227761 C11tIGINAL TO CITY CLEYiK • �• A /��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�t: a e ��' �• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �_ � � �RESENTED EY � y����. DATF March 16, 1966 COMMISSIONEt � RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of • the Comptroller, to purchase from RIIFFRII}GE-JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. one nec� 1966 Koehring Model 50 Mud Jack complete and moant�d on Pneumatic Tired Wheels, with accessories at a cost of $5995.00 without advertisement or competitive bids pursuant to Section 290 • of the Charter 'of the City of St. Paul as this is patented equipment. Code 12.�� PW � • Jose�n J. Mit�i�ell Appr SF�orm: � Approved: "ty CoFnpf�oller . ��a v' Assistant poration Counsel Comptroller �'`�'��' �"`��"e1` _ G4��!�� -- � . . chasing Age 6�AR 18196� � COUNCILIV�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish A roved (�� � � la�� 19— Hollaad pp Loss � � Tn Favor � Meredith Peterson (� MSyor :�e�e$ A88iIlst Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBL1SHED �AR 2,6 196� ions ae� D�JrLICAT[TO PRINTLIL 22�'��1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI01�UNCIL NO : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM CO�ISS ONEe DArE �![..`�f Z_Fi_ 14FiFi �SQLt�BD, ?hat the Purchasing Agent be and he is hershq authorissd �ith the consent of the Co�troller, to puschas�s from '&UFI�RIDG�*J4�NSOH EQIIIPl�BNT �CQ,� INC. ane ne�► l.9b5 �oehriag Mocttl 50 M�d �ack co�lets aad �ated on Pn�ee�tic Tised Whs�ls, tri�h u,c��soriss at a cort o� �5995.00 aithout a�vartisaa�ent or cv�p�ti�iv� bida pursua,nt to Sactiaa 290 oi� ths t���r of tb� Citq of St. �aul aa thia ia pat�nted aquip�ent. Co�a 12Q0�80&� Pii �� � �d�s �r��� Joseprt J. Mi�chell ' .�}� �FLigitfOii�r sistmti ratioa Ccyuaassl Co�troi �r '��;,:`+�jT CQL'ilU�,��,iie� cha�ing Agent NI�R 181966 COUNCILIu�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �� 1 $ l���j Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith /� Peterson `--� �SyOr A gainSt {—R,�-- Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-e: