227814 . , , �
O�ina! to�City Clerk � ' }
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�. � ORDINA� NCE ;,�����
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PRESENTED BY I"�lton Rosen ORDINANCE NO. ✓ � / �
An or.dinance authorizing the. issuance of a permit to the Fisher
Real Estate, Inc., 2327 Wycliff St. to construct, maintain and repair
footings below the public sidewalk area, which will extend into Wycliff
St., a maximum distance of 5 feet 7 inches from Bradford St. to 260 feet
westerly in connection with the proposed five�story addition to be
located on the Wycliff St. property line. This is an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace� health and
safety. -
The Council of the City of Saint Faul. Does Ordain:
- That upon compliance with the conditions hereinafter set out, the
� Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to issue a permit to the Fisher
Real Estate, Inc., to construct, maintain and repair footings below the
public sidewalk which will extend into Wycliff St. a maximum distance of
� 5 feet 7 inches adjacent to and para�lel to the north property line of
Wycliff St. from Bradford St, to �260 feet westerly. The conditions are
as follows: '
(1) Permittee shall f ile plans and specifications for said footings
with the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner �of Parks and
Recreation and Fublic Buildings� which shall be satisfactory to them, and
said footings shall be constructed in accordance with said plans �and �
. specifications. He shall execute and deliver to the City of Saint Paul
a surety company bond for each separate piece of property, in the sum of _,
, Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to indemnify and save the /
City of Saint Paul harmless- from all damages, judgments, losses,' cI'aims, (
� suits,, or liabilities of every lcind arising or growing out of the construction, '
maintenance, operation or removal of the footings, the said bond to remain �
in .force and effect as long as the same or any part thereof are maintained, ,_t
(2) Said permittee shall require that its contractor shall procure and
maintain in effect throughout the complete period of construction wherein -
permittee or its contractor or contractors are making excavations or carrying
out any of the operations within the public streets of the City of Saint Paul
a contract of comprehensive protectiye public liability insurance for and on
, behalf of himself and the City of Saint Paul as co-insured� s to protect the
City and the contractor or contractors from claims for damages for bodily
injuries including accidental death, as well as from claims for -p�operty
damages which may arise from operations under the contract including coverage
for damages caused by blasting or explosion, damage to underground facilities
of any k�ind, and from every other source or nature, whether such operations be
by the contractor or by any sub•contractor or anyone directly or indirectly
employed by them. The minimum amounts of such public liability.insurance shall
be as follows: Bodily injury insurance, including death, in an amount of not
less than $250,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death
, of one person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in a total amount
of not. less than $500,000 on account of any one' accident; property damage
insurance in an amount of not less than 5150.000 for all d9m9QQ * ^r
� .
OriCinnl t4Clty Clerk •i ` .
'r ..- • .I� .
' COUNCIL FILE NO. �����^�
(2) (con't) - destruction of property in any one accident and subject
to that limit for any one accident, further subject to a limit of not less
than $200,000 for all damages to or destruction of property during the policy
period. A duplicate copy of the policy or contract of insurance issued to the
contractor, subject to approval as to form by the Corporation Counsel of the
City of Saint Paul shall be filed with the City of Saint Paul prior to
commencement of work permitted hereunder� and permittee shall carry out no
work purauant to the permit hereby granted in the absence of such policy
of insurance being in effect.
(3) Permittee shall restore said sidewalk area to its original
condition after such installation of said footings, and if the purpose for
whieh said footings is constructed ceases to exist, the permittee shall� at
the request of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, at its own cost
remove such footings and restore the subject sidewalk area to approximately
its original state or condition.
_ This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance
rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and
� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage,
approval and publication.
o.. �.,�PR 12196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish ,
' ` Holland _
/ Loss O � Tn Favor
�� A�lorti�nso�-�'�.�i���i��
Ee�er-sor� '�'' d Against
` " Rosen �
Mr. President (Vavoulis) '
Attest• - f - APProved: � � ��6�
. City C erk � � yor
inz s-ez �zfz - Form approved Corporation Coun'sel By �
! � �� PR ,f 6196�.
� � ,
Ist , �.. . -' � 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app���—Adopted— a-✓
Yeas Nays Yeas I l� Nays
�Qal lish �Dalglish
olland olland
\Loss �����Loss
\Meredith �Meredi+h G
Peterson U �rPeterstim
� �osen— Rosen
Mr. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis