227756 1 � ORIGINAL TOyCITY CLHHK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO C U , IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �R�re�eY COM M I SSI O N E DATF BE IT �/ y Tha n cordance with Ordinance No. 10725, Conncil File No. 17607 , appr d January 20, 1956, as amended by Ordinance PTo. 11709, Council File . �g633�+, approved Apr3.l 12, 1960, the annual sewer ma.intenance charges to be made in 1966 against the follawing co�ercial, industrial, and resident3.a1 properties other than si.ngle a.nd two-fami],y dwellings, wh3.ch are loca-�ed in the Village of St. Anthor�y and which are connected to the St. Paul Sewer System, be and hereby are determined to be the amounts set opposite the location of the connectio�s as follows: ADDRESS USE AMOUIVT 3001 37th Ave., N. E. Service Station $15.84 3�5 E. 37th Ave., N. E. Drive-In 11.84 3501-03-05 & 07 37th Ave., N.E. Apar�;ments �+�+.�+0 35�9-3529 37�h Ave., N. E. Apartments- 102.1+8 3531-33-35 & 37 37�h Ave., N.E. Apartments - �+4.�+U 3605-07-09 37�h Ave., N. E,. . Apartments 23�+.g6 3611-13 & 15 37th Ave., N. E. Apartments . . 234.96 25� 39th Ave. N. E. OffYce Bldg. 150.72 3200 Diamond Cour� Apartments 107.20 , 3201 Diamond Court Apartments 107.20 3208 Diamond Court AparL�nents 107.20 3209 Diamond Court Apartments 107.20 3216 Diamond Court Apartments 107.20 3217 Diamond Court Apartments 1]2.28 322�+ Diamond Court Apartments 107.92 COIJNCILh�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas '� Nays � Dalglish Holland _ Approved 19— Loss Tn �'8VOP Meredith Pete rs on MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e.as ORIGINAL TC�CITY CLHRK � � j' / f�� �-� ' ,,_� CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNCa �-d r a -- � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF ' � Page 2. ADDRESS IISE AMOUN`r 3225 Diamond Court Apartments $112.28 3720 Foss Road Apartments 110.�+0 3728 Foss Road Apaxtments �-�•� 3800 Foss $oad Apartments 110.40 3716 Macalester Drive, N. E. 8ub-Station �2•� 3720 Macalester Drive Office and Warehouse 7�•2�+ 3800 Macalester Drive Apartmen�s 169.604` 3808 Macalester Drive Apartments 169.60 3820 Macalester Drive, N. E. apartmsnts 199•52 Apache Plaza Shopping Center 3,370•72 3701 Stinson Blvd., 1V. E. Store ' S1�•72 3725 Stinson Blvd.� N. E. Car Wash �6•� MAR 1 � 196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays_ � Dalglish � 1 � ��� " - Holland � A proved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on (� MRyOr A gainst �asae--• Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBL1SHED �IiAR �� 196 iont a-as