227818 Oririnal to City Clcrk � � ORDINAI�TCE 22'���.� " COUNCIL PILE NO. c �. � � � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9249, approved March 15, 1949, entitled: "An ordi.nance establishing a Public L9orks Deposit �nd for the purpose of crediting to said fund all deposits received by the Department of Public Works and of facilitating payments • and refunds therefrom. This is an emergency ordi.nance rendered necessaxy for. the preservation of public health, peace, and , safety." as amended., This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: , Section 1. • That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 9249, approved March 15, 1949, as. amended, be and the same hereby is further amended in the following particulars. That said Section 3 reading as follows: "Every contractor receiving from said Department any plans and �specifications shall pay. a fee to be lrnown as the wPlan Deposit Fee�' as established by the Commissioner of Public Works in an amount ec�uivalent to the actual cost of their preparation. Each , successful bidder on any public improvement project under the � judisdiction of the Department shall be refunded �he full amount � of the Plan Deposit Fee paid by him for saicl project and shall be entitled to receive, without cost, such additional sets of plans as in the judgment of the Commissioner, may be reasonably required.. The Department shall refund to every unsuccessful _ bidder one-half of the Plan Deposit Fee paid by him, and the Bureau of Engineers of the Department shall be credited with the balance thereof as reimburseanent for the cost of preparation of said plans and specifications." , hereby is amended to read as follows: "Every contractor receiving from said Department any plans and specifications shall pay a fee to be known as the �'Plans and Specifications Fee�' as �established by the Commissioner of Public ; � iVorks in an amount equivalent to the actual costs of their preparation. - ' Each successful bidder shall be entitled to receive, without cost,- such additional sets of plans as in the judgment of the Commissioner, may be reasonably required. All Fees collected for plans and � ' specifications shall be credited to Engineers Fund, Code 0201 thereof as reimbursement for the cost of preparation of said plans and speci.fications." . Sedion 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an em�rgency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health . and saf ety. _ ! Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. • � ��R 12 �96� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� IDalglish< � Holland q � Loss � �,�,� Tn Favor ,:" ' � ,��� O � a� Rosen -a,ainst + • ' �� �, � ���� Mr. President (Vav is) . , ' Approved: Attest: . /� , . , City Clerk � � Mayor lez s-82 �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By • � • � � , pu � APR �.�1�66� Dupllcate to Prtnter � , �. ORDINANCE �2'����� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � An ordinance amend3ng Ordinance No. 9249, approved March 15, 1949, entitled: "An ordinance establishing a Public Works Deposi� �nd for the purpose of crediting to Said fund all deposits receiv� by the Degartment of Public iYorks and of £acilitating payments and refunds therefrom. Tliis is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public health, peace, and saf ety." . as amended, This is an esnergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TI-� CITY OF SAINT PAllL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Thst Sect3.on 3 of Ordinance No. 9249, approved March 15, 1949, as amended, be and trie same hereby is further amended in the following particulars. That said Section 3 rea.ding as follows: "Bvery contractor receiving £rom said Depaxtment any plans and specifications shall pay a fee to be known as the "Plan Dep�sit Fea" as established by the Co�mr►issioner of Public Works in an amount ec{uivalent to the actual cost of their preparation. Each successful bidder on any public improvement project under the judisdiction of the Aepartment shall be refunded �he full amount o£ the Plan Deposit Fee pa.id by him for said project and shall be entitled to xeceive, without cost, such additional sets of plans as in the judgment o£ the Cammissioner, may be reasonably rec�ired. The Depart�ent shall refund to evsry unsuccessful bidder one-h�lf of the Plan Deposit Fee paid by him, and the Bureau of Engineers of the Department shall be credited with the balance thereof as ref.mbursement for the cost of preparation of said plans and specifications." hereby is amended to read as follows: "Every contractor receiving from said Department any plans and specifications shall pay a fee to be lrnown as the "Plans and Specifications Fee" as established by the Commissioner of Public Works in an amount equivalent to the actual costs of their preparation. Each suecessful bidder shall be entitled to receive, withaut cost, such additional sets of plans as in the judgment of the Commissioner, may be reasonabl.y rec{uirecl. All Fees collected for plans and specifications shall be credited to Engineers fi�nd, Code 0201 thareof as reimbursement for the cost of prepaxation o£ said plans and specifications." Sec�ion 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the �blic peace, health and safe�y. Section 3. This ordinance sh�ll take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval a� gublication. APR 1 2 1966 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co c>> Dalglish Holland 2�j����i� Loss lt Favor �14e�r�iaso$ p�n �: A gainat Rosen � �R 12 Lg�'� Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �ri s-sz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By ---. I s+ � � 2nd ' � � Laid over to � 3rd and app —Adopted �� , � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �`Dalglish Dalglish olland �-lolland \ ` Loss Loss �.Meredith—' �vleredith ,���� � � � -�- -��.. .R�serr— / Rosen / r. Presiden+ Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis �O