e as so eo�struat�d, ��ab j�ct to uid �r�ittN'� ao�lla�a� vit� all a�lias�l� �tat* stat�t��l, Cit�r �psditaa��� aa�l rc�1�i u�d r�saistions o# lnblic sntho�iti�s havin� cag�i�tsra�tt. � . � • � � - � ' ' � ' �t 2 51966 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �'�� 2 5 �g�� Holland � Appror� 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson �yOr D__ '48'81�St nca�== Mr. President, Vavoulis io�c s�