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° FINAL ORDER . . _ �aUNG`IL FILE N0. '.r
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' ' File No S'�4 Z3
In the Matter of r�coAStruc�3ng t3� �ide'et�lk Rric1 re��BCe w,1'h.�� ixit�egrr�tl curb��sidewalk
on �he e��t efds t�f �'tirest .$�. Pra� E: �7th Stree� to Reaney Av'�. �d by doing a�l o�her work
which 3s neceesary arid �lnci.dent.al to cos�gl�f� sai�. �.mprov�em�n�:
. ,
under Preliminary Order ����5 approve� �'e���Y 9, 1966
Intermediary Order approved
A public hearing having been had upon, the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement ta be made by the sa.id Gity is
to recanatruc� the �idewalk, aad repa.ac�.v�tYy, in�gxa7. �wcb�si4ewslk c�n the eaet, side'
oP Foreat St. fr�a E. 7th. Street to Reaney Ave. au& by doing +�11 ot�iler work which ie
nec��sary and i.nc�.denf,a�: to com�let,e $a�.d im,�ra;veme�x;tt.
� � . _ _ _ _. ,. �. - • '
a - . • • •
and the Council hereby orders said iinprovement to be made. �
RESOLVED FURTIi�R, That the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the .proiper city officials are hereby authqrized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ther.ewith.
caurTCn,MErr � � 2 2196�
Adopted by he Council
Yeas Nays ` �,R 2� ���
�-iolland Appro
, �lleredith Favor `
,1?eterscn � Mayor
ye�o���.� Aga�gt 2 61966
6-ss 2n� s�,� N-i -
� .
_--`� - Dist. No. 3 ' � �
: E.S. Forest St. - E. 7th. St. to Reaney Ave. ��3
Feb. 14th. 1966
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le tVo. 227205
approved_ Feb. 9th. 19 66 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk
and replaceinst with intef�ral curb-sidewalk on the east side of Forest St. from B. 7th.
St. to Reanev Ave. and bv doins� all other work which is necessarp and incidental to
coarolete said i.mvrovement.
and. having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby
reports: � �`
1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 10.00 uer lin. ft. for 5" mono. inteQral
eLrb-sidewalk 10 ft wide. Extra work (excav fill reinf conc. rem'd driveway
cro��ingg� block work� etc ) at extra coat.
2. A plan� profile o �?s�c3e4t�h�61.o; said improvement is hereto attached
and made a par °�hereFo�iB. lgs6 fC'�
� �
3. Initiated by t � C�CE�s���er;v� f Public Works
�'1: C rc�
4, Improvement i s ��ker��N'��upo���' pe ti ti on g
� ��'GL EicB� �'y'L
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. � � �
� C mmissioner of Public Works