227841 - ORIGINAL T0.CITY CLBWK }� ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � : ��. � °� , OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED QY //�/ � ,�, COMMISSIONER_L�X,dQYQ� � DA� RESOL�TED, �1�at p�rs�ant to the Order of the Indust�ial Commission .filed March 2, 1966, tha� Edward M. Michel be paid the sum of $�4,500.00 out of the Worl�nen�s Compensation Account of the �eneral Fund, repreaenting payment of 100 weeks of compensation for to�al disability at tMe weekl�r �ate of $�45.00 arising oa� of his in�ury of February 22, 1965, while employed by the Departmen� of Public Safe�y, Bareau of Police; that out of aforeaaid compensation t�.e employer,. City of S�. Paul, ehall deduct axx3 ay directly to Aansen and HazeM, at�ornEya for employee, �he aum of $800.00 as and for satisfac�ion fo� all legal services rendered in� this mat�er to said employee; � FURTHER RESO�,VED, that the employer, City of St. Paul, shall pay directly to Dr. Ha,mby Rasmussen the sum of $306.00 for pro- fessional services rer�dered employee as a res�lt of said in�ury, and to employee, -the 'sum of $l�#3.�0 as reimbursemen� for medical and drug eapense iricarred arid paid by him; that when the above payments have been. made, �he liabili�y of the employer shall be te�minated. , , , F ED 'y.� �- Asst. Corporafion Counsel �IAR 2 5 ��� COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ('�� 2 5 k.��� Dalglish Holland � T prove 19_ Loss Tn F'gVOr Meredith � Peterson J Mayor a gainst � �3'°se� �. President, vaoo,��s PUBLISHED APR 2 1966 - � �o� � DUrLICATE T,Q r111NTSR " CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rIIESENTED �T COMMISSIONER �AT� R�SaLVE�D, 7'hat pur�uan� to the Order of the Indu�trial �o�.�aion �iled Marah 2, 1966, that Edward M. Mi.ahel b� paid the sun� of$�+,500.OA nut of the WBrkmen's Compen�ation �lacpunt �f �he Q�en�ral Fund, repre��r�ting payment of 100 w��ks oP compen�ation For total digabi�.ity st the xeekly rate of $�5.00 arieing out of hi� in�ury o� February 22, -1g65, while e�ploy�d b�r the Dep�rtffient pf P�blio Safety, Bureau of Poliee; that out of� aforesaid c�mp�n��,tior� the er�ploy�r, Ciicy of St. Paul, ehall ded�at ax�d pay direatlp �o Hansen and Hazen, attorneya #'or employ��, the siu� of �804.04 as and for satisfaation for all legal aervicea rendered in thia ma.tter to �aid emp],oyee; FtTRTHER RESOLVED, that the emp�.oyer, Cit� of St. Paul, �ha11 pay directly to Dr. Ramby Ra�mussen the sum of $306.00 for pro- fesaional aerviees rendered employee as a result of said in�ury, and to employee, the sum of $3.�}3,00 aa reimbursement for medical and drug eapense inaurred and paid by him; that when the above payment� have been made, the liability oP the employer �hall be term�.nat�d. � 2519�'� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �� 2 5 ���6 Holland ApproV� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson C� MRyOr A gainst =�— Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-es ,